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Extremely high blood pressure

My mom is 48 years old and around two years back she had a full hysterectomy(because of uterine fibroids which weighed 4 kilos in weight). Before the hysterectomy, her pressure, sugar level were normal except for hemoglobin level which was very low, probably because of the fibroids. Now, her hemoglobin is normal. Immediately after the operation she had UTI for a few months. After the operation nothing was normal. She had very high SGPT(which after a long 1 year battle seems a little normal), then her sugar went up and we cut down on her food and we have been successful in controlling her sugar level without any meds. It's been 5 months since she started going for a morning walk. And the worst of all, her blood pressure increased a lot, to the point that sometimes we had to take her to the hospital. She is currently on repace 25. We have replaced a lot of medicines and increased the dose too. She has cut down on meat, fried food, salt and eats quite a healthy diet(except occasionally). About 2 months back when I realized her pressure would never go down from 140/100 even when she was on her prescribed allopathic meds, I decided to look out for ayurvedic meds and since then she started taking divya mukta vati( baba ramdev's meds from patanjali)twice a day(2 tabs 2 times a day before meal) and jamun karela juice after meals. Additionally, she takes garlic cloves, papaya, green tea, aloe vera, fenugreek water, watermelons, lots of veggies, ginger tea, divya arjun kwath, divya hridayaamrit vati(from patanjali),roasted watermelon seeds, hibiscus tea, and milk+turmeric+saffron before bed. After taking mukta vati for the first few days her pressure went down significantly to 130/90.We were very happy with the results but after 2/3 days, her pressure again increased. 3 days back it was 190/110. Her pressure always fluctuates around 190-150/110-90. I got very scared and bought sarpagandha tablets from ayurvedic shop yesterday. Since yesterday, she's taking sarpagandha 2 tabs twice a day before meal. Yesterday her pressure was 150/100 and today it is 145/105. Earlier when her BP would go up, she used to complain of extreme headache to the point of not being able to move her neck. But, lately strangely she does not have such headaches but she always feels drowsy and lethargic and says she feels sleepy all day and her eyes feels very heavy. She forgets a lot these days. I fear she's suffering from memory loss as well. She used to be very good at remembering things till few months back. She does not have thyroid problem. Why si mukta vati not working? Am I giving her something that I should not? Should I stop ayurvedic meds and increase her allopathic meds after consulting with the doctor? What should I do? Is her pressure not decreasing because ayurvedic medicines takes a long time to show its effects? I am very worried and feel very helpless. I was told that brahmi(Indian pennywort), keshraj/bhringraj(trailing eclipta), sankhapushpi, cow's urine, jatamashi, wheatgrass juice are good in reducing blood pressure so I brought all of those but I do not want to experiment anything that could harm her on my mom without proper guidance. Different people say different things but nothing seems to work. I need a proper guidance from an experienced person so I am writing to you with a heavy heart hoping that I get some proper guidance and suggestion. I am very worried and cannot see my mom in such pain. Please help me:(
  anjana07 on 2014-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Will analyze and come back.
Zady101 last decade
Pls fill this out. Make sure u provide answers in detail under each question.
Zady101 last decade

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