The ABC Homeopathy Forum
How to treat ongoing reaction to insect bites
My husband was stung 5-6 times by yellow jackets or wasps almost 2 weeks ago. I was not home at the time but I came home about an hour later and gathered what I could find (ledum, apis, hypericum all in 30c) and we applied topical Rescue Remedy. I had to leave home again for the afternoon and I checked in with him periodically. He kept reporting that he 'wasn't feeling great' and a few hours later when he specified that his chest was feeling tight, his head was aching, and his speech sounded thick I told him to get to a medical facility. He went to urgent care and they gave him a shot each of epinepherine, lidocaine, and benadryl and prescriptions for hydroxyzine (antihistamine), and antibiotic, and some steroid. He took those throughout the next week, as well as used topical herbal salves.As he tapered off of the medication a week after the incident, his symptoms were returning. The bites began to get red rashes around them and to swell and he experienced tightening in his chest and throat again and went for medical attention again. They gave him another prescription for an antihistamine. The doctor said that because my husband had been rubbing/irritating the bites when he was applying salve that this was causing more histamines to be released, thus the bites were becoming red and swollen.
My husband took the antihistamine daily this week in addition to histaminium 30c. The bites have been healing (they are no longer red and swolles, but they have been healing with 'shadows' like large bruises). Last night I noticed that his upper lip looked swollen. This morning it is more swollen and he says that his hands and wrists are very itchy (his bites are mostly on his legs with one midway up his arm).
I do not know what to do. We do not have a local homeopath at this time. I am quite concerned about the ongoing reactions and how his treatment is suppressing his response but not healing it. I can order some more intense homeopathic remedies today and hopefully receive them within the next 1-2 days if I know what to use and how.
homeopathy23 on 2014-08-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is probably a reaction to having too much Histaminium. Stop
giving it to him and see if in a day or so the symptoms wear off.
What a remedy can cure it can also cause if you have too much.
On this forum remedies shop they don't list the proving symptoms-
but as you can see from below, itching and swelling are in the
Some time back I did a summary of the Histaminum proving and found the keynotes were as follows:-
·Allergic (psoric), tubercular, dysthyroidian types.
·Irritable, susceptible, impatient, with need to walk up and down.
·Headaches and vertigo, with sensation of heat and burning on the head and face.
·Loss of sense of taste, and feeling that the teeth are loose.
·Burning epigastric, abdominal, pecordial and thoracic pains.
·Pruritus and burning in the nose, throat, ears and vagina.
·Oliguria, with burning and pain on micturition.
·Burning pains in the scrotum and left ovary.
·Burning, cramping, spasmodic pains in the joints and muscles.
·Redness and burning sensation in circumscribed areas of the skin.
·Red, itching papules.
Histaminum reduces allergic reactions. Homeopathic Histaminum is safe and effective in relieving breathing difficulties and nasal congestion following exposure to allergens.
Histaminum can be useful for symptoms from chronic urticaria, chronic hives. Histaminum is helpful following exposure to allergens, eating offending foods, or insect bites.
Homeopathy removes blockages, so homeopathic Histaminum reduces histamines that are substances that try to attach to the cells in your body and irritate cells causing allergy type symptoms. Histaminum is therefore like a homeopathic antihistamine.
Histaminum helps with breathing symptoms due to allergies, including bronchial asthma, nasal congestion, hay fever, eczema, hives.
Homeopathic Histaminum relieves symptoms following insect stings.
Histaminum can be used following sunburns with nausea. Histaminum is useful for skin rashes, redness, swelling, gastric pain, or breathing difficulties from food allergies.
Histaminum can be use for contact allergies to lessen itchy rashes and swelling. Use prior and following exposure to outdoors allergens. pellets.
General hives and skin problems 1 pellet 3 times a day. First aid treatment use hourly, decrease frequency with improvement.
This is probably a reaction to having too much Histaminium. Stop
giving it to him and see if in a day or so the symptoms wear off.
What a remedy can cure it can also cause if you have too much.
On this forum remedies shop they don't list the proving symptoms-
but as you can see from below, itching and swelling are in the
Some time back I did a summary of the Histaminum proving and found the keynotes were as follows:-
·Allergic (psoric), tubercular, dysthyroidian types.
·Irritable, susceptible, impatient, with need to walk up and down.
·Headaches and vertigo, with sensation of heat and burning on the head and face.
·Loss of sense of taste, and feeling that the teeth are loose.
·Burning epigastric, abdominal, pecordial and thoracic pains.
·Pruritus and burning in the nose, throat, ears and vagina.
·Oliguria, with burning and pain on micturition.
·Burning pains in the scrotum and left ovary.
·Burning, cramping, spasmodic pains in the joints and muscles.
·Redness and burning sensation in circumscribed areas of the skin.
·Red, itching papules.
Histaminum reduces allergic reactions. Homeopathic Histaminum is safe and effective in relieving breathing difficulties and nasal congestion following exposure to allergens.
Histaminum can be useful for symptoms from chronic urticaria, chronic hives. Histaminum is helpful following exposure to allergens, eating offending foods, or insect bites.
Homeopathy removes blockages, so homeopathic Histaminum reduces histamines that are substances that try to attach to the cells in your body and irritate cells causing allergy type symptoms. Histaminum is therefore like a homeopathic antihistamine.
Histaminum helps with breathing symptoms due to allergies, including bronchial asthma, nasal congestion, hay fever, eczema, hives.
Homeopathic Histaminum relieves symptoms following insect stings.
Histaminum can be used following sunburns with nausea. Histaminum is useful for skin rashes, redness, swelling, gastric pain, or breathing difficulties from food allergies.
Histaminum can be use for contact allergies to lessen itchy rashes and swelling. Use prior and following exposure to outdoors allergens. pellets.
General hives and skin problems 1 pellet 3 times a day. First aid treatment use hourly, decrease frequency with improvement.
♡ simone717 last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.