The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Very itchy Skin, Head Advice Needed
About 2 weeks about I started experiencing very itchy skin and head, I have tried lotions, oils, to no avail, I have no other symptoms, no rash, no bug bitesI have washed all bedding in hot water, have checked for bedbugs and such but can see and find nothing
I have noticed my nieces & nephew being very itchy right before this (and still itching!!), and wonder if they have passed something along. I cannot figure out what this can be, since I check where I itch and SEE nothing
Looking for some advice please
naturenut on 2014-09-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take medicine as follows:
five drops at night only one time and
take Sulpher-30 five drops per dose three times a day
report after one week.
five drops at night only one time and
take Sulpher-30 five drops per dose three times a day
report after one week.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
naturenut last decade
as regards the itch, you might want to think about
exposure to mold, hidden mold? or chemicals or
using new shampoo or soap- The fact you all have it
there is something in common there.
And you may want to ask a dermatologist to take
a look.
If usa, Sulphur can be ordered off this site- look
at the top of front page, homeopathic remedies store.
You cannot order Psorinum in the usa-
You have to order from Helios Homeopathic in the UK-
takes at least 2 weeks, you may not need this,
you can start with sulphur but check out the cause-
bc if there is a cause such as detergent, mold etc
you have to fix the cause or it will continue.
as regards the itch, you might want to think about
exposure to mold, hidden mold? or chemicals or
using new shampoo or soap- The fact you all have it
there is something in common there.
And you may want to ask a dermatologist to take
a look.
If usa, Sulphur can be ordered off this site- look
at the top of front page, homeopathic remedies store.
You cannot order Psorinum in the usa-
You have to order from Helios Homeopathic in the UK-
takes at least 2 weeks, you may not need this,
you can start with sulphur but check out the cause-
bc if there is a cause such as detergent, mold etc
you have to fix the cause or it will continue.
♡ simone717 last decade
Nieces and nephew do not live with me. They visit me a lot tho.
I was able to get the sulphur. Should I take it alone or ?
I was able to get the sulphur. Should I take it alone or ?
naturenut last decade
Yes, try the sulphur and report after
a week or if you notice a big effect
good or bad, stop dosing and report.
a week or if you notice a big effect
good or bad, stop dosing and report.
♡ simone717 last decade
no change, i did the sulphur for a week, as noted above... had internet problems so i was unable to come back on right away with results... still itching, still feel like i have bugs biting me or crawling on me, but none visible
naturenut last decade
simone i am asking a few question
to ur patient,
1-do u take alcohol ?
2-do u feel crawl under ur skin or on ur skin or under ur cloths only ?
3- is it feel like in specific area or on whole body or random location ?
4-do u feel like this ever time or in specific time?
5-is the insect bite feel like prickling or tingling or like needle going into ur body?
to ur patient,
1-do u take alcohol ?
2-do u feel crawl under ur skin or on ur skin or under ur cloths only ?
3- is it feel like in specific area or on whole body or random location ?
4-do u feel like this ever time or in specific time?
5-is the insect bite feel like prickling or tingling or like needle going into ur body?
gaintrox last decade
I never drink alcohol
on my skin, under clothes, and on bare skin
arms, legs, torso, scalp
anywhere really
it can be at any time, not worse at any specific time that i've noticed
little bit like a prick, and tingle together i guess is what it feels like, very annoying mostly, itches like crazy
on my skin, under clothes, and on bare skin
arms, legs, torso, scalp
anywhere really
it can be at any time, not worse at any specific time that i've noticed
little bit like a prick, and tingle together i guess is what it feels like, very annoying mostly, itches like crazy
naturenut last decade
The correct spelling is:
PSORINUM- it sounds as if you have the right thing.
btw- what country are you in?
This was Dr. Mahfooz's case but Dr. Mahfooz seems
to answer infrequently or not at all- email alert problems?
I don't know bc he does not list his email, so I can't ask him.
If you want to take over here go ahead, I was just
trying to help out on monitoring Dr. Mahfooz' prescription.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 22:29:36 BST]
The correct spelling is:
PSORINUM- it sounds as if you have the right thing.
btw- what country are you in?
This was Dr. Mahfooz's case but Dr. Mahfooz seems
to answer infrequently or not at all- email alert problems?
I don't know bc he does not list his email, so I can't ask him.
If you want to take over here go ahead, I was just
trying to help out on monitoring Dr. Mahfooz' prescription.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 22:29:36 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
I am curious about the site you found to order it?
Can you tell me? bc usually you cannot get this
remedy without a prescription in usa and have to
order from Helios Homeopathic Pharm in the UK.
Btw- what is going on with Nieces and
nephews? still itching? Is it possible
they got scabies or something like that?
Bc all of you having it means it is
from some outside thing.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 23:08:25 BST]
Can you tell me? bc usually you cannot get this
remedy without a prescription in usa and have to
order from Helios Homeopathic Pharm in the UK.
Btw- what is going on with Nieces and
nephews? still itching? Is it possible
they got scabies or something like that?
Bc all of you having it means it is
from some outside thing.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 01 Oct 2014 23:08:25 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
as Dr.Mahfooz has taken the case i prefer not to interfere he suggest the right remedies.
but naturenut,
if u get PSORINUM after few days then for a little relief for that that time u may take a remedies,
in 100ml of hot water add 5 tabs of nat mur 6x mix them and apply the mixture all over ur body.
u can get the the nat mur 6x from a near by :Whole Foods and Vitamin Shope
but naturenut,
if u get PSORINUM after few days then for a little relief for that that time u may take a remedies,
in 100ml of hot water add 5 tabs of nat mur 6x mix them and apply the mixture all over ur body.
u can get the the nat mur 6x from a near by :Whole Foods and Vitamin Shope
gaintrox last decade
The online store I found is Amazon has some too but 30c ? I don't know what the dose would be then. Do you?
Shipping with mangos is very very high.
Amazon would be much better if I could convert dosage? 1M to how many 30c ?
Shipping with mangos is very very high.
Amazon would be much better if I could convert dosage? 1M to how many 30c ?
naturenut last decade
1. You cannot convert a 1M potency into a 30c potency.
It would be making the remedy go into reverse and
not possible.
2. I saw it on Amazon at 1M from Boiron- for around
$10- this is about what you would pay in a store.
You could also just google Boiron and try to order
from them if possible- but normal prices in stores
and off this site are about $9 and $5 shipping for
3. If me, I would go to the Md and get checked out-
to see what you actually have- Dermatitis of some
sort, scabies ?? Skin things are hard to diagnose
unless seen in person-Get the right diagnosis rather
than take things that may be wrong and have
side effects.
1. You cannot convert a 1M potency into a 30c potency.
It would be making the remedy go into reverse and
not possible.
2. I saw it on Amazon at 1M from Boiron- for around
$10- this is about what you would pay in a store.
You could also just google Boiron and try to order
from them if possible- but normal prices in stores
and off this site are about $9 and $5 shipping for
3. If me, I would go to the Md and get checked out-
to see what you actually have- Dermatitis of some
sort, scabies ?? Skin things are hard to diagnose
unless seen in person-Get the right diagnosis rather
than take things that may be wrong and have
side effects.
♡ simone717 last decade
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