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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi sir/madam,
My 10 year old son has been suffering from various allergies like food(eggs&nuts), dust mite.
He had an eczema and asthma since his birth.he is on fluticasone inhaler.
I would like remedy for
-sneezes in morning.
-Watery eyes
-Blocked nose feeling
-watery discharge
-good in open air
-dry cough
I am giving him Pollena(Alium Cepa 6c) I am not sure Nat Mur helps him.
Please suggest me correct remedy.
  Mum-Dad on 2014-08-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- It would be best for a homeopath to see your son face to face- in order
to use all diagnostic tools. This is going to be a long treatment and has to
have proper monitoring.

Can you do that?

If you want to let me know what country you are in and general area I can
give you options of people to choose from.
simone717 last decade

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