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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Weakness Please help

Dear doctors I started masterbating when I'm 14 years old now I am 19 years old and I have stopped masterbating but my main problem is the effects of over masterbating.I'm in deep depression because of these problems.I think I'm unable for mrriagenow but still I have a hope from you that you will solve my problem.Please doctors for God sake help me and solve my problems.My problems are
1)Very weak erection and that erection lasts for only 20-35 seconds.
2)Excessive nightfall just after 1 night without some erection
3)Sometimes pain in testis
4)Very very low sperms count and motility
5)Too much body weakness.I became very thin and have no body fitness
6)Too much hair loss and my front scalp is appearable now and I've lost my lot of hairs and also too much hair loss from eye lids and eye brows
7)Sounds in joints of all parts of body like tik tik
8)I often got up in night early after sleeping for just 2-3 hours.I didn't complete my sleeping time.
9)My look becomes like old people
10)Very low intercourse time I ejaculate in just 15-20 seconds even when I have no erection
11)Very low concentration on studies and very weak memory even I forget a little thing very early.
Doctors start my treatment if you think all of my these problems will be solved.
First try to solve problem no 2,11 and 10.I'm so worried about excessive nightfall,early ejaculation and low sperms count and memory loss.
Not just write medicine name but give me your reply in detail
I shall be very thankful to you.
Waiting for your early reply
[message edited by HamzaMehmood1 on Sun, 02 Feb 2014 02:04:56 GMT]
[message edited by HamzaMehmood1 on Sun, 02 Feb 2014 02:28:17 GMT]
  HamzaMehmood1 on 2014-02-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- Dr. Mohla advised you on your other thread to take
Selenium 30c ( not 200c) and do that 3 times a day for
15 days. 2 drops in two tablespoons of water or 8 pills.

Dr. Mohla is one of the few real homeopaths on this forum
with many years experience.

Your problems take time and you need to go step
by step and be patient and trust the Doctor.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 02 Feb 2014 04:11:40 GMT]
simone717 last decade
Selenium 30c before or after lunch dinner or breakfast ???
HamzaMehmood1 last decade
Take it either half hour before or after breakfast, lunch and
simone717 last decade
Dear I'm under treatment by Dr.Mohl but will you please tell how I will increase my sperms count as I have a lot of nightfall and im feeling week andbecome thin
So tell me some way to increase sperms count
simone717 last decade
bump up
simone717 last decade
I'm taking medicines as per ur advise but not seeing any improvement.
But I have low sperms count as whenever I wear pants it seams like that I m too much old and my testies are also not round they are egg like shape
HamzaMehmood1 last decade
Have you had a dr. test the sperm?

Have you ever seen a homeopath in person?
simone717 last decade
Avena sativa Q 10 drops in 4 table spoon of water three times one hour after every meal for one month
akshaymohl last decade
I'm taking your medicines but still nightfall is not happening it happened once every night I'm becoming weak day by day
HamzaMehmood1 last decade
You are taking avena aativa or not .pl inform .
akshaymohl last decade
Yes I'm taking this
HamzaMehmood1 last decade
Arg met 30 three times daily for 7daya along with avena sativa
akshaymohl last decade

please have a look at this thread
HamzaMehmood1 last decade
HamzaMehmood1 last decade
Hi Hamza,

If hair loss is from stress, weakness as you get stronger it will stop.- Again
please put all problems on this thread- Dr Mohla looks at ALL of your
issues, do not make posts separate.

Dr. Mohla- his hair loss description is on http:/www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/417543
simone717 last decade

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