The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Please help very bad vaginal dryness
I am 32 years old std free my right ovary was removed in 2004 due to endometriosis, since then I have been endometriosis free. I am suffering of very bad vaginal dryness, no pain during intercourse just no lubrication at all.Due to this my libido is obviosly low because this is very embarrassing to me. Please help me I heard sepia ferrum and natrum mur can help. Thanks in advance.sad32yrold on 2014-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sulphur 30 one dose morning time for two days then lycopodium 200 one dose evening time to be repeated only after 7days.
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Thanks for replying, and one dose of each is how many pills? Does lycopodium 200 comes with any other name?
sad32yrold last decade
Sulphur 30x or 30c? Thanks again.
sad32yrold last decade
8pills as one dose .lycopodium calvatum .
♡ akshaymohl last decade
It didn't work, gave me very bad acne and hot flashes made vaginal dryness worst.
sad32yrold last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
Dear Sad, Homeopathy does not usually make the person
instantly 'better' When the right remedy is chosen old
things from the past can show up- stay for a short time-
then leave for good.
This is called an aggravation and after that other imbalances
can show up and leave also.
The remedy when right- 'matches' your problem and the body
will not accept a similar match.
The body will raise the life force to clear out all imbalance-
and homeopaths look for certain paths of cure ( Please
google _ Herings Law of Cure)
I just want you to understand that old things appearing
is a good thing, not a bad thing.
Dr. Mohla will respond with what to do next.
instantly 'better' When the right remedy is chosen old
things from the past can show up- stay for a short time-
then leave for good.
This is called an aggravation and after that other imbalances
can show up and leave also.
The remedy when right- 'matches' your problem and the body
will not accept a similar match.
The body will raise the life force to clear out all imbalance-
and homeopaths look for certain paths of cure ( Please
google _ Herings Law of Cure)
I just want you to understand that old things appearing
is a good thing, not a bad thing.
Dr. Mohla will respond with what to do next.
♡ simone717 last decade
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