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Homeopathy in Saudi Arabia

I would appreciate someone could provide info on where to get homeopathy treatment/medicine in Mecca and Medina.

Thank You.
  rsaad on 2005-12-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Assalamu Alaikum,

if u r living in Mecca, in Jeddah one Doctor is living in Azzia near Lateef Market / Zohra Masjid. U can get appointment.
karina2006 last decade
Thank you so much
rsaad last decade
Assalamu Alaikum,

I am also desperately searching for homoeo doctors/pharmacies in the Dammam-Khobar-Dhahran area.

Can anyone please help me if the know of any Homoeopath or Homoeo pharmacy in this region of Saudi Arabia ?
khanf last decade
Contact DR.Rafatullah on 01-4054181 - Riyadh
iffi123 last decade
Thank You Very Much Iffi123.
khanf last decade
dear Assalamu

did you got any Homeopath or Homeo Pharmacy in Dammam-Khobar area.

It would be great help if you can provide info

abhicrm last decade
You cannot get any homeo pharmacy in Saudi Arabia it is prohibited. Any how you can find some doctors who are practicing and giving medicine from his own sources.
iffi123 last decade
I need contact no for appointment with hoeopathic doctor in aziziah jeddah
aamateen last decade
You can contact this number for advice;0500524586
Dr, Khaja Samiuddi last decade
Thanks for mentioning Dr's contact no. in Jeddah.
I also live in Azizia area but I never come across him.
sadeenadayaalu last decade
Any homeopathic doc in Dammam/Khobar????
Pls send me contact details.
ssshomeo last decade
There are many international pharmacies that will ship anywhere in the world. You can get homeopathic advice here, and get the remedies shipped to you anywhere.

Homeopathy International 1 last decade
I know this is an old post, but still, I am trying ti find a homeopath in jeddah. I called the number given in the above posts but he is in riyadh. So any body knows some homeopath in jeddah,please let me know. I am desperate due to my eczema.
kizersouzay last decade
if any help regarding homeopathy contact drjaisy 0508732905
drjaisy last decade

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