The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Qualified Homeopath in Pakistan. Need Suggestion.
Hi all,A very close friend need to see a qualified homeopath for various health issues. She resides in Karachi, Pakistan.
Although there are a ton of homeopaths available but at same time it is a big challenge to find a real expert there. She has been to many homeopaths to no avail.
Can any one recommend any practicing homeopath in Karachi, Pakistan?
Thanks for any suggestions.
endopatient on 2014-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Beyond the obvious qualifications, the chosen homeopath should meet these requirements and you can be confident that he is reasonably competent:
1. Use single remedy at a time
2. Disclose the name of the remedy
3. Do a detailed case taking
1. Use single remedy at a time
2. Disclose the name of the remedy
3. Do a detailed case taking
fitness last decade
The above is a link to Dr. Wequar Khan
an experienced homeopath from Karachi, but he
is now semi-retired in Miami.
Dr. Khan Worked with another experienced homeopath running a free clinic in Karachi besides
their own practice- His name is Dr. Sarfaraz Ahmed-both of them post a lot of useful info
on the HomeopathyWorldCommunity site.
I would connect with Dr. Khan on linked in
and he can give you Dr. Ahmeds contact info or
direct you to someone he thinks can cure your
The above is a link to Dr. Wequar Khan
an experienced homeopath from Karachi, but he
is now semi-retired in Miami.
Dr. Khan Worked with another experienced homeopath running a free clinic in Karachi besides
their own practice- His name is Dr. Sarfaraz Ahmed-both of them post a lot of useful info
on the HomeopathyWorldCommunity site.
I would connect with Dr. Khan on linked in
and he can give you Dr. Ahmeds contact info or
direct you to someone he thinks can cure your
♡ simone717 last decade
Thanks a lot Fitness and Simon for your replies.
I was out if station and could not check your replies.
I agree with what fitness has said. thats what i have read at various sites over the internet. But many times homeopaths do not follow classical homeopathy rule of one remedy. that what i experienced my self when in Pakistan. I have given this info to my friend there. SHe is still searching for a homeopath there.
Now as Simon has given a contact i will forward this to her. and hope for the good.
She is in desperate need. and due to lack of internet knowledge she has not placed her case at this forum.
Thanks again
Thanks a lot Fitness and Simon for your replies.
I was out if station and could not check your replies.
I agree with what fitness has said. thats what i have read at various sites over the internet. But many times homeopaths do not follow classical homeopathy rule of one remedy. that what i experienced my self when in Pakistan. I have given this info to my friend there. SHe is still searching for a homeopath there.
Now as Simon has given a contact i will forward this to her. and hope for the good.
She is in desperate need. and due to lack of internet knowledge she has not placed her case at this forum.
Thanks again
endopatient last decade
Dr. Khan and Dr. Ahmed practice classical homeopathy-I am sure she will get a good person
if she connects with Dr. Khan.
if she connects with Dr. Khan.
♡ simone717 last decade
Can you please suggest a good homeopath in Islamabad/pindi or Lahore as well? It would be of great service to a huge population which lives in punjab.
transcend last decade
I hope, your friend found a good homoeopath in Karachi.
If not I would suggest Dr. Ahmad. He is a classical homoeopath and very experienced. His full name is Dr. Ahmad Fakir Muhammad. Please google with his name in the search box.
If not I would suggest Dr. Ahmad. He is a classical homoeopath and very experienced. His full name is Dr. Ahmad Fakir Muhammad. Please google with his name in the search box.
Ghazi last decade
Just found Dr. Ahmad's contact details:
Dr. Ahmad Fakir Muhammad
Aram Bagh Road
[message edited by Ghazi on Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:36:42 GMT]
Dr. Ahmad Fakir Muhammad
Aram Bagh Road
[message edited by Ghazi on Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:36:42 GMT]
Ghazi last decade
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