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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Left eye ptosis and latent rigth eye ptosis

I hope you can help me, i am 35 years old, since 8 months ago or so, some nights i have left eye upper eyelid ptosis and only at the end of the day on the days it happens. I always wake up with my eyes normal and somedays the stay normal all day.

I went to see an oculoplastic surgeon who told me i have left eye very mild ptosis and latent ptosis on the right eye that will show if i get surgically repaired the left one.

Do you think there is some homeopatic remmedy that could help me?

Thanks and best regards
  Pablita on 2014-03-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, there are remedies that could help you.

Please describe what other ailments do you have?

In general, what makes you worse and what makes you better?

What was happening in your life 8 months ago when you first noticed this problem?
rishimba last decade

I have ovarian cists but since many years ago, i had depressions on an off since years ago as well, sometimes i get skin rushes and i have allergy on spring time too, i am normally very nervious and easily get angry but i guess those are personallity traits of mine.

I asked my mom and she said not very often but she thinks first time she saw my eye ptosis was 3 years ago, but as it was very rarely happening she though i was provably tired.
I feel tired and aphatic many times too.

8 months ago i broke up with my boyfriend what make me angry depressed and feeling that all was bad in my life and i was getting old and could never be happy or get the things i wanted out of life because i was not young enough anymore. Gave me a lot of anxiety and i became a bit obssesed thinking all those thoughs all the time. And very jealouse and scared he would find someone else. ( normally i am very jealous anyway)

Thinking back 3 years ago by the time my mom says she noticed the ptosis for first time, i was living a similar situation whith another ex boyfriend.
Pablita last decade
Your remedy is GELSEMIUM 200C.

Take two doses on a single day first thing in the morning, each dose at half hour interval. After taking the second dose, go to sleep for another hour so that you don't end up taking any food or drinks within an hour.

one dose would be 3 drops with some 10 ml of water.

You can come back here after 15 days and share your observations.
rishimba last decade
Thank you very much for your kind help. I will report in 15 days
Pablita last decade
I have been advised for an homeopatic trestment for fibrosis above lip sue silicon inyection 18 years ago as well. Can i do the treatment for the fibrosisat the same time as this one? Is apis mell what i am going to take for the ptosis
Pablita last decade
Please work with one person at a time and let them know all
of your problems.

[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:55:26 GMT]
simone717 last decade
Ok thanks. I posted here in this forum in two different posts my two problems and 2 different doctors responded. Do you think i should post in this thread the other problem as well? Or make a different thread with the 2 problems?
Pablita last decade
Pick one person and let the other person know who you are
going to work with.
simone717 last decade
Doctor Rishimba,
I made the mistake of posting another problem i had on another thread, i will post it here for you to know, and see what i can take for this other problem as well.
I had a silicone lip inyection done on my lips 18 years ago.
I got a severe fibrotic reaction, underwent sugery to remove as much silicone as possible but was impossible to remove all. I still have a severe fibrosis on the part bellow the nose and above the upper lip ( in the place men have a moustache).

I know is a fibrotic reaction because i got durin this years a corticoid called kenalog inyections and when i get the inyections that area gets well and the swollen goes done, but as soon as the effect of the corticoid is gone the fibrosis comes back and that are get swallen again.

Thanks so much
Pablita last decade
without using medical names, just tell me your suffering above your upper lip. Is it swollen, painful, inflamed red or numb etc.
rishimba last decade
It is swollen and a bit hard if tou touch it
Pablita last decade
I forgot to tell you another ailment about my eyelid that my mom is telling me now, the left eyelid where i het the ptosis has thinnes out a lot the skin is very thin like i loss the fat under the skin and sometimes creates an extra crease but only sometimes.
Pablita last decade
Since your ptosis problem is somehow linked with changes in mental states, I guess GELSEMIUM covers the etiology of your problem. Try it as I have told you and if you see partial response, you may repeat it once a week in 200C potency.

The swelling of the lip seems to be having a different etiology. If it gets better with gelsemium, its fine or else we will see its modalities and try to treat it. Presently, I am not getting a remedy better than gelsemium which covers both the problems you have stated with matching modalities.
rishimba last decade
Ok thank you very much.

Should i take the gelsenium on da 1 and dont take anything on the next 15 days?
Or should i take the gelsenium every day for 15 days?
Pablita last decade
I went to the pharmacy and they sat the gelsenium 200 ch is only sold on pill form in my country, that any laboratorie here had it on liquid.

Should i take it on pills form?
Pablita last decade
Please take 2 doses on a single day, each dose 1/2 hours apart. Don't take it everyday.

Wait and watch your response in the next few days. Report to me the same.

Pill form can be taken by placing one or two pills under the tongue and letting it dissolve by itself. Don't bite, crush or swallow the pills.

Take the pills in empty stomach and clean mouth. Don't have any food or water one hour before or after taking the pills.
[message edited by rishimba on Thu, 27 Mar 2014 07:46:17 GMT]
rishimba last decade
Thanks so much, i will do that
Pablita last decade

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