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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Premature Ejaculation, lack of sexual desire

I have been married for three years. For two years I have been experiencing premature ejaculation, lack of desire for sex an softness in my penis with diffuculty in erection. For this reason, sex does not last long or sometimes does not take place at all. Here is my mental and physical description:
1. Normally I am thinking about job security and other financial affairs.
2. Sometimes family fueds make me nervouse and guilty.
3. I am patient and do not like to get into arguments.
4. I like to laugh.

1. I take showers with hot water everyday early in the morning.
2. I eat desert after lunch and dinner specially.
3. I exercise very less because of lack of sleep and feeling tired.
4. Sometimes watching a dirty scene in a movie will encourage me to have sex.
5. Mood is pleasant most of the time.

1. I am 34 years old.
2. Weight is 125kg/250lb.
3. Height is 5' 11".
4. Have high blood presure and take 50mg Atinolol everyday.
5. My digestion is good. Occasional constipation or dearrhoea according to what I eat.
6. I love to eat fruit and raw vegetable.
7. Eat moderately spicy (indian/pakistani) food with staple being bread or rice.

I live in the US. There are good homeopathic stores in my neighborhood. Please recommend medicine to improve my sex life.
  atifakbar on 2004-06-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Could some one please advice.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
what occur prior to this?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
My apologies, I am not clear what you mean by your question.

Before engaging in the act, there is kissing, affectionate talk and playing with each other. After insertion, it is difficult to hold my self from ejaculating. unless I pull it out and sometimes even that does not help.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
sorry for lack of clarity

what occur in life before the complaint started?...i.e...illness,accident ,emotional trauma,,,new home...etc...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
how long you been using Atinolol ,for high blood pressure?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Emotional Trauma, about 1 year prior to marriage. Betrayed by a good friend which led to a lot of hurt. I have been using Atinolol for about a year now (50mg) once a day before going to bed. I do not use any other alopathic medicine. One more thing, I have dark circles under my eyes. An acupuncturist once told me that my liver was weak but I did not persue the treatment.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
ok first --atenolol--only complicate/aggravate condition--this side effect of atenolol--now it isnt the causation but will interfere with the proper diagnosis and homoeopathic treatment..best is . discuss with your allopath doctor (whom prescribe) procedure of removal from atenolol....mean while we contiue with information---

have you healed from the betrayal?

what particular foods or drinks effect the constipation and diarrhea?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
what was/is the symptomology that lead to the use of atenolol?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I take atenolol for high blood pressure. The question is, my doctor can prescribe another allopathic medicine but will that medicine interfer with the treatment? Will any allopathic medicine for bp interfere with treatment?
Yes I have healed from the betrayal. I am happily married and my wife is a source of joy and consolation to me.
I am changing my eating habits but in the past excessinve eating of meat caused constipation (only rarely) and hot foods as in pepper hot foods give me diarrhea. Even the diarrhea is very rare and I usually take sipghol husk for it.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
yes allopath medicine will interfere--the thing is that allopath medicine mask symptoms thus changing the symptomology ---

what were symptoms which ocurred that lead to atenolol use ?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Symptoms were High blood pressure around 80/140 usually. High BP runs in the father's side of the family. I feel perfectly fine even without taking atenolol, but the allopathic doctor here suggested that in order to keep the bp balanced, i should start with atenolol.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
what symptoms you feel yourself-concerning high blood pressure-without test --(that only give you numbers)?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I really do not feel any symptoms. No headaches, no pain of any kind. I feel good most of the time. The only reason to take atenolol is preventive rather than curative. Also because of my over weight, allopathic doctors advices me to take medicine rather than not take medicine.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
then stop taking atenolol ---see allopath doctor that prescribe--inform him of your choose--and allow him to monitor ''weaning'' processs---atenolol only complicates condition --no problem helping--post bacjk after weanded off..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I have stopped taking atenilol for the past two weeks. Now what medicine do you advice.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
what new symptoms or change in symptomology since stopping atenilol ?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
any white spots on/under fingernails?

what thoughts (wife and you have)concerning "having children"?

use tobacco?
use alcohol?
how coffee effect you?

how active are you?how many hours spend outside daily?how many hours spend sitting?

what is your usual temperament/disposition?
what things get you angry?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
No new symptoms, infact I feel no change in my health after stopping atenilol...NO white spots on or under fingernails, however rising sun like white spot on all nails since childhood.

concerning Children, we already have a baby daughter, she is healthy and at teething stage, (7 months.


Currently I am not very active. I spend most of my time sitting at my work desk or at home working ( about 14-16 hours)

My usual temperament is that I am mostly patient/happy and yet thinking about my family, future and finances. I FEEL TIRED ALOT.

I do not get angry very quickly. Sometimes little things and injustices make me angry. My wife and I have a very good realtionship.

One thing that I mentioned before and I want to mention now is that I am 5' 10" and weight about 260 lbs. Which means I am over weight.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
any skin conditions in health history?when?how treated?
John Stanton 2 decades ago
do you mean ekzema? No I have never had any kind of skin disease or condition ever, neither in my parents.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
is problem sustaining erection? or no erection at all? please exxplain
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Problem is sustaining erection and premature ejacualation.
atifakbar 2 decades ago
i apologize for my slackery--i overlooked your case..

single dose "only" phoshoricm acidcum 30c...

AVOID all acidic foods and drinks...i.e...coffee;tea;fruit and juices;vinegar;tomatoes;....etc

AVOID all carbonated soft drinks..

NO other medicines-remedies-skin ointments/cremes

post back response or lack of response to phosphoricum acidicum 30c..
John Stanton 2 decades ago
The cure is simple please read carefully u must practice this technique to get it right. Premature ejaculation can damage relationships and damage confident its a worse thing to happen to men .I suffered badly from it now i m recovering. This website is great its helping lots people. Thank you Please help other people who suffer from it.
1 there is point when u feel ur going to ejaculate at that point u must squeeze the lower part of the penis imagine penis like a pipe u find the deep lower part of the pipe fingers wrap around the pipe squeeze hard . u must do this just before ejaculation happen
2 at the same time ur other hand fingers squeezing the top part of the penis
3 u must continue breath in and breath out
4 u have to apply this technique very quickly just before ejaculation happen
when u do this the sperm can not come out when sperm dont come out for 3 months u will start to recover
5 u have to practice many time to get this technique right
When ur about ejaculate testicals will come very near to the lower part of the penis u must gently push them down with one of ur finger while squeezing
Cut ur fingers nails so they wont cut ur skin while squeezing
u can also practice this technique when ur not having erection imagine penis is like a pipe try find the very lower part of the pipe squeeze fingers around the lower part of the penis then squeeze the top of the penis with other hand fingers around top part of the penis breath in and out continually
u will recover but it can take some time be patient
when u start to recover plz let me know thanks
[message edited by vishnu5 on Mon, 26 Nov 2012 01:14:27 GMT]
vishnu5 last decade

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