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tooth decay in 3 1/2 year old boy

Dear Dr,

My son , who is three and half years has been developing cavities between his teeth. As of now , he has 3 cavities. Also, he has black color on his 3 teeth ( molars )and it appears that they are decaying. He is very fond of chocolates and has a big appetite for that. Although, I have cut down the same but he craves for sweets and chocolates. He is 104 cms tall, playful and at times get angry fast. He also gets offensive with her 12 year old sibling very easily. His weight is around 21 kgs. I had taken him recently to a dentist , who also observed wrong chewing habits due to which his upper teeth are inside and lower teeth on closed jaw. However, he said that as he grows, his milk teeth will come out and the new ones should be fine.

Please can you look into it and advise accordingly.


  venus0743 on 2014-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
give him calc carb 30, 5 pills three times a day.

feed back after 7 days
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear Mr. Anuj ,

Many thanks for the remedy.

I will update you on that.

venus0743 last decade
Dear Anuj ,

I have started the dosage and would like to advise you that one of the molar teeth has a hole now and the dentist has advised to get the RCT done.

What should i do ?

venus0743 last decade
RCT for a small boy?

give him the medicines and when you feel that the decay has stopped get the filling done.RCT will be unbearable for him.

give feed backs every 4 days.

you can supplement the dosage with calc flour 6x,2 tablets three times a day.

anuj srivastava last decade
Dear Anuj ,

I was of course surprised as you are with RCT.I will get calc fluor 6x as well. But how and when can i see the results?
Of late he has started putting his hand also in his mouth may be due to this decay. He had four cavities and i have got them filled but this one is big decay with a hole and the dentist has refused to fill it because it is very sensitive and my son does not get it done peacefully.

venus0743 last decade
can you get hold of the lowest potency of hacla lava . i prefer mother tincture,but if it is not there any thing upto 30 potency can be purchased.three to four drops on cotton soaked in water can be applied frequently to the teeth ,it will aid in reviving the decayed tooth.

in addition continue the other medicines also

no time frame for improvement can be stipulated.

anuj srivastava last decade
Hi ,

Can you please also advise any medicine as he has severe pain in his affected teeth , which is quite unbearable for him.


venus0743 last decade
try belladona 3o, three pills three times a day and calc phos 6x,3 tabs three times a day .you can start the second medicine right now and bell can be given as the pain sets in.
anuj srivastava last decade
Dear Venus,

Don't know where you are, but for a child this young, in usa
and other places, one goes to a pediatric dentist. They
give the little ones, general anesthesia, to do the work.

If he needed a root canal and this is still going on-

1. One tooth can start causing referred pain in all the other teeth.

2. The nerves are dying and much infection goes on with this
process. Homeopathy cannot restore dying nerves.

3. When the nerves finally die, then there is no good root
of the tooth. The tooth will rot and fall out.

4. So delaying this RCT is only going to keep pain and infection
going and he will lose the tooth in the end.

5.Besides all the pain etc, the body has to continually fight
off the infection process which leads to low energy and
inability to fend off other illness.

I myself have needed root canals done as a child ( due to injury)
and before anyone figured out what was wrong, I spent months
up half the night with unbearable pain. With the root canals,
the pain was gone in a day.

Take care,

simone717 last decade
Hi simone,

Thanks for your advise and I am based in India.

I took my son to the dentist ( not paeditric dentist )fee months ago when i wrote the post and he advised rct.

I didn't go ahead with it because i was concerned about the pain which he would have to beat. He is fond of sweets , cakes etc due to which his teeth are decaying.

Few days ago he had severe pain in his teeth and i gave him the calc flour and it subsided later.

Do you suggest me to take him to paed dentist or you think that decaying can be stopped by any homeo med.


venus0743 last decade
Hi Venus,

If it were my child, I would go to a pediatric
dentist and make a plan. He might have to
have the tooth with the hole extracted and a
spacer put in there to prevent crowding when
the adult teeth come in.

He might have to have one extraction and several
deep fillings. The damage has to be taken care of,
it is continuing and the remedies and cell salts
are not doing the needed job here.

The pediatric dentist knows how to handle this,
probably thru the general anesthesia and it can
be done in one go.

After that, he needs to brush and floss and not
have anything after he brushes at night.

After this is done, he can have his case taken
on his overall, and the desire for sweets etc would
be a factor in this. And he can continue cell salts
if needed to prevent further damage.

----------Here is a little excerpt from a pediatric dental site---- Extraction is necessary when the decay is so widespread that it cannot be repaired with either a filling or a cap (crown).
Extraction of a baby tooth may be unavoidable when the decay has led to infection and the formation of an abscess at the end of the root.
This infection could be very painful and could affect the growth of the permanent tooth below.

6. Can the extraction of baby teeth lead to problems?

The extraction of baby teeth, especially back teeth, allows adjacent teeth to drift into the empty space.
The narrowing of this space may affect the normal eruption of the permanent teeth which will replace them.
The movement of the adjacent teeth into the space can result in crowding of the permanent teeth, with the subsequent need to have them straightened.
However a space-maintainer can be fitted by the dentist to prevent the drifting of teeth.
Always consult your dentist if a baby or child’s tooth is injured.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone ,

Many thanks for your advise, will follow the same and lets see what the dentist says.

Apart from the above issue, I wanted to check a remedy for his bed wetting habits. He is 4+ now and he still bedwets. I mean he doesnt get up at night saying that he wants to pee. Instead he pees in the bed in his sleep and wouldnt even bother to get up knowing that he is wet. He generally takes milk before going to bed. I use to make him wear diapers till a month ago but since then , I or my wife gets up at night few times and make him go to the loo to pee. He gets up and does that without any problem but if we fail to get up then he pees in the bed. I have tried by not giving him milk before sleeping but in vain.

Can you suggest some remedy as well. He is otherwise very active and intelligent.

Regards ,

venus0743 last decade
Hi Venus,

He should never have milk before bed, or even
water with sugar in it -the milk has natural sugar
in it and stays on the teeth making them decay.

For the bedwetting, I will have questions for you


simone717 last decade
Hi Venus,

Lets start out with a cell salt-

Kali Phos 6x. Give him 2 tabs an hour or so before lunch
and another 2 tabs an hour before dinner. You can dissolve the
tab in a teaspoon of water if you need to do this.

See what that does. He is in too deep of a sleep and the
signals to urinate are not registering strong enough.
The Kali Phos helps with nerve connections and is used for
bedwetting at night. Let me know after 4 days of trying this.

I would suggest you also buy this book-"Seven Steps to Nightime Dryness." You can get it used on Amazon for one
cent-the shipping is $5 to India and anywhere else.

The book is about using an alarm properly to have success
with the bedwetting. Very good reviews on success with
this- written by a nurse practitioner.


[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:10:42 GMT]
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone ,

Thanks for getting back.

I have ordered the book " Seven Steps to Nighttime Dryness " from Amazon India ( it was also available there but a new one ). Also , I will start with Kali phos 6 x as advised. I also want to check that should I wake him up as usual in the night for peeing ? This is how I am doing currently in order to avoid him bedwetting at night or day because mostly he sleeps in day as well.


venus0743 last decade
Hi Venus, ( wake him as usual
the first two nights on Kali Phos, then do not wake him on
the 3rd and 4th night and see
what happens.)

Please answer:

1. What time does he go to sleep?

2.What time or times do you wake him up?

3.If you wake him up, then is he dry the whole
night then?

4.I am confused about -"sleeps in the day as well"

Are you meaning naps?

When does he sleep during the day?
For how long?
And does he wet in the day as well?

5. If you do not wake him at night-how long can
he sleep before wetting the bed-

Same question for the daytime ----


[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 03 Jan 2015 07:43:58 GMT]
simone717 last decade
1. What time does he go to sleep? He sleeps around 11 pm

2.What time or times do you wake him up? We wake him up after 2-3 hours

3. If you wake him up, then is he dry the whole
night then? Mostly he is dry but at times he gets wet

4.I am confused about -"sleeps in the day as well"

Are you meaning naps? Yes , mostly , he takes afternoon naps as well

When does he sleep during the day? There is no particular time as such but generally 3-4 pm.
For how long? Around 2 hours

And does he wet in the day as
well? Sometimes , but it is mostly at night. So we ensure that he pees before going to bed before nap and at night.

5. If you do not wake him at night-how long can
he sleep before wetting the bed- If we dont make him pee the he sleeps for around 1-2 hours and if he pees before sleep then he sleeps for 3 hours without wetting the bed.


venus0743 last decade
Hi simone ,

Please find the answers above.


venus0743 last decade
Thanks Venus-

Please try the Kali phos first and then we
can go into more details from the answers
if needed.
simone717 last decade
Sure , i will let you know.


venus0743 last decade
Hi Simone ,

I gave him kalo phos as advised and in the third and fourth day i didnt wake him up at night to pee. On the 3rd night , he didnt not bedwet at all during his sleep and i woke him up only at 7 am to pee. On the 4th night , he indeed bedwet at 4 am and after that he didnt pee.

Please advise how to proceed further.

Many thanks

venus0743 last decade
Hi Simone ,

Pls can you advise on the above.

venus0743 last decade
Hi Venus,

Please change the timing of the Kali phos.

Give him the dose after lunch and the second
dose right before he goes to bed. Do not wake
him up and report in a couple more days how
that works.
simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
I have been giving him the dosage as advised by you and there is a remarkable difference. He has not been bed wetting so often now except for few instances. Overall , I would say there is a 80% improvement. Please advise further course of treatment ?

venus0743 last decade
Keep up the same dosing for another week and
then report again-

If he starts to have new things go on- like being
nervous or irritated, stop dosing and let me know.


simone717 last decade

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