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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature ejaculation and dead pennis Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have taken acid phos 2 doses.
and feel something better in urine.
And i have told u that i have been under homeopathy treatment for stammering, now i would like to inform you that i have also started sepia 30 as advised by doctor because i have some white spot on my both shoulders since childhood and now they are spreading over my shoulder, neck and even two white points on my forehead. I got scared and started treatment.
So i think i would be okay to inform you about that.
sufibred last decade
ok you continue with him,we will see later.
bapu4 last decade
You mean we should stop this treatment.
Can we not continue this treatment in parallel.
sufibred last decade
You cannot have treatment from two homoeopaths at the same time, nor take two remedies at the same time.
Evocationer last decade
Dr.David is right,it will confuse You,me and the other homeopath too.You complete his treatment then we will have a fresh look at your condition.
God Bless you.
bapu4 last decade

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