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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Evocationer can you help? Brain Fag and Hair Loss-Remedy?

This is for my husband. Whenever he reads or studies, within 10 mins he starts yawning, rubbing his eyes and eventually tries to find distractions to avoid it. Although he may have plenty of time initially, by his avoiding it, it Then will be a mad rush to finish it in time and he feels stressed. It slows him down and frustrates him a lot as he has much paperwork as a small business owner. He does not appear to have learning problems, is well spoken and reads fluently and well. It is unusual for him as he is a very self regulated/motivated and conscientious person by nature. His hair has started to thin as well which bothers him. He is 34. He would love to find a remedy to help with these.
[message edited by wwnaturo on Mon, 14 Jul 2014 00:44:04 BST]
  wwnaturo on 2014-07-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL give him
1. Acid Phos-200 (200c) 6 pills twice a day for 15 days and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
bump up
wwnaturo last decade
Alright let me post an extensive list of questions for him to answer. It is important that he answers them, although I am happy for you to add in your own observations. Make sure if you do that it is clear from whom each bit of information has come.


In homoeopathy, prescription is based on precise details of various symptoms from which you suffer. To tell or write to a homoeopathic physician 'I have a headache ', ' an eruption ' or “a cough” would not be enough. If you inform him 'I have headache with sharp shooting pains in the left side of the head and temple, these pains always come on when the slightest cold air strikes the head. I feel better by pressing the head very hard.” Then only you have given all the information required for making a good homoeopathic prescription. The success of the prescription depends; largely on how detailed your description of the symptoms is.
We require the following details about your symptoms.

LOCATION: Please give the exact location of sensation, pain or eruption. Also describe where the pain or sensation spreads.

SENSATION: Express the type of sensation or the pain that you get in your own words however simple or funny it may seem. You may have a sensation that a mouse is crawling or the heart was grasped by an iron hand or you may have a pain that is cutting, burning jerking, pressing. Express the sensation or pain as it feels to you. Try to explain the whole sensation in the exact way it is happening and not just the word. We need to understand the whole process of the sensation as it is happening to you.


Many factors are likely to influence your complaint. Some factors may intensify it and some factors may relieve the trouble. A detailed list of the factors is given at the end. Please refer it while describing each of your troubles and indicate which factors make the complaint better or worse.

DISCHARGES: You may have a discharge from nose, ears, mouth, eyes, ulcers, fistula, eruptions on skin, private parts, etc. Please describe your discharge in detail including colour, consistency, appearance, odour etc.

1] Your Complaint:

(Use your own words as far as possible, but if you have recognized or diagnosed the condition, give this information also.) By answering as many of these questions as fully as possible, you are helping me to understand what your body and unconscious mind is conveying. This can help me find a remedy for you.)
• What is your complaint?
• When did the complaint begin?
• Where is it located?
• What sort of sensations (and emotions) do you associate with it?
When does it tend to occur (time/day)
• Does anything make it better or worse?
• How does it bother you? How is it coming in way of your day-to-day life?
• How does it feel like to have this/these problem/s?
• What is the effect of this/these problem/s on you?
• Did any event happen which caused the complaint? Describe the emotion associated with it.
• What are the other symptoms started with it, esp. mental and physical symptoms, which are not directly related to the main complaint.
• What are your reactions with it?

Evocationer last decade
Mental and Emotional State Description

1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much.

2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions.

3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?

4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately.

5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities?

6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they?

7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body?

8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body?

9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like?

10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern?

11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.

12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?

13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?

14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming.

15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them.

16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems?

17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school?
Evocationer last decade

1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in?
- what position can you not sleep in?
- do you do anything unusual in your sleep?
- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up?

2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly?
- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)?
- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms?
- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way?

- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you?

3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly?
- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)?
- When are you most thirsty?
- When are you least thirsty?

4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool?
- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool?

5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine?
- What is the color, odor of the urine?
- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine?

6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have?
- Where do you have the most sweat?
- What is the odor?
- What color does it stain clothing?
- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally?

7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire?
- Any problems with your sexual ability or function?
- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases?

8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?

9. Environment – How does the weather affect you?
- How does the temperature affect you?
- How does the season affect you?
- What physical activities affect you?
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to?
Evocationer last decade
Thank you very much.
He has filled out the first part but had to go back to work.

This is a rather arduous and slow task for him being that concentrating on things he has to think about is exactly what his problem is but he will finish the rest tomorrow and post it then.
wwnaturo last decade
I would rather he took his time and gave me appropriate information than rushed it or left things out. I will keep checking the post to see when he has finished.
Evocationer last decade
Ok here we are, thanks again for your consideration.

I get very tired when having to think about things that require concentration. Not everyday things. Thinking in depth. Calculations, reading and thinking about what I am reading.

I always had trouble concentrating as a child but it wasn't until I became a teenager that it made me mentally and physically exhausted and tired/sleepy as well.

I will put off anything like this i can. To me it is a nightmare. I cant find the words for the emotions I feel. Perhaps frustrated and annoyed. I would say it feels like my thinking is blocked. I wish someone could plug into my head to find the problem because I find it too hard to describe.

It stops me from attempting anything that requires deep concentration. When I have to I feel it takes me 10x longer than an average person and I find it laborious and taxing. I feel it has limited my job prospects. It makes me feel that I have an undiagnosed problem.
Nothing seems to make it better except to go and have a nap. Then it starts again when I start concentrating again.
When I write I feel as though I stammer, I feel the need to go over it many times and correct it as it is not written clearly enough.

2. Hairloss, thinning hair. My father lost his hair early in his 20's. i take after my mothers side physically. My hair loss Started gradually when I was 26. I was going through a very stressful time. Receding hairline and thinning on the crown.
Affects my self esteem about my appearance.

3. Insatiable sexual desire.
Began as a teenager.
Even after just having sex the strong desire is back within a few hours. Sometimes the desire feels worse after sex than before.
It makes me feel trapped because I know it is too much to ask of my wife continually and I don't masturbate. Going without makes me feel like I'm missing out, makes me feel unable to cope with other stresses as well. Also if I don't have sex for more than a week I will have a nocturnal emission often with amorous dreams.
If someone praises me at work, makes me feel good about myself and the desire increases.

*wifes note-when stressed, angry or frustrated the desire becomes more urgent. Gets very short tempered and resentful.

Mental and Emotional State Description

1. What are the issues in your life that bother you the most. Not physical issues but mental or emotional ones. List each one separately and describe why each one bothers you so much.

Frustration, other than the sexual reasons, not being able to retaliate to injustices to me and my family. like when i feel badly treated by someone I feel frustrated like I want to retaliate but dont and then feel frustrated. Frustration that I have trouble remembering detail about conversations,even ones I've just had. Also That I can't answer people quickly, if put on the spot. However I have a very good long term memory for different things such as faces and events from the past.

Anger. Linked in with the frustration and the reasons there. Not rage. Mainly Because of feeling out of control of the situation.
It angers me and I feel its unfair that in life people can get away with saying mean and damaging things, or even subtle bullying in other ways and its often overlooked, hard to prove, hard to get justice. And yet it is often when the victims that are criticised for speaking up for themselves.

2. What emotions are the most troublesome for you? What situations provoke these emotions. How do these emotions make you act? Do you feel any ill effects from expressing or not expressing these emotions.

As above. But my normal tendancy is not to talk about it. I feel in my mind going over it and talking about it causes more upset. I feel embarrassed or ashamed if I talk about it. Especially if it's about someone treating me badly or unfairly, i am embarrassed that they have been able to do that to me.
I feel expressing the emotions makes me feel worse initially.

3. What incidents in your life have had a deep impact on you? Describe each incident in detail and how they made you feel? What did you do in those situations? What effect have they had on your life?

* Bullied by a co worker for years when first started work as a teenager. Constantly made fun of and put down in front of others. My religious beliefs ridiculed. I never told anybody until i got married, even my parents* as I did not want to burden anyone else. I usually just took it quietly. would blush, feel embarrassed and very self concious. It affected my self esteem a lot. Very conscious of what people said about me or would hear about me.

*Around the same time, my parents business went bankrupt which put my parents in financial difficulty. I felt worried for them. Worried it was causing them stress, that my dad wasn't coping with it and at the same time my dad went into hospital for a nervous breakdown/depression. Perhaps worried that he would commit suicide like his father did from depression.

*Also my mother had an unexpected baby brother later in life around the same time and he was premature and in hospital for 6 weeks. I felt concerned for him. That I wanted to protect him. Worried that he would have to go through the things I had to when he started work. Worried he might be taken advantage of, kidnapped, bad things happen to him.

*criticism from associates in our religious group. Unfair and wrong criticism/false allegations from people who should know better.Having to justify my actions to them, feeling scrutinized and unfairly judged. Not being able to say the things I really want to them. Makes me feel alot of anger and frustration.

*the tiredness that I get all the time. I feel like it affects how much I can get done or do in my life. I just have to sleep especially when there are stressful things happening.

*Primary school I had a very loud domineering teacher who used to scare me. She made me very nervous and anxious all the time. I feel like now I would like to tell her what a pathetic teacher she was.

*I was self conscious of my looks growing up, I felt fat and not good looking.

4. What are you afraid of? Especially important are phobias, but it might be objects, situations or events that just produce a high level of anxiety. How do you manage your fears? How do you react when confronted with these fears? What would be the worst situation for you to be put in that would provoke these fears? You may need to talk about each fear/anxiety separately.

No major fears. Confrontations make me very anxious. I feel caught off guard, because I think slowly, I feel 'gotten the better of' because I often think of things I want to say later on. I then beat myself up over it as to how I should've done it differently.

I feel very anxious when out in public. I feel very subconscious about people seeing what I'm doing, them looking at me and specially about people knowing my business. Thats not with everything. For instance, I dont care if people know I've painted the fence, but I care if they see me actually doing it. I dont mind so much if Im somewhere where no one knows me, but more where I live and work. I like to feel annonymous.

5. What hobbies do you have? Why do you like each of these activities?

I don't know that I have any. The closest thing to it would be projects I do renovating our house. Other than that I enjoy watching a movie, because it entertains me. Perhaps it helps me switch off or relax. As a child I loved to draw.

6. Do you have any persistent thoughts, ideas or beliefs that are difficult to stop or cope with? What are they?

Sexual desires. That I may be taken advantage of in some way.

7. Do you have any unusual gestures or movements of the body? Do you feel any unusual sensation or pain throughout your body? What exactly does it feel like is happening in your body?

I seem to be clumsy, particularly with my feet or elbows. I am tall and do have very large feet but I often trip over things in plain view or the same peices of furniture or doorways over and over. When Im tired I get a pain in my ear. I think its my left, a dull ache that feels like connected to my throat and nose. Also when tired I get heartburn.
When walking down the street I feel the need to do something with or have something in my hands.

8. When you experience your fears, persistent thoughts, or difficult emotions, what kind of sensation or reactions do you get in your body?

Debilitating tiredness. I have to sleep extra to cope with it.

9. When did you feel at your best in your life? What was that like for you? If you imagine the complete opposite of this feeling or moment, what would that be like?

When I started going out with my wife. i felt a lot more confident.
Opposite would be if I didn't have a relationship with someone who loved me.

10. Do you feel like you are stuck in a pattern of behavior, especially when trying to deal with your problems? What is this pattern?

Probably, it seems to take me a while to learn sometimes. Things don't seem to sink in, I forget easily.

11. What difficulties or problems do you have in relationships? Talk about your family, your romantic relationships, your spouse or partner, your friends, and your work colleagues. You may need to talk about all of these separately.

I feel my parents don't always keep to their word, I don't feel like I cant trust them completely. I feel they overstep boundaries a bit.
My siblings I feel are sometimes a bit disloyal.
I have been badly hurt by people i thought were loyal friends and so now feel unable to be completely open with friends.
I can't grasp how jealousy or insecurity can make people act in the negative the way it does. It just seems so foreign to me.
Im very happy in my relationship and but if another woman is attracted to me physically or wanted to sleep with me, the idea appeals to me, purely physically, i think because it makes me feel good about myself.

12. List 5 positive things about yourself. Are there any situations where this positive attribute becomes negative (is a problem)?

Easy to get along with-may get taken advantage of by certain types of people, seen as easy to influence.
good listener-can lose track of time
always give people time no matter how busy i am-yes it can cause me problems with time management and make me late
want to whats right-suffering for doing whats right
sensitive or gentle-impressionable, take it to heart, question self.

13. List 5 negative things about yourself. Are there any situations where this negative attribute becomes positive (is useful)?
procrastinate-yes, dont act hastily, don't say things that hurt people hastily
not punctual-
beat myself up over making a mistake, dont like to be to blame, in the wrong or make mistakes.
being so anxious about people knowing who I am/being seen. wanting anonimity.

14. Do you have any reoccurring dreams? Describe them in detail, including any feelings that come while dreaming.

Of a pet frog that i had, i forget to feed him and i find him dying of hunger. Ive been negletful of him. It makes me feel like a bad person.

15. Did you have any reoccurring dreams as a child, or earlier in your life? Describe those in detail including any feelings that came with them.

None that I remember.

16. What were you like as a child, your character, your personality, your fears, your dreams, your problems?

i was very shy and quiet, sensitive, would bottle up emotions. I was not taught to do things for myself or to give things a go if it was difficult. Felt this affected my confidence with accomplishing things. I loved to draw and drew well. My teachers always said I was easily distracted. I wet the bed for many years, until the beginning of puberty about 14 years old, which caused me alot of embarrassment and affected my self esteem. I would be on edge if I slept over at someones house. fought with my older sister alot. she often started fights, i would hit her and always seemed to be in more trouble for that than she was for initiating or antaganizing. I slept alot and heavily. I even fell out of a top bunk once and never woke up. My parents often carried me to and from the car asleep and did not stir.

17. What kind of environment did you grow up in? What problems where there at home, with your family, with your parents, with your siblings, with school?

As above in events that affected me. Otherwise I Grew up in a stable home with both parents. Parents cared for both grandmothers. I felt worried for one when she started to lose her mind, hallucinating and she was feeling very scared and not her normal self. I felt my parents didn't understand my tiredness or that they judged me perhaps as lazy. I felt they didnt probe me enough to find out about my problems.


1. Sleep - what position do you tend to sleep in?
On my side or on my back, -wifes note, sometimes on back with arm over head

- what position can you not sleep in?
possibly my back, sitting up like when travelling

- do you do anything unusual in your sleep?
I sometimes talk in my sleep, or suddenly start if my wife comes into bed later, like given a fright and sit up confused or panicked. I will tell my wife I dreamt of ants or bugs everywhere. I wont remember these normally. this is not all the time, only when something is on my mind or I am concerned about something in particular.

- any problems with going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up?

I used to have trouble getting to sleep but not lately. We have a toddler waking us regularly through the night so I think sheer exhaustion helps that. now when i sleep during the day, I am very sensitive to noise and have to sleep with ear plugs. If im disturbed, I can't go back to sleep, even though tired. If this happens or I don't sleep, I feel very irritable.

2. Appetite - What foods do you crave/desire strongly?

Meaty, protein rich. Sweet things.

- What foods do you hate eating (have an aversion to)?


- What foods have a negative effect on you or cause symptoms?

Sometimes foods give me alot and foul smelling wind. I havent been able to pinpoint what foods exactly, thats if it is food that causes it.

- What foods have a positive effect on you or seem to improve your health or symptoms in some way?

not that i can think of.

- What is the effect of hunger or fasting on you?

Irritibilty. Unable to think clearly. Tired.

3. Thirst - What drinks do you crave/desire strongly?

carbonated fizzy drinks. beer.

- What drinks do you hate to take (are averse to)?


- When are you most thirsty?

in the evening-night time.

- When are you least thirsty?

in the morning.

4. Stool - Do you have any problems with your bowels or passing stool?

- What is the shape, color, odor of the stool?
brown, firm but not hard, odor is not overpowering.My wind often smells worse than stool itself.

5. Urine - Do you have any trouble passing or retaining urine? No.

- What is the color, odor of the urine?
light and not strong odour.

- Do you have any sediment or debris in the urine? No.

6. Sweat - How do you feel about the amount of perspiration you have? Fine, I think its normal.

- Where do you have the most sweat?
probably face or forehead.

- What is the odor?
not strong

- What color does it stain clothing?
possibly orangey brown

- Does anything in particular cause you to sweat abnormally? No

7. Sexuality - Any problems with your sexual desire?

It is excessive, overwhelming sometimes.

- Any problems with your sexual ability or function?

If i feel down o discouraged about something it can be a bit harder to get an erection.

- Any history of sexually transmitted diseases? None.

8. Menses (Women)
- How many days is your cycle?
- How many days does the flow go for?
- What is the appearance of the flow?
- What is the odor of the flow?
- What kind of stain does the flow leave?
- Any discharge before, during or after?
- Any pain before, during or after the flow?
- What symptoms come before the flow?
- What symptoms come after the flow?

9. Environment – How does the weather affect you?
Prefer to work outdoors when its cold.
- How does the temperature affect you?
I get easily hot on my head if I have to wear a hat. I get more flusterred easily in the hot weather.
- How does the season affect you?
I prefer sunny weather but not heat.I love the period in a storm jjust before it rains.
- What physical activities affect you?
I feel refreshed after sex and it improves my mood alot.
- Is there anything else in the environment you are sensitive to?
Noise, I dont like loud sudden noises.
wwnaturo last decade
Can I also ask your opinion about something? I recently read some information about the Sulphur type child. This struck me as SO much like our daughter. I filled in the online Remedy Finder for a couple of her recurrent problems and it turned up Sulphur as the remedy also. I read some more and I feel convinced enough to want to try it as she has so many of the symptoms and indications- regular recurrent itching anus despite worm treatment, skin rashes, loud, dominant, messy, hoarding nature, quick tempered, nose picker, hot clamy hands, recurring bad breath despite good oral hygiene and nutrition and probiotics just to name a few. I feel this one is worth a try. My question is,what potency would I use? thank you
wwnaturo last decade
hi, i know you are no doubt very busy and helping a lot of people on here. Was wondering if you have had a chance to look into this one yet? We really appreciate your time. Thank you
wwnaturo last decade
I have recommended you Acid Phos-200
Why do not you try it..?

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
thank you shouse nsk, i appreciate your suggestion, and it is one we will consider, you may well be right. however i understand from your profile that you are interested in homeopathy. In this particular case I was after the input of a Dr or practitioner.
wwnaturo last decade
I have been a little distracted by other cases and posts. I will begin analysing this information asap for you.
Evocationer last decade
I will have a suggestion for you by the end of today.
Evocationer last decade
wwnaturo last decade
Ok I have analysed and repertorized this case. These are the rubrics I used to establish a 'totality' for prescribing purposes:

Mental exertion fatigues
Concentration difficult on attempting to concentrate
Aversion to concentrating
Concentration difficult, cannot fix attention
Concentration difficult while studying

Sexual desire, violent
Sexual desire, excessive
Suppression of sexual desire aggravates

Injustice, cannot support
Anger with indignation
Ailments from suppressed anger
Indignation at the misdeeds of others

Ailments from embarrassment
Ailments from being scorned
Sensitive to the opinion of others

Anxiety for others
Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences
Dwells on sexual matters
Ailments from disappointment
Ailments from being deceived
Reproaching oneself
Hiding himself
Delusion has neglected his duty (represented by the dream of the frog dying from not being fed)

This clearly points to one remedy - Staphysagria.

Because of the high level of similarity, I would suggest obtaining 1M preferably in liquid form.

If instead of liquid you have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.

1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand

2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water

3. Stir very thoroughly

4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.

This is one dose and the same steps should be taken for any further doses, unless I ask you to change them in some way.

One dose only to begin with.
Evocationer last decade
Thank you. We've ordered it in liquid 1 M but it will take a week and we are heading overseas today for 2 weeks so will report progress when we get back.
wwnaturo last decade
Would you believe that after returning home from overseas after 2 weeks they have forgotten to Order my husbands remedy. They have it in 200C in stock though. Should we wait for them to order or ok to use the 200? He was hoping to try it soon and it would mean waiting another week for the 1M.
wwnaturo last decade
No use the 200c, that is fine to start with. I am happy with that alternative.
Evocationer last decade
Ok he has the 200c in liquid. We've actually found out our usual supplier can't get 1m at the moment anyway. So are the dosage instructions the same as you put above for the pillules? Putting in water etc?
wwnaturo last decade
Yes follow the instructions from step 1.
Evocationer last decade
Ok so just reporting back as my husband took the dose of the 200C as prescribed in water on Friday evening. All day Saturday he felt very lethargic and tired and felt some symptoms he will normally get when coming down with something, irritated nose (where he often gets a cold sore when sick), itchy irritated eyes. Today symptoms are still there but slightly better, he feels tired but what he describes as 'just normal tired'. (our 2 year old kept us awake a lot last night.)
Does he or when should he take another dose?
wwnaturo last decade
No, now is the time to watch and wait. It is possible he has experienced the homoeopathic aggravation, which may lead to improvement. No more doses until we do an assessment at 7 days from the dose.
Evocationer last decade
Ok thank you, will post back on friday then.
wwnaturo last decade
Hi, well husband has continued feeling generally very tired after taking the dose, worse than normal needing more sleep and unwell all this week. Cold sore on tip of nose and cold symptoms, congestion and a cough. Possibly he has a cold. it is unusual for him to get sick at all, especially as neither the children or myself have any signs of colds or virus. We are usually the ones to get sick.
Should we continue to wait to see if the symptoms die down?
wwnaturo last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.