The ABC Homeopathy Forum
repeated fever in my children
both my daughters aged 3 and 5 years are suffering since last month from repeated bouts of fever and cough.the cough which starts off triggered by nothing specified leads to even vomiting in these children sometimes especially the younger child.they have been put on allopathic medicine for vomiting and fever(paracetamol with mefanimic acid) which has also led to occasional loose motions.they have also been dewormed.please.the fever may also be viral but my doc has told me that its mainly because of their bad throats which leads to fever.they however do not have any chest congestion.their diet gets affected during this fever.the elder child has also complained of earache in one ear which i of course connected to the bad throat.please suggest some medicene which can control their coughing and throat infection so that the fever also stops.andy_65_in on 2014-06-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please describe both of them differently.
Tell their names first of all so that I could differentiate:)
Tell me how each of them behaves during fever?
Does he play does he keep sleeping, he is dull irritated crying???
Also describe their nature as a child, how they are different from each other?
Also describe the chemistry between both brothers?
Dr. Yogesh
Please describe both of them differently.
Tell their names first of all so that I could differentiate:)
Tell me how each of them behaves during fever?
Does he play does he keep sleeping, he is dull irritated crying???
Also describe their nature as a child, how they are different from each other?
Also describe the chemistry between both brothers?
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
dr yogesh they are sisters,the elder one arunima is bright and active but slightly underweight whereas the younger antara is less active.both have some anaemia problems also as suggested by our paedretiricain today.they are frugal eaters.during fever both become dull and irritated.however both sisterss bond well with each other.i am looking for medicene which will cure them of throat irritation and cough .
[message edited by andy_65_in on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 17:14:49 BST]
[message edited by andy_65_in on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 17:17:48 BST]
[message edited by andy_65_in on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 17:14:49 BST]
[message edited by andy_65_in on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 17:17:48 BST]
andy_65_in last decade
Yes I know you want to know the medicine for their throats.
but we homeopaths want to know the person. How the person is different from the other.
Arunima is active and antara is less active.
During fever both are dull and irritated....
Both bond with each other well..
thats it!!!
ok if you feel i'm bothering you with useless questions then give both of them 2-3 drops of Calcarea Carb 30C dilution in half a cup of water this is to be taken in the morning. repeat such doses for three days only then stop .
report back in 8 days
Dr. Yogesh
Yes I know you want to know the medicine for their throats.
but we homeopaths want to know the person. How the person is different from the other.
Arunima is active and antara is less active.
During fever both are dull and irritated....
Both bond with each other well..
thats it!!!
ok if you feel i'm bothering you with useless questions then give both of them 2-3 drops of Calcarea Carb 30C dilution in half a cup of water this is to be taken in the morning. repeat such doses for three days only then stop .
report back in 8 days
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
2-3 drops of Calcarea Carb 30C dilution in half a cup of water this is to be taken in the morning. repeat such doses for three days only then stop .
Report back in 8 days
this I have posted in the earlier post please read properly
Dr. Yogesh
Report back in 8 days
this I have posted in the earlier post please read properly
Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
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