The ABC Homeopathy Forum
emdunster on 2014-09-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There are no 'rules' that say 6c will not work or how many
days in a row it is needed.
The right remedy, the right potency and right amount of dosing
is what has to be figured out here- it is what it is.
You might need the 6c diluted to the 4th glass or something like
that to see if it works correctly.
I know you are on your 3rd homeopath, hang in there, if this
does not work you might want to put your case on here
for Evocationer to look at it.
days in a row it is needed.
The right remedy, the right potency and right amount of dosing
is what has to be figured out here- it is what it is.
You might need the 6c diluted to the 4th glass or something like
that to see if it works correctly.
I know you are on your 3rd homeopath, hang in there, if this
does not work you might want to put your case on here
for Evocationer to look at it.
♡ simone717 last decade
Thanks Simons for the reply. Yes I agree... I suppose I need to find what works for me
[message edited by emdunster on Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:10:47 GMT]
[message edited by emdunster on Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:10:47 GMT]
emdunster last decade
Have you been given a medicine using the LM potency, which is designed for hypersensitive patients?
Have you had your medicines diluted into more than 1 cup - so a liquid dose, drops placed into a full cup of water, then a small amount taken out and placed into another cup? This can be done multiple times until a level of dilution is found that you can bear.
I have had a number of ultrasensitive clients over the years, who have done well using this dilution method. The most I have ever had to dilute to is 5 cups.
Low vitality patients, which might be what you are rather than hypersensitive, must be given low potencies until their strength has increased to bear higher potencies. I have treated a number of extremely depleted patients who required 6 or 12c for long periods before we could go any higher.
I have cured cases with strong mental components with 12c. Cured without need to move to higher potencies, although I would also say this has been a rare occurrence. Normally a patient will move upwards, albeit slowly when vitality is low.
A few years ago I developed a fatal health problem, which didn't kill me because of the skills and dedication of an excellent homoeopath. I had seen other homoeopaths prior to that, who had been giving me 200c or 1M, and nearly ended my life with those potencies. She started me on 6c where I stayed for months, before moving to 12c, and finally 30c. Although my remedy has changed over the years, I have never moved beyond 30c in any beneficial remedy.
Potency has to be individualised. If you need low, then low is what you need. There are no uniform rules for what potency will cure you.
Have you had your medicines diluted into more than 1 cup - so a liquid dose, drops placed into a full cup of water, then a small amount taken out and placed into another cup? This can be done multiple times until a level of dilution is found that you can bear.
I have had a number of ultrasensitive clients over the years, who have done well using this dilution method. The most I have ever had to dilute to is 5 cups.
Low vitality patients, which might be what you are rather than hypersensitive, must be given low potencies until their strength has increased to bear higher potencies. I have treated a number of extremely depleted patients who required 6 or 12c for long periods before we could go any higher.
I have cured cases with strong mental components with 12c. Cured without need to move to higher potencies, although I would also say this has been a rare occurrence. Normally a patient will move upwards, albeit slowly when vitality is low.
A few years ago I developed a fatal health problem, which didn't kill me because of the skills and dedication of an excellent homoeopath. I had seen other homoeopaths prior to that, who had been giving me 200c or 1M, and nearly ended my life with those potencies. She started me on 6c where I stayed for months, before moving to 12c, and finally 30c. Although my remedy has changed over the years, I have never moved beyond 30c in any beneficial remedy.
Potency has to be individualised. If you need low, then low is what you need. There are no uniform rules for what potency will cure you.
♡ Evocationer last decade
It doesn't sound like you are diluting the medicines far enough. Simply increasing or reducing the number of teaspoons in not utilizing the full flexibility of our dosing method.
ALL of the steps can be altered - number of succussions, number of drops into the water, amount of water, number of cups you pass the remedy through before ingesting, the number of teaspoons.
Aggravation means a variety of things, it is hard to know what it means in your case. If it is sensitivity as you feel it is then adjusting the above steps should compensate for that.
Lowering the potency dose NOT compensate for sensitivity. Oversensitive patient will aggravate on ANY potency unless it is adjusted correctly. Potency is changed according to the vitality of the patient, so I assume your homoeopath believes your vitality is quite low.
[message edited by Evocationer on Sat, 13 Sep 2014 07:49:03 BST]
ALL of the steps can be altered - number of succussions, number of drops into the water, amount of water, number of cups you pass the remedy through before ingesting, the number of teaspoons.
Aggravation means a variety of things, it is hard to know what it means in your case. If it is sensitivity as you feel it is then adjusting the above steps should compensate for that.
Lowering the potency dose NOT compensate for sensitivity. Oversensitive patient will aggravate on ANY potency unless it is adjusted correctly. Potency is changed according to the vitality of the patient, so I assume your homoeopath believes your vitality is quite low.
[message edited by Evocationer on Sat, 13 Sep 2014 07:49:03 BST]
♡ Evocationer last decade
Can't go near the water thing? I don't understand at all. It is hard to assess what is going on for you as what you appear to be reporting is the exact opposite of my experience and the experience of my patients in clinic. Diluting makes the remedy less aggravating not more. Something is not right here.
Without knowing more, being able to assess it myself, I can't really give you any good advice. Something certainly isn't being done correctly here, but I cannot figure out what it is based on you report.
Basic rule of homoeopathic prescribing is to stop as soon as any symptom worsens. Another basic rule is to stop if any new symptoms appear and reassess the case before restarting the remedy.
So if you are experiencing a worsening of symptoms, then do not take any more medicine. If any of those symptoms are different to how they normally appear in you, then you should not be taking any new remedy/potency without the case being examined again.
Without knowing more, being able to assess it myself, I can't really give you any good advice. Something certainly isn't being done correctly here, but I cannot figure out what it is based on you report.
Basic rule of homoeopathic prescribing is to stop as soon as any symptom worsens. Another basic rule is to stop if any new symptoms appear and reassess the case before restarting the remedy.
So if you are experiencing a worsening of symptoms, then do not take any more medicine. If any of those symptoms are different to how they normally appear in you, then you should not be taking any new remedy/potency without the case being examined again.
♡ Evocationer last decade
emdunster last decade
Sorry I may leave a bigger break rather than starting the 6c Monday, I will leave the picture clear up as much as I can before I really need daily dosing again.
Thanks guys!
Thanks guys!
emdunster last decade
You should not be taking 2 remedies. That will cause problems, possibly interactions. One remedy at time so the effect can be assessed (and so you know which remedy is doing what).
None of what you are describing to me sounds like the correct remedy is being given to you. That is not how patients report a positive response to a remedy. I assume you are on the wrong one (or ones).
If you keep forcing yourself through these reactions you could just be making yourself worse. Do you have a properly trained homoeopath actually monitoring and assessing you? I would be pretty worried if a patient was reporting all this to me.
Any potency can cause aggravations. Lower potencies are actually more likely to cause aggravations in a broader range of people, due to the fact that they act a lot more generally. However, the nature of the aggravation is different, and the vitality of the patient, plus the degree of similarity to their disease, determines what kind of reaction the person has. Because they don't tend to overwhelm the vital force in most people, the aggravations are more bearable.
I still feel that something is not right here.
None of what you are describing to me sounds like the correct remedy is being given to you. That is not how patients report a positive response to a remedy. I assume you are on the wrong one (or ones).
If you keep forcing yourself through these reactions you could just be making yourself worse. Do you have a properly trained homoeopath actually monitoring and assessing you? I would be pretty worried if a patient was reporting all this to me.
Any potency can cause aggravations. Lower potencies are actually more likely to cause aggravations in a broader range of people, due to the fact that they act a lot more generally. However, the nature of the aggravation is different, and the vitality of the patient, plus the degree of similarity to their disease, determines what kind of reaction the person has. Because they don't tend to overwhelm the vital force in most people, the aggravations are more bearable.
I still feel that something is not right here.
♡ Evocationer last decade
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