The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pain in Testicle due to injury
Hello,I am a 28 years old male. I am having a persisting discomfort on my
left testicle. I got a blunt trauma on my testis 7 months back. Since then it has become an area of discomfort, sometimes on the left testicle, sometimes on the pelvic muscles on the left side .The pain occurs sometimes, not always. The pain is mild.If I press the left testicle I find mild ache while the right testicle is normal.
I visited an urologist and he asked for USG of KUB and prostate, the report is normal. He didn't prescribe any medicine, said it will get better. But it is still persisting and really annoying me .
Please advise and let me know if any other details is required for the treatment.
kolkata16 on 2014-09-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Start taking Arnica 30c, one dose every 3rd day for 2 weeks and report back.
fitness last decade
I have taken Arnica 30c already, but it didn't work.I have this pain for almost 7 months. It comes and goes.
I have taken Arnica 30c already, but it didn't work.I have this pain for almost 7 months. It comes and goes.
kolkata16 last decade
Hello, I have taken Arnica 30 for more than 3 weeks, one dose per day as prescribed by a homeopath. But, It didn't cure the pain.
kolkata16 last decade
What makes the pain better or worse
What is the type of pain (throbbing, drawing, shooting etc)
Does the area of pain look different in any way
What is the type of pain (throbbing, drawing, shooting etc)
Does the area of pain look different in any way
fitness last decade
it's throbbing pain sometimes at left testis and sometimes at the pelvic muscle. It's like a nerve is throbbing. If I press the nerve it feels good. The pain doesn't occur always.
No, the area of pain doesn't look any different. Wearing tight underwear makes bit relieved.
No, the area of pain doesn't look any different. Wearing tight underwear makes bit relieved.
kolkata16 last decade
Have one dose of Conium 200c and report back in 5 days.
fitness last decade
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