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Nightmare aggravation and tissue memory

Will homeopathic remedies go into the body tissues I.e. Fingernails so that when I bite my nails I am getting the remedies again, such that if I was extremely abusing& overusing remedies and getting severe and nightmare aggravation and then began to bite my fingernails or some hair got in my mouth for example during a time of distress I would get another dose of the remedy and then go back into that aggravation? Could this be stopped? Would the remedy then eternally grow into my body tissues or would it eventually quit? Would antidoting I.e with hairdye and finger polish help? Also has anyone ever spilled. Remedies into a carpet and then had the remedy awaken an aggravation this way?? What so you do-get rid of the carpet? Sunlight? Camphor spray? Or something else?
Thank you for advices in advance, I am really in desperate need of help!
  tarantamom on 2014-11-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can you tell us what exactly is your problem?
rishimba last decade
I took all sorts of remedies. I don't know what I was thinking!! I felt possessed and addicted and originally I was trying to get through medication withdrawals which were very severe(I am bipolar). It was not a good idea at all I am back on One of the meds now the others I stayed off and I feel better and glad for that but holy cow I feel like I am aggravating all the time. I used all 12 30 and 200 c potencies and dry doses what was I thinking :(
I made a mess of things and my family said I had personality disorder changing every day. Worst was at kali phos I attempted suicide at 30c twice I do not know why I repeated the dose, thuja my partner and I almost splitand it seemed like when things calmed down a little and we made love I was giving him the remedies and he took on the exact same personality change that I just had. And now it is very strange I have stopped doing this about 2 weeks ago just realise what was happening and it is still going on all the time weird aggravations starting and stopping even odd hallucinations. The kali phos feeling coming back is the worst and it is absolutely awful if I bite my nails or Otherwise accidentally ingest any of my own body tissues I.e, by crying and swallowing a tear. Like I make myself worse. My partner thinks he makes me worse too although I can't explain this other than I cook his food and maybe some molecules of my fingernails and ect have gotten in his food and the remedy is sort of echoing through, but that sounds sort of crazy!!!!! I drink a lot of coffee and that calms things down when I do but when it goes a while without coffee it all flares again. I have a son and for some reason he seems to be getting a really weird emotional reaction around me as well-he seems effected bywhatever aggravation I feel I'm moving through at whatever given time. It's awful!!! I want t to stop!!!! I have also ask said spilled some remedies a few places and I don't know if I need to just scrub really well or get rid of the carpet and ect or what. I'm scared of this going on forever. These are really not my symptoms and my family seems so out of touch, we have all been acting strange and these aggravations have almost split us all up a few times and I am so afraid.
tarantamom last decade
Can you please list out the remedies you have been using along with potency and frequency of repeatition.

[message edited by mani_jee on Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:07:11 GMT]
mani_jee last decade

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