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Cell Salt dosage difference

Are cell salts more effective at a particular dosage, say 6c versus 30c? I've noticed within the Hyland brand they seem to be all at the 6x dosage
  Kellen on 2014-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is not a cell salt when it is made to 30c - then it is a homoeopathic remedy. Cell salts are not potentized they are only triturated, so they do not come in higher potencies, and are not made in the centesimal (C) potencies.

The reason for this is that the are not prescribed on the basis of the kinds of symptoms we typically use ie. generals and mentals, but more on specific local symptoms or broad physiological ones. This means that the higher potencies will not do what the cell salt prescriber is intending for them to do. Higher potencies also tend to have deeper and more widespread effects, so they should be used carefully (and according to standard homoeopathic principles).
Evocationer last decade
Thank you, that makes sense
Kellen last decade
actually, 'evocationer' a follow-up to what you were saying before about the difference between a cell salt and a 30c...take for example Natrum Muriticum (sodium chloride) as a cell salt I would be taking it almost similar to a 'supplement', or at least a somewhat similar approach. What would be a typical reason or symptom for someone to take a 30c dosage. You said that the 30c would not what the 6x cell salt would intend to do... is there any correlation between the two? Or is that the differences, the categorical differences between the two make the two different dosages altogether completely different medicines and in no way could the 30c medication be altered to serve similar purposes as the 6x cell salt. I'm asking this because I bought a couple Boiron 30c medicines (nat mur, and kali phos) but I was mistaken to buy them and I should have bought the 6x form/dilution... so is there any way I can still use the 30c dilution to serve as a cell salt, and its purposes? (ie... should I just chalk it up to a wasted purchase and lesson learned?)
Kellen last decade
The principles behind prescribing a cell salt and a homoeopathic remedy are different, so you would not really be using Nat-mur 30c for the same reasons you would a cell salt 6x. Once you create a potency as high as 30c, it is in effect a different substance, producing different symptoms (therefore curing them). However, there will be some similarities, mainly in the physical realm. Using a 30c only for those, while it might be partially effective, will also likely bring about a variety of other symptoms which are linked to the higher potency level. 30c goes much deeper, and is much stronger. You could not use it daily as you would a 6x without side effects, and you would expect it to produce those effects in a much broader range of spheres (mental, emotional, general).

I don't think it is necessarily wasted. Nat-mur can be used as an acute remedy for various things, so you could need it one day. However, you cannot replace the tissue salt potencies with it, not safely.
Evocationer last decade

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