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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema on Hands

I have had a chronic case of eczema on my right hand on the pinky finger, mostly on the palm side for years and have tried many different creams to help, but with no avail. So now I am looking to homepathy for help, but not quite sure where to start. A new patch has just erupted on my left hand at the ring finger, it is blistered, oozing and red right now. The eczema on my right hand is extremely dry, scaly and itchy at this time. Any suggestions for treatment would be appreciated as I am not quite sure where to start.
  rowleez on 2005-11-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please continue graphitis 0/2 i.e 50milimul scale potency i..e. mixed with 1/2 cup of water and take 2 spoon only rest of the water through. daily one dose early in the morning empty stomach that will cure this problem but do not use external medicine. please contact to your local doctor about this disease
deoshlok last decade

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