The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic catarrh, cough, cold and fever at the age of 2 years
Dear Dr.My 2 years bay is very sensitive towards cough, cold, nose running and fever.
Please advise a suitable remedy for him. His story is as bellow:
1. Age,
2 years 1 months
2. Physical appearance of the child e.g. thin, chubby
till the age of 8 months he was very chubby but after that he was attached by heavy cold, cough and fever and became thin.
3. Have the growth milestones (e.g. teething, standing, walking, talking etc. )achieved early, on time or late
4. What are the symptoms of the health problem
Cough on her chest and nose running he woke up in night and starts crying and weeping he became very aggressive too.
5. What makes the problem better without using medicines
Precautions from milk, rice, banana, orange etc. and taking steam.
6. What makes the problem worse without using medicines
Taking any of above items
7. How is the child behaving during this problem
Start leaving each and every thing and trying to be with mother only.
8. How long the problem has been there
Since birth till 8 months he is well, but at that age local doctor advised him mango juice, rice, banana etc and problems started.
9. What is the reason of the problem in mothers view
Eating cold things.
10. How is the childs thirst & appetite
Less than normal
11. What does the child like to eat
Egg, pasta, noddles etc.
12. What does the child dislike in food
Dislike all normal foods
13. How is the stool & urine
Not normal, he always has constipation or loose motion and stool had bad smell while urine is normal.
14. How is the childs sleep
He sleep less and use to woke up during sleeping.
15. What is the child afraid of (animals, insects, darkness, alone etc.)
I noticed no afraid
16. Where does the child sweat normally
Forehead and face.
17. How much does the child sweat (little, moderate, a lot)
18. Any problems with nose, throat, ears, chest
Nose running, cough and throat affected.
19. Describe the nature of the child (shy, headstrong etc. give details)
20. Is the child normally cold or hot
21. Was it a planned pregnancy
Yes, and he is my second baby.
22. How was the pregnancy of the mother (morning sickness, bleeding, happy, sad, tense etc)
Morning sickness, weakness and tense
23. How is the relationship of mother & father
Normal but some times tense
24. What diseases run in your family (mother & father)
Father is very sensitive towards cough & cold and mother has low blood pressure
Khobaib on 2014-09-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give your child
1. Calc Carb-30 (30c) 4 pills twice a day for 15 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
1. Calc Carb-30 (30c) 4 pills twice a day for 15 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Khobaib last decade
shouse_nsk last decade
Calc Carb-30c is being used since 01.10.2014. Now he recovered from cough, cold and fever, but as I mentioned in point No. 14 he sleeps very less, now a days he sleeps after 12 mid night and woke up at or before 7 while use to wake up crying and weeping 3 - 4 times in the night and always wanted to be in the hand of mother. He was aggressive but now become very aggressive.
Your kind advise is requested
Calc Carb-30c is being used since 01.10.2014. Now he recovered from cough, cold and fever, but as I mentioned in point No. 14 he sleeps very less, now a days he sleeps after 12 mid night and woke up at or before 7 while use to wake up crying and weeping 3 - 4 times in the night and always wanted to be in the hand of mother. He was aggressive but now become very aggressive.
Your kind advise is requested
Khobaib last decade
Pl stop Calc Carb-30
Pl give him
Chamomilla-30 6 pills twice a day for 10 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
Pl give him
Chamomilla-30 6 pills twice a day for 10 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Khobaib last decade
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