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Rash and White patches Page 4 of 4

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The plaque psorriasis has scabs and raised, her skin is smooth, the white patches seem like vitiligo or tinea, would the Apis 200c work better than the 30c, there is no change since stopping. The white patches look like problem with melanocytes
sunflower99 last decade
use 30c. take about 200ml of normal drinking water at room temperature(some times in drinking bleaching powder is mixed . if bleaching powder is mixed do not use that water use mineral water) water in a a clean and airtight bottle add 5-8 pills(or 2-4 drop )of medicine in the bottle close the cap of bottle and shake the bottle till the pills dissolve(or in case of drops shake the bottle for little time).Take half of this water twice a day for a week and let me know the improvement.

take care
gaintrox last decade
rash is extremely dry today and very red and raised, visibly looks worse than ever
sunflower99 last decade
stop remedy for three days and observe that is any new rash appear.
gaintrox last decade
Rash has improved, not as red, and is very itchy today
sunflower99 last decade
ok, did any new rash appear?
gaintrox last decade
No Gaintrox
sunflower99 last decade
wait till new rash appear when new rash appear give her one dose of the medicine and tell her two wait for two days if new rash appear(after two days or in between two days) she have to take another dose or she have to wait till the new rash appear before taking the next dose. Do the dosing like this.

And order calendula Q(mother tincture of calendula ) in 5-10ml of water add 2-3 drops of calendula Q and apply the water with the help of a cotton over the rash once in a day daily .

continue the treatment like this for 15 days and let me know the observation.Also let me know if at any moment the symptoms worsen.

take care.
[message edited by gaintrox on Tue, 17 Feb 2015 06:19:18 GMT]
gaintrox last decade
how is the rashes now ?
gaintrox last decade
no change Gaintrox x
sunflower99 last decade
is there new rashes appeared ?
gaintrox last decade
no, same as last time
sunflower99 last decade
how she is feeling emotionally ?
gaintrox last decade
she is feeling very good emotionally Gaintrox
sunflower99 last decade

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