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Erectile Dysfunction



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dear mani jee,

i have stopped damiana q for the last few days as you said. my depression state has been better i think. but i feel directionless. that might be another problem to address. but my depression state is not severe like when i started this thread.

my morning erection on the other hand is misterious i would say. when i first used Damiana Q, the next few mornings it was excellent. but with time it faded out even when i was having damaina q and eventually i had no erection. but the last two mornings i had some erection. this morning again i did not have any. from today i was planning to start damiana q again.

[message edited by morshed on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 02:45:12 BST]
morshed last decade
ok, you might continue with damiana q.

mani_jee last decade
dear mani jee,

i am again taking DAMIANA Q from yesterday. i took THREE DOSES yesterday and the psychological 'BREATH CLOTTING' like feeling has again arrived. but i think DAMIANA Q at least gave me some energy. i could not do any work for the last few days. today i feel more energetic than last few days after taking DAMIANA Q yesterday. though today i did not have MORNING ERECTION. i think i better take two doses each day from today as you suggested before. i will inform you of my conditions. thank you.Best Regards
[message edited by morshed on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:57:42 BST]
morshed last decade
dear mani jee,

i think the breath problem is not psychological. its killing me right now. could you suggest what i should do now. Regards,
morshed last decade
dear mani jee,

i have stopped damiana q because i dont know what to do. the severe problem is gone, though i sill feel some irritation in my heart and little respiratory problem. i have to take deep breaths every now and then.i really cant be calm, feeling agile. really not liking anything in the world. i am waiting to hear from you.

morshed last decade
Damiana Q don't and should not create such problem. You must go for a complete medical check up.

Stop damiana completely.

mani_jee last decade
thank you mani jee for your reply.

i did not face the problem so severely before taking damiana q. should i check what happens two doses a day? it would be great if i got relieved of the depression feeling and ED. these are really abstaining me of my regular life. do you have any other homeopathic suggestion for me?

morshed last decade
I wont advice you taking further doses of damiana q, knowing that it had severe reaction.

Did you had asthma problem in the past?

For the time being dont take any remedy. Let staph complete its work.

mani_jee last decade
i dont have a history of asthma. in my family my maternal grandfather suffered from asthma. seven years ago, my mother suffered from acute depression which lasted for four years. she eventually came out of it.

morshed last decade
dear mani jee,

i found a questionnaire in your account. i thought it might be helpful, so i filled it up and sharing below:

1. Mental State of the patient:

I am generally a very mild person. I almost dont take anger on others. I also dont feel any hatred for others at all. There are some aspacts of my behavior that i am not consistent with. Like, i am known as a talented person where i belong to. i love to make and think creatively or always looking for alternatives. but my recent unwillingness to work and study have stopped me doing so. in general i also was supposed to be a competetive man. but for the last one year, i am lost. it had happened also previously but had gone with time. i always want to do good for people. i am introvert person, but i also have a leadership quality. i also want to add that i am an emotional person and i get depressed quite easily, though temporally.

2. Physical Ailments :

I am 5'10''. In my childhood i have suffered from anemia. so it is definite that i also suffered from malnutrituion. i had frequent severe favors in my childhood. but these problems are gone. I also remember that i had severe pain in joints of hands and legs. i still face these things rarely, not upto that level of severity. from my childhood, i have also seen sores in my mouth. almost four years ago i was prescribed Natrum Mur and it worked pretty well. before that i had many sores in my mouth and very frequently. i have hairfall problem since i was 17 years old. i have lost my hair of front within the age of 20/21. i have been shaving my whole head from age 21. now i am 23. i had used minoxidil (5%), when i was 19 years old. i had used it for almost a year. so i was 20 yrs old when i last used minoxidil. but i have been suffering from ED from those minoxidil times. i have never had sex, only morning erection gives me the notation. i almost dont have morning erection from then. from recent medication i have seen some improvement specially after using damiana q. from my mustarbation experience, i also want to report PE. i want to add that my family has no hairfall history at all.

3. The likely cause for above problems :

i have already described the reason of ED. i dont know exactly the reasons of depression, but i want to share some of my experiences. i have previously told that i get easily depressed, but those are temporal. i have experienced first long term depression when i was 17 years old. that longed for some months and only reason behind that was a break from my school and friends for a long time. when the school started, i was again alright. the next long term depression i felt, i was 18-19 years old. i was facing hairfall problem, which was very unusual at that age. I tried number of things homeopathy, alopathy, ayurvedi. nothing worked but i survived the depression and it was spontaneous. now for the last year i am facing again the depression. this time i have no reason. i just dont have any particular reason. i can rather cite some features of my depression. when i wake in the morning i really fight to face the world. i really dont want to take thee daily routine. i would prefer rather in home. when i am at work, i just dont have any intention for work. Nights aggravate the problem. it feels like that my heart or head secretes something in my body that tells me not to work. in my depression state, i also dont want to make any social contact at all. i switch off my phone and dont visit facebook at all.

4. The modalities like whether the patient feels well or worse in hot weather, cold weather etc., he is relieved by / worsenened by hot applications, cold applications etc.

i generally sweat a lot. so hot weather i am not comfortable of at all. but i dont think weather has particularly any effect on my problems.

Sex: Male Age: 23

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings. (i have described many a things already. i will repeat things i necessary)

1. Describe your main suffering?

my main problems are: hairfall, ED, PE, depression. I have tried many homeopathic remedies for hairfall and ended in vein. Right now i want to get relieved of ED and depression. i dont have morning erection regularly and during mustarbation i think i face PE. i have never had sex. recently after using damiana q my ED situation probably has imroved a bit but PE has not.
Depression state has put me out of the world. I really don’t want to take challenges, not even meet people. I switch off my phone and don’t even enter facebook at all. I don’t want to keep the reponsibilities. i know i have to meet them. but my mind makes me lazy. there is a constant feeling in my heart, that is not very comfortable at all. when i take deep breathe, it helps me a bit.

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?

other physical sufferings are : hairfall, pain in hand-leg joints, mouth sore, bad stomach. i wear glasses for the last nine years. i was told that i have cataract which is not growing.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?

i dont have too much mental sufferings about ED. i believe homeopathy can solve it. but still with all these in my life, i cannot walk with all these problem. and depression is itself the biggest suffering. even only depression could be resolved, i will be very happy. i think then i can take down the other problems one by one.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?

i am unmarried and dont have sex. so i cannot tell about ED. but about depression, it does not get worse usually. what happens is when i have works to do, it takes all my spirit to do that job.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?

i have hairfall problem since i was 17 years old. i have lost my hair of front within the age of 20/21. i have been shaving my whole head from age 21. now i am 23. i had used minoxidil (5%), when i was 19 years old. i had used it for almost a year. so i was 20 yrs old when i last used minoxidil. but i have been suffering from ED from those minoxidil times.

i have experienced first long term depression when i was 17 years old. that longed for some months and only reason behind that was a break from my school and friends for a long time. when the school started, i was again alright. the next long term depression i felt, i was 18-19 years old. i was facing hairfall problem, which was very unusual at that age. I tried number of things homeopathy, alopathy, ayurvedi. nothing worked but i survived the depression and it was spontaneous. now for the last year i am facing again the depression. this time i have no reason. one more thing is that my mother suffered from serious depression for four years which started almost seven years ago. she has survived.

6. Which time of the day you are worst?

i think in the morning, when i just wake of the bed thinking the jobs to do. when the night comes, it gets worse.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

i cant remember specific things that aggravate or ameliorate the sufferings.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

i dont think so.

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?

i dont feel comfortable in too hot or too cold weather at all. moderate temperature with wind really what i like. i dont remember these situations have any effect from weather. but when i was not in my depression state, i feared that winter will take me into this depression state.

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.

I am very much mild. i almost never get angry with people i know. i am generally lazy, emotional person. i am not arguing but i believe in constructive criticism. i am also a logistic person. i am in general a bit introvert person, but i also love to meet people when i am out of this state.

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?

i cant remember any particular feeling. in fact probably i like when it happens.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?

nope, i dont like. actually i never share my tough things. but i like to talk to someone but not about my tough times.

- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?

not too much. just like general people, i like the good ones and hate the bad ones.

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless weeping, talking to one self etc?

no, but i always think of something. it is mostly how i want to be in my life. i mostly imagine how some specific people i want to praise me are praising me in my back. when i was at a very early age, (i cant remember the age) something very different happened. i was a lonely child though i played with other children but at home i was alone. i talked to an imaginative character whom i thought my wife. i dont know when i got rid of it. i only talked to that character when i was alone.

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

i love my friends and family. not married. but i am generally someone who will love to die for his lover. probably i have exaggerated myself quite a lot. but i really blindly love the special person of my life. i am the only child of my family. as i have passed most of my time with my mother, i feel about her more than i do for my father. i really care about my friends, but during my tough times i dont miss them. just like i am not in touch with my best friends for a long time in this depression state. i have heard that when i was two years old, once my father was out of home for one or two months. when he returned i did not recognize him.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
i dont think so, but i think of my good moments when i was successful.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?

i like spicy food. i also like sweets as desserts. i dont have too much crave or aversion for any food.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

my thirst is excessive

14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

my hunger is normal

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

no, i dont remember my body having problem with any normal food.

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

i sweat a lot. my head sweats more.

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

it was generally good. but for the last some years due to my food habit it is suffering a bit.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

I sleep alright. i like to sleep everything scatterd on my bed. i always sleep on my stomach, probably called freefaller and one knee bent, mostly the left one.

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

i am not married, dont have a girlfriend. sometimes i really have an urge for meeting sexual desire. otherwise i dont have any constant feeling about it.

20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?

i am simultaneously mild person, moderately smart person, can lead people easily, can make good friends. one important think is that i like to hear people. i am not sure whether i am different from others or not. i might have some behaviors or virtues which all along might not be present in one person.

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

for ED i have looked for some homepathic medications. i once visisted a local homepathic practitioner. he gives the medicine without names and he does not disclose it. so dont know the names. it did not have any substantial effect. but once i took arnica 6c for some time. it had effect temporarily but no long term ones. my recently taken damiana q had also temporal excellent results, but seems that those are not long term.

22. What major diseases are running in your family?

my close family does not have any major disease. my mother once suffered from depression. my grandfather is suffering from a disease which not permitted in this forum. my paternal grandmother also died of the same disease, though of different type.

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance

i am 5'10'' , i shave my head continuously. i wear glasses. i dont know how to describe myself. in front of people i might be very calm and shy, sometimes very smart, funny and leaderly. it depends on the people i am with and my mood.
morshed last decade
Please give detail about your fears and phobias.

mani_jee last decade
i dont have any kind of specific fears actually. in fact i am a bit of adventurous person though too lazy. but i like to do things those are moderately dangerous. for example, climbing slippery hill without any experience. i have moderate fear for ghosts just like a normal man. i cannot swim but dont bother much to jump in a pond. i think of my death, but it cannot be stated as phobia. but i feel anxious about jobs to do, which is the fruit of my depression state. i am actually not a feared person. in fact i want to tell the truth in front of people. i feel really sorry about the deeds i have done wrong even if nobody knows about them, so nobody can accuse me of.

i am feeling better today than the previous days. calm as i must say

[message edited by morshed on Fri, 25 Apr 2014 13:15:46 BST]
morshed last decade
dear mani jee,

i have forgot one thing. i have some lipoma (not in big size) in my body. Regards
morshed last decade
OK, wait a few days more and then report back.

mani_jee last decade
dear mani jee,

i forgot to point out some more of my problems. i have dry skin, specially my lips. they need moisturiser or petroleum gel even in the most humid summer. another of my problem is when i brush my teeth, blood comes out from the skins between the teeth. in my childhood i can remember my skin, if slightly scratched or wounded grew pus there, that is, easily infected.

if i look into the whole things: 'teeth skin blood, dry skin, hairfall, bone joints pain, easy infections of skin in childhood ' - can all these lead to deficiency of Vitamin C? but my food habit do possess vegetables and fruits. i found on web that vitamin C deficiency can cause depression. i thought these information could be useful.

my present conditions are good in case of depression. i feel better now. though in the morning and the evening i have to struggle a bit. but with time my mind gets calm. last day i had morning erection but today i didnt. hope you are doing well.

morshed last decade
You are getting better day by day, so need not to worry too much, infact you should be a happy man dear :-).

mani_jee last decade
dear mani jee,

yes, i am getting better day by day and i am really happy about that :). i am really grateful to you. i just wished that all the problems would have vanished. whatever things have to be worked with patience, that i can understand. thanks a lot for your help!

morshed last decade
dear mani jee,

hope you are doing well. from this evening, i am having that breathing problem. it is not extremely severe but i am fighting wit it. this things make me extremely restless. i have done little yoga and exercise. these things help for some time. but after that it begins again. i have told you that things get worse in the morning and evening. this morning it was not that bad.

morshed last decade
Give me some details on the breathing issue.

Has that happend before? I mean before using the medicine?

Also give full details, how it feels? What time it aggravates etc

mani_jee last decade
before taking this medicine, when i felt depressed i used to take deep breaths. that relaxed me. but this is completely different. it makes me completely restless and extremely excited, specially my heart. it feels like my heart is not happy with the available breathes and oxygen, it wants more oxygen. i feel if i could run so that my heart could suck all the oxygen, it would rest for some moment. and one important thing is that i feel very hungry and crave for hot and spicy food. it mostly happens after evening. every evening i take a cup of tea. this probably takes place after that cup of tea when it happens. i am planning not to take tea from tomorrow. even when i am writing this message, my fingers are running like mad horse and hence shaking a bit. i shake my legs during this time. but this feeling gives me a notion that i want to conquer the world. i cannot concentrate in single work. i just roam around from one work to other and feel very unhappy if works take time to get finished. i am passing my time at home, so cannot tell how i would behave towards other people.

morshed last decade
dear mani jee,

this morning i am having again that problem, not at its extreme form though. i need to take deep breaths to feed my heart. one another thing is that i feel little dizzy, specially after sitting and doing something for a long time

morshed last decade

It might be nux v causing it, which was prescribed 1 dose but erroneously you continued it for complete 1 week daily dose.

Please take a cup of coffee and see how things are and report back in 1 day.

mani_jee last decade
dear mani jee,

i am really sorry that i mistook your advice. i will take a cup of coffee today and report you back tomorrow.

morshed last decade
dear mani jee,

last day i took a cup of coffee,though the cup was almost a jar. i am really feeling good today. i might have a slight touch of that problem about breathing, just taking long breaths. but it is really much more comfortable. but my stomach is feeling warm. hope you are doing well. and waiting for your advice.

morshed last decade
Ok, that nice. I believe that it was nux which was causing distress.

Give it a 2-3 days more, without taking any further remedies and/or coffee and update me.

mani_jee last decade
dear mani jee,

its been three days since i took coffee. firstly these three days i had good morning erection. and i feel better. i feel more happy than before, and i can work better. my 'depression' feeling did not bother me, although this noon i had that feeling only for just some little time. but still i dont feel the energy i used to have before. this is the most important thing i miss i guess because of depression. but i have been feeling better now. i am really grateful to you for this situation. but i am really afraid that i would get back to that depression state. hopefully you are doing well.

morshed last decade

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