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Abscess on leg 4


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Abscess on leg

My husband has an abscess since two days, it started with the size of a pin head. Then it got accumulated with pus and swelling and redness around. Some of the pus got drained but not all... It drains on and off, now it's diameter is almost a centimeter.
It's flat in shape has whitish yellow hue, redness around it with swelling. So far I gave him, since the beginning, arnica & belladonna, both in the 30th potency, 3 doses each, then hepar sulph d6 in a watery solution, six doses, now I have given 2 doses of Silicea 6x twice.

Please let me know if I should be giving something else. It was suggested to me to give him hepar sulph 200 in a wet dose repeated up to 3 times..not sure if I should try this.
  simple on 2014-08-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First of all, stop experimenting on him. If you don't know what to do ask someone first.

Is there any pain, if so, what type of pain. How is it affected by heat or cold.

Hep-S & Sil have totally different ways of working and are not given side by side!
fitness last decade
All of the mentioned remedies were prescribed by homeopaths and I need a second opinion which is why I am writing here.
I hope someone knowledgeable here will give me some advice.
simple last decade
Hi simple,
Your started a new post for the same?

Please note that Fitness is the top one doctor in this forum.
mahmoodjnu last decade

Fitness is a very good prescriber, he is self

Dr. Saab is a homeopath with 50 years experience,
he is not on that often, but has returned to help
out recently-every one respects his advice and
is grateful for his posts, as we all learn from him.

Best wishes,

simone717 last decade
Thanks allot

JNU New Delhi
mahmoodjnu last decade
Rightly said, I am a self taught homeopath and proud of it.

There is nothing demeaning about being self taught, to the contrary its much more difficult.
fitness last decade

I think it is admirable what you do and there was no intent
to be demeaning at all.

There is a cultural habit or tradition in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
of calling anyone who gives any advice 'Doctor'. I have spoken
to the moderator about this and he has made small attempts
to correct this as this forum is viewed worldwide and Western
people assume they are talking to an MD or a homeopathic

The more posts where this is done over the years and showing
up over and over again in internet searches, makes this
seem to be true. For instance, Mr. De Livera- when I first came
on here, I thought he was an MD. And I have seen on other
restricted forums where real MD's think that he is an MD.
People, of course should do their homework and check, but
it is confusing for a large part of the world.

This is a forum issue, nothing to do with your skills, and you
have set things up well where people are encouraged to look
at your profile - Nothing personal here, you do a fantastic job.
simone717 last decade

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