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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Child tooth decay: advice needed

My five year old son has several cavities, a few the dentist wants to pull. He has a strong gag reflex and can't take the instrument used to keep his mouth open so dentist is advising doing treatment under general anesthesia. I believe teeth can heal and have witnessed this personally. We are following Weston Price diet and supplementation including cod liver/butter oil. Also using whole food supplements from Standard Process. What homeopathic remedies could I add to aid my son's body in ermine realizing and repairing his teeth?

Thank you in advance.
  Blessedbe on 2014-08-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give him
1. Silica-12x 2 pallets twice a day
2. Fluoric Acid-30 6 pills twice a day

Pl give this treatment for one month and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Thu, 14 Aug 2014 04:58:10 BST]
shouse_nsk last decade
If your child starts showing reactions to the medicines or
has some new symptoms he never had, please report in
and your prescriber will adjust the prescription.
simone717 last decade
Is there something I can give to help him at dentist? He has such a bag gag reflex and freaks out when they place the instrument in his mouth to hold it open. They have him nitrous oxide but it had no effect in him. I tried gelsemium . I also had given him arnica because the dentist was supposed to have done some work but wasn't able to do anything.
Blessedbe last decade

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