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Silicea: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Diatomaceous Earth and Silica For Bartholin Cyst

Hi all!

So I have had the same bartholin cyst for 7 years! Since I was 17. The one I have has never burst/drain, I have never had any pain with it, its just there on the left side of my vagina and although it doesn't bother me I want it gone!

I have read a lot of people here using Silcia so I looked it up and it seemed legit until I read this article. I tried posting the link but I got message saying I am not yet allowed to post external urls.

The article pretty much called Silica supplements a fraud that can cause kidney failure, heart attacks, and even the big C (which for some reason I cant use the whole word?). I was wiling to try Silica but now that article has me freaked out! Kidney failure? Heart attack? no thanks! I have also heard of using Diatomaceous Earth. I saw one poster saying it works better than silica and it gets rid of the parasites that apparently cause bartholin cysts. I just want some peoples opinions on what to do here. I want to here success stories about people who have overcame a bartholin cyst using homeopathy.

Thanks guys!
  Soakette on 2014-04-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Alright there are a couple of misconceptions here.

First, the homoeopathic medicine called Silicea is not the same as the supplements, not at all or in any way. Our medicines are processed in such a way as to make them completely safe. In fact if you have anything from 12c upwards there is no longer any physical substance left in them, it is merely the imprint of it left in the water (which according to our experience is more powerful).

Secondly, our remedies do not work like other kinds of medicines. You cannot simply name your condition ie. cysts and take a medicine for it. Every remedy is given to any particular patient based on a full assessment of the individual and peculiar characteristics of that person's disease. This means any one of the THOUSANDS of medicines at our disposal could cure a specific patient with such a cyst.

Silicea will only work for Silicea patients. If the patient is a Sulphur one then that remedy will cure their cysts, if they are a Sepia patient then this is the remedy which will cure. You are not able to take a remedy that might possible have cured another patient and expect it to cure you. Your case needs to be assessed individually.
Evocationer last decade
Thanks for the information.

I was wondering how do you know who the Silicea, Sulphur or sepia patients are? I commented in the 'Silicea for Bartholin gland cyst' forum, filled out the questionnaire and Dr.Khan responded back that I should take Calc Fluor 6x, 4 tablets, 3 times a day, for 1 week. What does that do? and how can you diagnose me without seeing me in person?

I am just curious as to how this all works as I am new to homeopathy medicine. Also can I buy it over the counter?
Soakette last decade
We take a case, gathering all sorts of symptoms, feelings, expressions, issues, problems, diseases. All of these things together form a picture, and we match that picture to the picture of the remedy.

One of the main, and most important, principles of homoeopathy is that of Individuation - finding what is unique in that patient's experience of the named condition. This is why any condition or disease could be cured by any one of our medicines, since what is peculiar and unusual in the remedy is not the name of their disease but all the odd little characteristics that make them different from other people with the same condition.

It is in fact quite difficult to prescribe over an internet forum like this, and it is much less successful than face-to-face prescribing. Often you miss important details that can only be drawn out by seeing/hearing/touching/smelling the patient. Using the written word in itself can be quite tricky too, as patients will often edit what they say, or copy information from our own books or other people's cases.

Different practitioners may use different methods to overcome this problem. Some may not try to get this individuality at all but simply prescribe a medicine that has some reputation for the problem (one of the supposed 'cyst' remedies). Some may ask questions that lead to only a particular set of commonly used remedies (the polycrests). Others may get you to fill in questionnaires with varying degrees of detail to try and bring out this unique picture.

I actually run a face-to-face clinic in Australia, and that would always be my preference, but there are a lot of people who have little or no access to homoeopaths, or no money to access one. Thus a forum like this becomes necessary.
Evocationer last decade

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