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Prostate Local Discharge

Dear Doctor,Myself Sanjay 45 years married with 2 kids from India,I have prostate leakage disease from last almost 23 years,Many times i have been examined by doctors and send samples of urine and semen for tests,But every report was normal,I am healthy 5'10' tall,80 kgs,Pure vegetarian. I have observed that when i am in stress i felt Local discharge from my penis,Whenever i am angry i got local discharged, And even after a minor thought for sex or talking with any girl/women it discharging,and very early semen discharge at the time of sex with my wife,I had never went outside for any type of physical relation with any other woman/Girl,But I am very upset with this prostate local discharge,And took Ayurvedic medicine for 4 months,But there is no any improvement... Due to this prooblem i am unable to meditate or concentrate or perform in Puja etc.. Please help me..
  sanjay_punjabi on 2014-06-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Awaiting for reply.
sanjay_punjabi last decade
Any pain burning during urination or semen dis charge.Any salty or sweet food habits abnormal
akshaymohl last decade
Dear sir,there is no any pain or burning at urine time,I like a little extra salt in meals, Sometimes eat sweet after dinner,And very early discharge at the time of sex. I am very emotional and aggressive too.

sanjay_punjabi last decade
You finish all work in a hurry speedy way.
akshaymohl last decade
I am,not sure for this,Yes but i am a systematic person, Have principles,in my life, I always wish that everybody should follow my instructions.
sanjay_punjabi last decade
Staphysagaria 200 one dose evening time for 5days.
akshaymohl last decade

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