The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hormonal acne
Hey, i just joined this forum because of my hormonal acne problem. I would love to try the natural route of healing my problems. I'm a 26 year old female, i live in the Netherlands. I have been dealing with hormonal acne afterstopping the pill (3 years now) I was on the pill since i was 15,
because of menstrual discomfort (pain). I stopped before when i was 21, i felt better than ever. But i sadly started back up again and decided to quit again at the age of 23. This is when my problems
started with hormonal acne, also cysts on the buttocks and sometimes on the groin. i also gained a little weight, my body was alway naturally slim and now i'm a bit heavier. I started taking vitex 3 months ago which helps a bit.
Yoga and meditation also helped a lot. But i'm still not where i was before with my health (mentally and physically).
mostly starts around ovulation and in the second phase of my cycle. On the beginning of my cycle(during menstruation) my skin clears up for the most part. I usually get acne on my chin, jawline, neck and sometimes the cheeks as well.
I have acne that comes to a whitehead, but also acne which is deep and never comes to an head, and stays for weeks.
Probiotics seem to really help with the cysts i got on my body, and i hardly see them comming back. But sometimes they pop up again, so it's still in my system.
I filled in the form, i hope iit helps :-)
1) State your Age -Sex -Height-Weight-Job-Location?
26, female, 5.8 f, 66 kilograms ; 145.505093 pounds. Student- Netherlands-europe-city.
2) Explain in details the chief complaints?
Hormonal acne on jaw chin and sometimes on the cheeks and neck. Bad ovulation cramps, feeling sad and anxious, mad at that time. Feeling fatigue, i sometimes have cysts on the groin and on the buttocks.
3) What is the duration of illness?
For 3 years now, i never had acne before that during the pill or before i started the pill.
4) If you have Thyroid functioning complications, please explain?
I don't know if i have thyroid dysfunctioning. But i have sometimes the feeling if there is something stuck in my troath.
5) If you have blood sugar, do mention the clinical details?
6) Do you have digestion problem? Explain in details.
No, sometimes i do have loose stools but not frequent.
7) Do you face any problem in bowl movement? Any constipation symptoms?
See 6.
8) Do you feel thirsty? How many glasses of water you drink every day?
Yes, i feel thirsty. I drink 8 glasses of water or more.
9) Do you feel good in warm or cold or humid climate? Which climate aggravates your problem?
I feel better in a warmer climate, but it does aggravates my acne a lot more.
10) Do you have any stress? Explain in details.
Yes i do, but i tend to meditate and practise yoga or other sports which helps alot with stress and met.
11) Do you get normal sound sleep?
I try too, but i get more energy at night. So sometimes it's hard for my to go to bed early because of the energy burst. When i try to sleep i have usually hard time with getting to sleep because i feel cold, especially my hand and feet.
12) Explain in detail about your mood?
I do feel insecure and obsessed about my skin. When i workout or meditate i can control those feelings or habits better.
13) Any problem with you periods? (For females)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
my period lasts between 4 and 7 days, most of the time they are on time. Last time my cycle was shorter : 6 days less then usual. My cycle is normally 27 to 28 days long. My ovulation is especially painful and my emotions go all over the place at that time
My acne also tends to burst out during those days. And the second part of my cycle.
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
Excessive on the first days, then light bleeding for the rest of th days.
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
Often times thick, and sometimes first brown and then bright red.
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?
Yes the first 2 days.
14) Any past health history for which you would like to share the information?
I have allergies/asthma which gradually got better with age. I do have a blood disorder, which means i bleed heavier. (my blood clots less)
15) List all the medicine used / using for past / present health complaints?
I use vitex for 3 months now, and it helps a bit. i take omega3's and drink spearmint tea.
16) Do you exercise daily? Or any other physical activity.
Yes, most of the time yoga(ashtanga/vinyasa) and i practice dance hulahooping.
17) What is your Cholesterol level?
I don't know.
18) What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
I'm more savory person, i like cheese(which i don't eat often anymore), i like to eat all sorts of vegetables, pickles and olives.
19) How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
I think it's normal.
20) Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
I do sweat alot during exercise.
21) How much is your present blood pressure?
when it got tested is was on the low side.
22) Please give details about your food intake (breakfast-lunch-dinner)?
I like to eat oatmeal(with almond milk) fruits and seeds in the morning.
Lunch depends on how busy i am, but i usually eat bread with hummus of rice with vegetables. for dinner i eat a lot of vegetables, rice or quinoa, sweet potatoes
and two times a week i eat fish or poultry.
[message edited by Mary7 on Mon, 13 Oct 2014 18:54:05 BST]
Mary7 on 2014-10-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please answer the following questions.
1. List down around 10 adjectives describing the main positive and negative shades of your personality, behavior and thought process.
2. How do you feel any amelioration of your mental sufferings as soon as the flow begins?
3. Have you undergone a scan to know if you had cysts on your ovaries?
4. Which is your worst time of the day in general?
5. What is the color of the pimples / acne?
6. Do you prefer loose or tight clothing? Especially above the waist.
7. How is your love life? Are you satisfied with your love life? Or do you think it could have been better?
8. How often do you take alcohol? Do you like alcoholic beverages?
9.Do you have any unreasonable fears of heights, animals or closed spaces etc.
10. What thoughts race your mind when you try to sleep at night and are not able to sleep?
1. List down around 10 adjectives describing the main positive and negative shades of your personality, behavior and thought process.
2. How do you feel any amelioration of your mental sufferings as soon as the flow begins?
3. Have you undergone a scan to know if you had cysts on your ovaries?
4. Which is your worst time of the day in general?
5. What is the color of the pimples / acne?
6. Do you prefer loose or tight clothing? Especially above the waist.
7. How is your love life? Are you satisfied with your love life? Or do you think it could have been better?
8. How often do you take alcohol? Do you like alcoholic beverages?
9.Do you have any unreasonable fears of heights, animals or closed spaces etc.
10. What thoughts race your mind when you try to sleep at night and are not able to sleep?
♡ rishimba last decade
Thank you for your quick response. I will try my best to answer the questions.
(i think the questions are very accurate by the way for me) :-)
1. List down around 10 adjectives describing the main positive and negative shades of your personality, behavior and thought process.
Positive: Outgoing, caring, empathic, spiritual, thinker; love learning/reading, philosophical, faithful, creative and broad-minded.
Negative: sarcastic. flirtatious,impatient, nervous, jealous, moody, untidy, pedantic, silly(child like behaviour) and over emotional.
2. How do you feel any amelioration of your mental sufferings as soon as the flow begins?
I feel more happy, outgoing, sweet and caring toward my loved ones and myself. I almost feel liberated, it's hard to explain. But sometimes i feel like 'the flow'is my best time in the month (mentally).
3. Have you undergone a scan to know if you had cysts on your ovaries?
No i haven't they wanted me to go on birth control again for my problems.
4. Which is your worst time of the day in general?
I'm not really a morning person, i feel weak and tired in the morning. I feel like i have no energy or enthousiasm for the day. Which laters in the day changes around for the better.
5. What is the color of the pimples / acne?
Most of them are bright red with a white filled pus head, some of them never come to a head and are more pinkish red. i hade one cyst first it was pinkish red which turned blueish, purple - brown. before it began to fade.
6. Do you prefer loose or tight clothing? Especially above the waist.
it depends, i like loose clothing at home above the waist and sometimes i go out like that. but i do wear tighter tops when i feel good about myself.
7. How is your love life? Are you satisfied with your love life? Or do you think it could have been better?
Yeah it's getting better now, but i had a rough time with my partner(boyfriend). we live together now for two and a half years. we've been struggeling in the beginning with living together, Because we lived alone before that and we where used to doing are own thing. Now we are doing a better job at it. We had also some other problems which hurted me real bad, he lied to me and disrespected my trust. Now we are doing are best to make things better, and it really is getting better everyday. So i'm happy, but i'm also sometimes sad because of that experience.
8. How often do you take alcohol? Do you like alcoholic beverages?
I do like red wine, i was brought up in home where it was always part of dinner to drink 1 or 2 glasses of red wine. I don't do this anymore. Max 2 times a week.
9.Do you have any unreasonable fears of heights, animals or closed spaces etc.
It's kinda funny you ask this. Because i do, especially wasps and bees.. and a bit for other insects.I'm afraid to get stung(i'm pretty allergic to a stung) I find them really horrifying. Which i'm a bit ashamed of. I also dislike it to go in elevators(small space). When i was a child i was afraid for small toilet spaces.
10. What thoughts race your mind when you try to sleep at night and are not able to sleep?
Sometimes i worry about the future or loved ones(like family) who are ill. I have also a tendency to feel alone when i go to sleep. Sometimes i do like the feeling of being alone. I also tend to have bad dreams from time to time, about people being disconnected and hurting other people or the wars that are going on in the world.
I'm sorry if i typed too much, i just answered what popped up in my head :-)
[message edited by Mary7 on Tue, 14 Oct 2014 12:35:22 BST]
(i think the questions are very accurate by the way for me) :-)
1. List down around 10 adjectives describing the main positive and negative shades of your personality, behavior and thought process.
Positive: Outgoing, caring, empathic, spiritual, thinker; love learning/reading, philosophical, faithful, creative and broad-minded.
Negative: sarcastic. flirtatious,impatient, nervous, jealous, moody, untidy, pedantic, silly(child like behaviour) and over emotional.
2. How do you feel any amelioration of your mental sufferings as soon as the flow begins?
I feel more happy, outgoing, sweet and caring toward my loved ones and myself. I almost feel liberated, it's hard to explain. But sometimes i feel like 'the flow'is my best time in the month (mentally).
3. Have you undergone a scan to know if you had cysts on your ovaries?
No i haven't they wanted me to go on birth control again for my problems.
4. Which is your worst time of the day in general?
I'm not really a morning person, i feel weak and tired in the morning. I feel like i have no energy or enthousiasm for the day. Which laters in the day changes around for the better.
5. What is the color of the pimples / acne?
Most of them are bright red with a white filled pus head, some of them never come to a head and are more pinkish red. i hade one cyst first it was pinkish red which turned blueish, purple - brown. before it began to fade.
6. Do you prefer loose or tight clothing? Especially above the waist.
it depends, i like loose clothing at home above the waist and sometimes i go out like that. but i do wear tighter tops when i feel good about myself.
7. How is your love life? Are you satisfied with your love life? Or do you think it could have been better?
Yeah it's getting better now, but i had a rough time with my partner(boyfriend). we live together now for two and a half years. we've been struggeling in the beginning with living together, Because we lived alone before that and we where used to doing are own thing. Now we are doing a better job at it. We had also some other problems which hurted me real bad, he lied to me and disrespected my trust. Now we are doing are best to make things better, and it really is getting better everyday. So i'm happy, but i'm also sometimes sad because of that experience.
8. How often do you take alcohol? Do you like alcoholic beverages?
I do like red wine, i was brought up in home where it was always part of dinner to drink 1 or 2 glasses of red wine. I don't do this anymore. Max 2 times a week.
9.Do you have any unreasonable fears of heights, animals or closed spaces etc.
It's kinda funny you ask this. Because i do, especially wasps and bees.. and a bit for other insects.I'm afraid to get stung(i'm pretty allergic to a stung) I find them really horrifying. Which i'm a bit ashamed of. I also dislike it to go in elevators(small space). When i was a child i was afraid for small toilet spaces.
10. What thoughts race your mind when you try to sleep at night and are not able to sleep?
Sometimes i worry about the future or loved ones(like family) who are ill. I have also a tendency to feel alone when i go to sleep. Sometimes i do like the feeling of being alone. I also tend to have bad dreams from time to time, about people being disconnected and hurting other people or the wars that are going on in the world.
I'm sorry if i typed too much, i just answered what popped up in my head :-)
[message edited by Mary7 on Tue, 14 Oct 2014 12:35:22 BST]
Mary7 last decade
Please take three doses of LACHESIS 30C, each dose 12 hours apart.
Wait and watch changes in your mental and physical states for the next 10 days. Come back here and share notes. Once we know you have responded to this remedy, we can decide on the long term treatment.
Take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth. One dose would be 3 drops in some 10 ml of water sipped up slowly. Don't take any food or water one hour before or after taking the dose.
The first thing you should look for is better sleep after few days of taking the doses.
Wait and watch changes in your mental and physical states for the next 10 days. Come back here and share notes. Once we know you have responded to this remedy, we can decide on the long term treatment.
Take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth. One dose would be 3 drops in some 10 ml of water sipped up slowly. Don't take any food or water one hour before or after taking the dose.
The first thing you should look for is better sleep after few days of taking the doses.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hey rishimba, i took it for two days now´2doses'. but i woke up today with an red eye. broken blood vessel i think... should i worry?
i do feel good, my sleep wasn't great. but overall i feel better.
i do feel good, my sleep wasn't great. but overall i feel better.
Mary7 last decade
Please don't worry. This remedy will take some days to show response.
Please report to me all changes you feel in yourself after 10 days.
I feel the remedy has acted and now you are on the way towards cure.
Please report to me all changes you feel in yourself after 10 days.
I feel the remedy has acted and now you are on the way towards cure.
♡ rishimba last decade
He rishimba
Here is a summary of the 10 days after Lachesis.
At first after the first dose i felt a bit dizzy, but this went away. The first couple of days after the 3 doses, my acne started to aggravate,, very much pimples because usually its much less, i also got my flow at the end of 27th day of my cycle, it was much worse then normal. I didnt feel much release. It lasted five days and was very red in colour, i started to speak up a lot. Going in alot of discussions and was also very emotional..
On the fifth to seventh day i slept better, i started to listen better/or more to others i also got more motivation in the morning to do my tasks and study and no more new acne and clearer skin. On the 8th day i had a very busy stressfull day, at the end of the day i got two new pimples; 1 on the neck and 1 on the cheek. I think is because of the stress.
On the 9th day my skin looked a lot more clear, old pimples where healed ecxept for the 2 new ones I started tot think even more positive and i was more active at my study and working on my future, but also enjoying the moment. On day 10 also no new pimples, and my skin looks it´s best in years. I´´m not totally pimple free yet, but it looks much better. Also the feeling of something stuck in my throat, is much less, it only returns when im really tired.
Im at the beginning of my cycle so i hope it lasts. Because in the second phase i usually get more acne. What will the rest of my therapy will look like? Or do you think im cured?
Here is a summary of the 10 days after Lachesis.
At first after the first dose i felt a bit dizzy, but this went away. The first couple of days after the 3 doses, my acne started to aggravate,, very much pimples because usually its much less, i also got my flow at the end of 27th day of my cycle, it was much worse then normal. I didnt feel much release. It lasted five days and was very red in colour, i started to speak up a lot. Going in alot of discussions and was also very emotional..
On the fifth to seventh day i slept better, i started to listen better/or more to others i also got more motivation in the morning to do my tasks and study and no more new acne and clearer skin. On the 8th day i had a very busy stressfull day, at the end of the day i got two new pimples; 1 on the neck and 1 on the cheek. I think is because of the stress.
On the 9th day my skin looked a lot more clear, old pimples where healed ecxept for the 2 new ones I started tot think even more positive and i was more active at my study and working on my future, but also enjoying the moment. On day 10 also no new pimples, and my skin looks it´s best in years. I´´m not totally pimple free yet, but it looks much better. Also the feeling of something stuck in my throat, is much less, it only returns when im really tired.
Im at the beginning of my cycle so i hope it lasts. Because in the second phase i usually get more acne. What will the rest of my therapy will look like? Or do you think im cured?
Mary7 last decade
Its certain that you are on your way towards cure and you are close.
You will feel and sleep better now. However, if you ever feel you are slipping back, just take another dose of Lachesis ( just one) and then the curing process will resume.
One dose once every month, not earlier. Take it for 2 or 3 months maximum only if symptoms return. Else, you will cure yourself gradually.
You will feel and sleep better now. However, if you ever feel you are slipping back, just take another dose of Lachesis ( just one) and then the curing process will resume.
One dose once every month, not earlier. Take it for 2 or 3 months maximum only if symptoms return. Else, you will cure yourself gradually.
♡ rishimba last decade
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