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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



Suffering from constipation & Gastroparesis (delayed empty stomach disorder due weakened stomach muscle)causing slow peristalsis of muscles.

Is there any safe laxative in homeopathy or any other remedy to overcome this problem.

My age is -40
not habitual drinker
non veg

  as080 on 2014-08-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer the following:
1.How old is your problem ?
2. How is your thirst? how much water do you drink?
3.Is there any particular time of the day when you feel hungry?
4. What do you prefer==hot, cold or moderate climate?
5.Whether there is high blood pressure.
6. whether there is any history of Diabetes or tuberculosis in the family ?
telescope last decade

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