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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Toddler with very dry skin and eczema

Could anyone, please, give an advice about my toddler daughter?

Her skin is rough and dry since she was born.
She used to have eczema that was very itchy (especially at evening and night). It was dry eczema,no liquid and no cracks. Just red and itchy. It started when she was year old on her neck first the went up to the scalp, behind ears, around eyes, cheeks...and then down to arms and behind knees. At the worse stage she was covered almost from head to toe with eczema and she cried a lot because it itched so bad.

Eczema is now under control, because some excellent natural shampoo/body wash by company called Keys. She still has eczema, but in very light form.
Her is still very dry and her hair is still dry and rough. If I put any (natural) cream on he face, certain areas get bright red (around eyes, spots on her cheeks, neck..).

Lately she became cranky and complaining about everything. She says things like clothes are hurting her. I can not say if she feels itchy or it is hurting her. She hates clothes and socks and she is happiest when she is in her underwear. When weather is cold, her hands and feet will get cold, but she doesn't mind it.
I think her condition gets worse with cold weather.

Normal bowel movement.
Sleep interupted every night. She wakes up whinening and comes to my room. Other then that she sleeps well. Wakes up around 7 and gets up imediately.

About her:
She is almost 3 years old.
She has very white skin, light blonde hair and brown eyes.
She was breastfed for 2 full years.
She is a happy child, loves to smile and laugh. Hets very excited easily.
She is very sweet, cuddly and loving, but at the same time very dynamic and and gets into MANY troubles (doesn't obey well).
Independant, loves doing eveything he self, dislikes having help.
Loves to run, especially clothe-less and shoe-less outside.
She loves water and baths. Doesn't complain about water being too hot or too cold. BUT, she hates having wet spot on clothes and takes it off immediately. Cries if I don't let her.
She is in good health, eats well, even spicy and hot food.
Loves to drink water.

We got an advice long ago to use Sulphur 12c for three days (morning and evening), but her ezcema got worse. I haven't used anything else since.

Please, help her. Thank you!
  nikoletayu on 2014-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you. Before doing that, please click on my username to know about me.

Please answer the applicable questions below so that I may be able to select a remedy. Answer under the questions leaving them in place:

1. Age, weight, height
2. Physical appearance of the child e.g. thin, chubby, tall, short
3. Describe the nature of the child (shy, headstrong etc. give details)
4. Have the growth milestones (e.g. teething, standing, walking, talking etc. )achieved early, on time or late
5. What are the symptoms of the health problem
6. What makes the problem better without using medicines
7. What makes the problem worse without using medicines
8. How is the child behaving emotionally during this problem
9. How long the problem has been there
10. What is the reason of the problem in mother’s view
11. How is the child’s thirst & appetite
12. What does the child like to eat
13. What does the child dislike in food
14. Is there any strong preference of taste e.g. sweet, salty, sour, bitter
15. How is the stool & urine
16. How is the child’s sleep
17. What is the child afraid of (animals, insects, darkness, alone etc.)
18. Where does the child sweat normally
19. How much does the child sweat (little, moderate, a lot)
20. Any problems with nose, throat, ears, chest
21. Is the child normally cold or hot
22. Was it a planned pregnancy, if not, how did you feel on finding about it
23. How was the pregnancy of the mother (morning sickness, bleeding, happy, sad, tense etc)
24. How is the relationship of mother & father
25. What diseases run in your family (mother & father)
fitness last decade
Thank you!

1. She will be 3 yeas old in one month (Dec 15)
2. Average, maybe slightly lager for her age. Not chubby, but strong built.
4. Shy around new children and new adults, but very forward at home. Dynamic, energetic, cheerful,always smiles. Also loves to cuddle and is very gentle when cuddling. Very emphatic.
4. On time milestones.
5. Very dry skin, often itchy. I think this is the cause of he eczema.
6. Just lotions make it temporarily better.
7. Cold weather, maybe clothes, scratching
8. Dy skin makes her irritated. She scratches, often to bleeding, then cries because it burns/hurts. When not itchy, she is happy.
9. Born with dry skin. Eczema started on her neck after 1th birthday, when I introduced cow's milk. Then I have stopped milk for many months, but eczema got worse and spread to whole body (neck, scalp, face, around eyes, inside of elbows, wrists, behind knees, belly,and on the back at the end). At that stage she couldn't sleep because it itched sooo badly, cried all the time.
10. I don't know, genes?
11. Loves water, good thirst. Good appetite too.
12. We cook healthy food, no junk food or snacks. She eats almost everything. Loves meat! Sweets too and she likes to sneak and eat flour and dough when I make bread(don't know why)
13. Nothing particular.
14. Loves sweet. Likes salty.
15. Stool and urine normal.
16. As baby slept all the time. Loves to sleep still,just lately resists to to bed. Wakes up once every night, whines and comes to my bed. Wakes up around 7, and has nap around noon.
17. Lately scared of darkness
18-19. She doesn't sweat much. Most often head while sleeping.
20. No problems. Once (around 1th birthday she had pneumonia).
21. She said she feels hot, so takes off clothes. But her hands and feet can be cold than and she doesn't feel it.
22. Unplanned pregnancy. I was a bit disappointed when found out that I was pregnant because, I just stopped nursing my first daughter and wanted to start anti-anxiety pills, but I couldn't because got pregnant. Soon I became happy that I am pregnant, though.
23. Beautiful pregnancy, no problems at all. At the end had severe pain in my belly from lifting my older daughter. Good but long baby delivery.
24. Mother in father married for 5 years, in love. Problem for years because my libido is higher then his.
26. I have ezcema only on my hands since I was 13 years old. Normal skin on the rest of my body. My family is without serious diseases. My sister had eczema since 4 years old. She also has dry skin.
My husband is healthy. There is high blood pressure in his family, blood clothing disorder, tumors, digestive problems.

Do you need any photos?
Thank you!
nikoletayu last decade
I actually made a suggestion for your daughter on the other thread where you first mentioned her symptoms.

I will repost the advice here so we can keep everything together in one place.

I had a look over the symptoms you have given for your daughter, and there is a remedy I might suggest could help.

Naked, wants to be
Complaining, of imaginary injury
Runs about
Runs about naked

This leads me to think she could need Hyoscamus niger as a remedy. Sulphur is certainly a strong contender as well, found in many (but not all) of these symptoms - the love of bathing would be a contraindication in my opinion.

These kinds of eczema cases can be very difficult because of the suppression, which makes the probability of an aggravation of the skin condition extremely high. Aggravation is a normal part of the curative process for homoeopathy, and when there has been suppression of a skin condition (such as is happening with this soap product) you will see an oversensitivity or overreactivity of the skin.

The continued use of the soap may also create an obstacle to cure. This is often a difficult situation to manage.

A single dose of Hyoscamus 30c given in liquid form could be tried. This may then be followed in a week with Hyoscamus LM1 given in a daily dose DEPENDING on the reaction to 30c.

If you instead have pillules or pellets, you will need a small bottle and a dropper to make your own liquid dose. Mix water and alcohol into this small bottle to the ratio of 5:1. Dissolve 3 pillules/pellets into this bottle. All doses will be made from this bottle.

If you already have a liquid dose just start from step 1.

1. Hit the bottle 5 times firmly against the palm of the hand

2. Place 3 drops into 100mls of clean fresh water

3. Stir very thoroughly

4. Take 2 teaspoons out into the mouth and hold for 20 seconds, then swallow.

If any old symptoms reappear, or any current symptoms worsen, this is a GOOD sign in most cases. DO NOT SUPPRESS them with other kinds of medication unless you are in real danger (which is a highly unlikely reaction to a remedy).
Evocationer last decade
Hyoscamus niger sounds just like the right cure for her! I wanted to buy liquid, but all I could find is 30c in pallets. So I will have to dissolve it in water. Is 4oz bottle ok?

Then I should wait for her reaction for her reaction for a week or longer?

Also, what is good to give to my girls (3 and 4 years old) for growth pain? usually their knees hurt or legs on other spot.

Thank you!
[message edited by nikoletayu on Mon, 17 Nov 2014 19:18:16 GMT]
nikoletayu last decade
The bottle should be small - 15-25mls usually.

Wait one week to see what the 30c does first, then we can decide how to proceed.

Growing pains respond to different remedies, based on the other symptoms in the case. Homoeopathy doesn't work very well when applied on a 'this for that' kind of principle. The whole case determines the remedy, rather than just one part of it.
Evocationer last decade
I understand. I was mislead by this article: http://www.kidsloveacupuncture.com/2013/03/12/treat-growing-...

I guess this pain doesn't necessarily be treated, I never took any medicine when I was growing up...
nikoletayu last decade
It should definitely be treated. Pain is a sign that something is wrong. If it is associated with growing, then there is some kind of issue that needs to be addressed there. The remedy will not just be Calc-phos though - there are hundreds of possibilities. Understanding the whole case allows us to treat at the deepest level, and deal with whatever obstacle the child is experiencing for a smooth transition.
Evocationer last decade
it has been a little longer then a week and here are the changes:
- her skin is worse, much worse. Neck and face are do dry (especially some patches) that she has been scathing her face to bleeding. I don't know what to do...Please advise me.
- the rest of her body is the same.
- her behavior did not change
nikoletayu last decade
bump to the top
simone717 last decade
bump up
simone717 last decade
How many doses did you give?

On or after which dose did you notice the aggravation of the skin?

Skin aggravation is often one of the reactions to a homoeopathic remedy, so in and of itself this is not a bad sign. It may be positive in the long run.

Has she developed any new symptoms of any sort?

How have you responded to the aggravation (what have you done)?
Evocationer last decade
Hi, I gave her only one dose.
No new symptoms.
I only put a little bit of homeopathic calendula ointment when it got really bad (didn't help much, though).
nikoletayu last decade
Is it only the skin that aggravated, not anything else (like behaviour)?
Evocationer last decade
Her behavior did not change. Here are the photos
nikoletayu last decade

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nikoletayu last decade

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nikoletayu last decade
Alright, I think it is the case that the suppression has made this case more reactive. You have the LM1 as well don't you? I think we should give her a single dose of that, in the same way you did the 30c. However, can you dilute the drops into 200mls of water instead.
Evocationer last decade
What is LM1? Is that Lycopodium 1m? Or something else?
nikoletayu last decade
Hi Nikoletayu,

You have hyosycamus niger in pellets that you made doses
with the 4 oz dropper bottle.

LM1 is a potency-
He wants you to order hyosycamus niger in the potency of LM1
and it is easier if you get it in liquid. You have to order this

You have to order from
Remedia Pharmacy in Austria. Order the liquid. Or else, ask
a homeopath there if they can sell you Hyosycamus LM1.

Helios- the other big pharmacy in Uk that ships worldwide does
not have this remedy in LM potencies. It will take around 10 days
to 2 weeks to receive this from Remedia.
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 16:21:26 GMT]
simone717 last decade
Thank you for your explanation. I will do my best to find this medication/cure.
nikoletayu last decade
Check above post again, I already
checked for you- only one place has
simone717 last decade
Thank you!
nikoletayu last decade
I am sorry, I thought you already had it for some reason.

Instead let's do this.

Repeat one dose of the remedy, but I want you to adjust the dose in the following way:

1. hit the bottle THREE times
2. place ONE drop into 250mls of water
3. Stir
4. Give ONE teaspoon to her.

Do this ONCE only.
Evocationer last decade
Thank God:) The item from
Europe is too expensive+the shipping.
I will do as you say and report.
Thank you!
nikoletayu last decade
Just a check:
15-25mls bottle is 15-15ml bottle, right?
new mixture that I am making now should be made out of previous mixture that I made, not the very first solution where I dissolved 3 pills in, right?
nikoletayu last decade

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