The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Boring pain in back during fever
Hi, my daughter is ill with most likely a stomach flu. She has fever, nausea (vomiting yesterday but not today) and diarrhea. Mostly thirstless but will drink some. Also aversion to light. She is currently reclining in a recling chair with her whole body covered in a cotton blanket. She keeps pretty still. Not restless or tossing and turning a lot.Her odd complaints are that her whole body feels heavy and she just asked for a pillow to put behind her back because she feels pain in her spine. As though it is boring into the chair she says. Also that her spine feels curved and as though it could crumble. Very specific about "crumbling" and not breaking. Also says her eyes hurt and feel swollen but not sure if thats eyeballs or eyelids.
I would appreciate help on these specific symptoms. Ive given Nux Vomica 30c but didnt see improvement. Just one dose tho. Ive given a couple other remedies but she hasnt been too forthcoming about symptoms.
ruth45 on 2014-12-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
ruth45 last decade
yea, bell.
♡ kadwa last decade
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