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Cat with mastitis

I have just picked up a mother cat (kittens were removed when mama stopped nursing them at about 6 weeks. As it turns out most likely due to mastitis).

Her teats are swollen and hard. What would be a good remedy to help resolve? By nature she is a very affectionate cat, quick to purr and is friendly with new people. She is thin aside from her belly/teat area which is swollen. She is vocal/crying (either pain from the mastitis and/or in heat and/or wanting to be let out of enclosure).

She most likely had (untreated?) cat 'flu at some stage as both her eyes are cloudy.

Would belladonna suit? Arnica? Calendula?
  SophieP on 2014-11-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
SophieP last decade
first give pulsatilla, then phytolacca.
[message edited by kadwa on Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:20:18 GMT]
kadwa last decade
These remedies (pulsatilla and phytolacca) and a few castor oil packs are working a treat. The mastitis swelling is almost completely gone. :)
SophieP last decade
there are many more remedies. the skill and love with which the remedies are administered also matter. well done.

chest; inflammation; mammae, mastitis: acet-ac achy acon(3) acon-l age-a alumn anath ant-t apis(3) arn(4) ars bell(4) bell-p(2) bry(4) bufo cact(3) cadm-s(3) calc(2) calc-s calen(2) camph(4) cann-s carb-an(3) carb-v(3) carbn-s(3) carc card-m(3) cham(3) cist(3) clem con(3) crot-h croto-t(3) cur diosp-k dulc echi-a ferr ferr-p fl-ac foll galeg graph(3) helon hep(4) kali-m kali-p lac-c(4) lach(3) laur lyc(3) med meli(2) merc(3) merc-i-f nat-p oci op petr phel(3) phos(4) phyt(4) pic-ac plan plb plb-i(3) puls(3) rhus-t sabad sabal sal-ac(3) samb sep(3) sil(4) sulph(4) trig-f-g(2) ust verat-v(3) verb x-ray
kadwa last decade
That is a lot of remedies. I recognise some of them, and will note and read up about the others for future reference.

Good news Emmee cat is doing fine now, the vet has given her the all clear and she will be able to have her spay surgery this week.

Thank you for your help Kadwaji :)
SophieP last decade

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