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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

13 month old boy CURED of Baby GERD in less than 2 weeks.

I am copying a statement by the mother of a 13 month old boy who seems to have been cured of his Baby GERD in less than 2 weeks after many months of suffering from GERD which was treated with Prevacid and Zantac, both of which seemed effective for a few days but made the condition even worse, immediately after.

I am sharing this post with mothers who may have babies suffering from GERD who are desperate for a cure. It is my hope that other advisors on this Forum will consider replacing the classical remedies they were taught to use in college with Nat Phos 6x which as many are aware, is a Biochemic Cell Salt which works in a manner that is difficult to understand, but which does work very positively to CURE GERD.

I am adding the notes of Dr Schuessler who first recorded the unusual properties of Nat Phos 6x and 11 other Cell Salts which are recognised today as having some unusual properties which are largely unknown or not accepted by classical Homeopaths and which I would like others to know and use as I have done for over 2 Decades, ever since I started to use them myself and to prescribe for suffering humanity, although I am 85 years of age and am not a professional Homeopath.


'My son is 13 months old and is Prevacid free thanks to Mr. De Livera’s therapy “Joepathy”. My son was first diagnosed with “silent” acid reflux around 6 weeks old. He began gagging in his sleep so we took him to the Children’s ER. We were told to elevate his crib and hold him upright for 30 minutes after nursing. He continued to gag in his sleep and breathing problems ensued. The second ER trip, they gave me diet restrictions and provided us with a “danny sling” to keep our son more upright during sleep. A few days later my son was screaming in pain for hours and the only thing that would console him was breastmilk but each time I nursed him, he would be screaming again 30 minutes later. Again, we went to the ER and this time they had us stay for more testing which confirmed the reflux. My son was given Zantac which seemed to help for a while then his symptoms returned. We tried chiropractic and acupuncture but it didn’t help. We were severely sleep deprived and desperate by the time we saw a pediatric GI specialist who recommended Prevacid which he began using at 4 months old. We tried weaning him from Prevacid around 9 months with no success. At 12 months, we were determined to have him off of it. We began this by giving him half his normal dose. He did well for 2 weeks, then he began showing reflux symptoms again. This is when I consulted Mr. De Livera for his therapy. We started the Nat Phos 6x and I stopped the Prevacid. He did well the first couple days and then he seemed to still be suffering from reflux symptoms. I also believe he was having acid rebound which can happen when stopping the PPI medication. I continued Mr. De Livera’s therapy and in less than two weeks my son’s reflux symptoms were gone. It’s been almost a month and he is still symptom free. Thank God! We are very grateful for Mr. De Livera’s help. I only wish I had known about this therapy from the beginning. It works and anyone who's had a child with reflux needs to know about it! '

I would like to add that Nat Phos 6x is best taken immediately after a meal and the dosage depends on the intensity of the ailment. 2 tablets usually suffice but in the case of Chronic GERD the Adult patient may increase the dosage to a maximum of 6 tablets after a meal although 2-4 usually work to alleviate the uncomfortable burning sensation which has sometimes been diagnosed as a Heart Attack, when the patient is rushed to the ER.

Nat Phos 6x seems to work by stimulating Peristalsis as the patient who is suffering from severe discomfort and burning after a meal suddenly feels relieved after taking the dose of Nat Phos 6x (3-6 tablets) in the short space of about 10 minutes.

The bonus that can be enjoyed by the regular use of Nat Phos 6x is the reduction of weight by 1kg per WEEK and this may be of interest to those who have tried other means of weight reduction unsuccessfully.

Nat Phos 6x is absolutely safe in use even over long periods and can be safely used to CURE all cases of GERD.

Dr Wilhelm D Schuessler
Natrium Phosphoricum 6x

Sodium and Phosphate ions are to be found in our body in the muscle, nerve and brain cells, in the blood corpuscles and in the tissue fluids. Nat Phos splits the lactic acid, which is produced by the work of muscles into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the sodium phosphate and brought to the lungs where it is eliminated in the process of breathing. If sodium phosphate is lacking, there results an excess of lactic acid and consequently a sour taste, heart burn, sour stools, vomiting of sour, caseous matter, particularly in babies who are overfed with sugar and milk. If lactic acid reaches the lymphatic glands, the albumin of the lymph glands coagulates and the gland begins to swell. In the initial stages of swelling of the lymphatic glands therefore, Nat Phos has a healing effect because it can split lactic acid. Nat Phos further assures that the uric acid of the blood which is formed by the splitting up of the albuminous substance is kept in solution and secreted by the kidneys. Should this not be the case, uric acid will be deposited in the joints. The sequels are Rheumatism. Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. In the Gall, Nat Phos saponifies the fatty acids which have been consumed with the food. It is hence indicated against digestive disturbances resulting from excessive consumption of fat.
  Joe De Livera on 2014-05-20
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