The ABC Homeopathy Forum
lycopodium potency - correct? - stomach problems
Dear Doc,I am a 40 year old female. I have started having digestion problem recently.
If I eat oily food or even DAL or egg, I have huge disconfort with gas and stomach upset. I also get flatulence, narrow stools and very smelly gas and stool. I have had stomach problems since 5/6 years (which I had ignored), I used to have painless diarrohea after eating at restaurants. I have tendency to liver troubles, I had jaundice at age 10.
I had taken Lycopodium 200 5 days back, I felf better, but see the symptoms coming back now, should I repeat Lycopodium 200 or switch to Lycopodium 1M .... please advise.
I had taken a single dose of Lycopodium 200 in empty stomach and have not used any other medicine
Berry2014 on 2014-08-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok last decade
Dear Doc,
I had Lycopodium 200 on 4th Aug and another dose Lycopodium 200 on 18th Aug. I sense improvement.
Earlier, I used to feel tired and required time to concentrate which is improved after the second dose.
I have less gas, less fermetation and have been able to increase food intake.
After second dose I think I experienced aggravation till 3-4 days with headache on the right temple which was gone after a good day's sleep.
But I still get old problems if I fall back into old habits - like having a packet of chips, nuts and crisps etc. --- should I have some more doses of Lycopodium (30) ... and in what frequency .... so that I am back to normalcy ... where I did not have any problem with any kind of food ... I do not mean to abuse my liver ... but just want to ensure that I am fit and do not need to be extra cautious with an occassional outing
[message edited by Berry2014 on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 09:55:43 BST]
I had Lycopodium 200 on 4th Aug and another dose Lycopodium 200 on 18th Aug. I sense improvement.
Earlier, I used to feel tired and required time to concentrate which is improved after the second dose.
I have less gas, less fermetation and have been able to increase food intake.
After second dose I think I experienced aggravation till 3-4 days with headache on the right temple which was gone after a good day's sleep.
But I still get old problems if I fall back into old habits - like having a packet of chips, nuts and crisps etc. --- should I have some more doses of Lycopodium (30) ... and in what frequency .... so that I am back to normalcy ... where I did not have any problem with any kind of food ... I do not mean to abuse my liver ... but just want to ensure that I am fit and do not need to be extra cautious with an occassional outing
[message edited by Berry2014 on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 09:55:43 BST]
Berry2014 last decade
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