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Blue veins on face


I'm 27,F, unmarried.my weight-60. Five months back blue veins started appearing on my chin & cheeks. Somebody recommended me Graphite pentarkan, which contains-: Arsen alb 5x 25 mg,
Caust Hahn 3x 25 mg,
Graphites 3x 25 mg,
Sulphur4x 25 mg,
Mercurius solubilis Hahn 8x
25 mg.
After taking this medicine(2 tab 3 times a day.)for 1 month. I saw remarkable improvement, as my blue vein on face completely disappeared.
Remarkable improvement in complexion. Acne & scars completely disappeared. Blackheads& whiteheads vanished.Face started glowing.
But slowly itching on body started.
So I stopped the medicine.

After one month blue veins reappeared on face.these veins looks horrible on chin.skin became dull again.even makeup is not hiding these veins.
I am wondering which ingredient suited me, and which started itching.
I'm really depressed, really irritated.
I tried to post picture, but bcoz of some problem it's not posting it.

I have scanty periods.
A lot of hairfall, hair r rough & dry.
Skin rough & dry.
Blue veins r now appearing on body also.

As I'm 27, I'm planning to get married, but not before 4 months.
these veins on both sides of chin, forming beared look.at the moment I'm applying Eumosone M on face as there's little bit itching on blue veins area. Itching was also there on face before taking graphite pentarkan.

Pl recommend me some medicine, so that these veins disappear again& won't reappear again .

  M777777 on 2014-10-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Stop all medicines & take three doses of ARNICA MONT 200c (5 Pills each time) every six hourly just FOR ONE day.
Wait & watch and report after 10 days. Do not apply any creams or cosmatics. Avoid even the soap as much as you can.
daktersaab last decade
Thanks for quick reply.
I forget to mention my chin area is extremely dry & itchy.

I'm ordering arnica & reply u after 10 day. If arnica came in liquid form , should I take 5 drops, directly on tongue or add it in some water .
M777777 last decade
In case of liquid form take just two drops in a tablespoonful of water as each dose
daktersaab last decade
I took arnica . There is some improvement. Blue veins have become lighter. Though acne & hairfall is still there. Itching on face & head is still there.
M777777 last decade
continue for a few more days.
thanks for the feedback
daktersaab last decade
Hello sir,
Happy Diwali.

Should I wait for few more days. Or take another dose.
M777777 last decade
Happy Diwali to you also.

In case you feel that you are improving just do not repeat any medicine.

Otherwise let us know how are you?
daktersaab last decade
I saw little improvemet with in 4 to 5 days of taking medicine. Now no further improvement. Skin is extremely dry & lot of acne & hairfall too.
Skin is very much dry, is looks lifeless & lacks nourishment.
[message edited by M777777 on Tue, 21 Oct 2014 15:39:21 BST]
M777777 last decade
In such a case you please take two doses per day (morning & evening) KALI BROMATUM 30c ( 5 pills) each time for three days & let us know after 10 clear days after this course.
daktersaab last decade
Hello sir,

After taking kali bromatum my acne have compleletey dried.now after 8 clear days acne started to appear again. So do I have to take another dose of kali bromatum.
M777777 last decade
Please take one dose of SULPHUR 200c & no other medicine. Report after ten days. Mind you ONLY NE DOSE.
daktersaab last decade
Hello Sir,

I have 6c at home.can I take 6c , what's the dosage.
M777777 last decade
No please less than 200 will not work at all.Rather it may aggravate.
daktersaab last decade

I have bought sulphur 200c. How many drops do I have to take in 1 dose.
M777777 last decade
Three drops in a table spoonful water in a plastic or glass vessel
daktersaab last decade
Hello sir,
I took sulphur 200. But I didn't see any difference. Neither positive nor negative.
M777777 last decade
Fine now I suggest you to start taking CUPRUM MET. 30c twice a day morning & evening for a week & watch the change & let us know.
daktersaab last decade
Sorry it took long too reply,as I was busy. This is the present condition of my face.

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M777777 last decade

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