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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

7-year-old cat after surgery

My 7-year-old cat swallowed a needle and thread (my brother had used and let them on a night-table) on Nov. 9 afternoon. In the evening she had a stomach surgery. The veterinarian said she has a small kidney that doesn´t work. The other one works not perfectly. So she looks fat. There´s a tiny stick draining "toxic fat" out of her belly. She must go to the veterinarian every evening and has refused to eat her cat food and drink water. We have fed her with Nestlé baby food (soup) through syringes. She hates it, but she can´t burn that toxic fat at all or she will die. She has used to eat only her cat food since she was a kitten.
She has stitches on her abdobminal region, and is pretty traumatized. She used to love being touched and caressed. Now she cringes when we are by her. Any help would be appreciated, since she´s my faithful, faveourite companion.
Thank you so much.
  aidacrc on 2005-11-21
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