The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Homeopathic medicines with herbal meds
Hi,Ive been wondering if homeopathic remedies can be taken with herbal/ayurvedic/unani(greko-Islamic) meds?
I have a list of health issues all primarily and probably related to gastrointestinal and liver problems and also mental fatigue etc. I am new to alternative med and I have as much faith in herbs and unani med as in homeopathy. I have started taking some meds from a Hakeem who is treating the stomach in the first stage.. Has given me several meds all herbal and no steroids or chemicals.
I want to take phosphorus 30. Can I take it now or maybe after the Hakeem sahib's course?
transcend on 2015-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I would still like to consult and treat with homeopathic meds for my chronic and severe behaviour issues (severe procrastination, preoccupied and distracted mind and possible dyslexia)
transcend last decade
Hi- it is best you wait till you are finished
with your course so that you know the effect
of what you are taking.
Then come back on here and list all the issues
you have going on, someone will take your case.In
chronic issues even homeopaths go to other homeopaths, bc it is almost impossible to be
a neutral observer of yourself.
Homeopathy looks at your totality- mental, physical, better and worse etc and finds
a remedy to match your unique set up. The body
will not allow a close match- it will increase
your life force to clear Everything--mental
and physical in a certain order ( see Herings
Law of Cure)
with your course so that you know the effect
of what you are taking.
Then come back on here and list all the issues
you have going on, someone will take your case.In
chronic issues even homeopaths go to other homeopaths, bc it is almost impossible to be
a neutral observer of yourself.
Homeopathy looks at your totality- mental, physical, better and worse etc and finds
a remedy to match your unique set up. The body
will not allow a close match- it will increase
your life force to clear Everything--mental
and physical in a certain order ( see Herings
Law of Cure)
♡ simone717 last decade
There is an important rule in homoeopathy - the Law of the Single Medicine. This rule states that only one medicine should be used at a time, and its effects assessed before moving on to another.
So while you could do what you ask, it would be against homoeopathic principles, and the results would be unpredictable (although generally negative).
Rather than using our medicines the wrong way, it would be better not to use them at all. Our medicines are far more powerful than herbs and when misused can result in side-effects that can last a very long time.
Find someone to guide you through the proper way to take homoeopathy.
So while you could do what you ask, it would be against homoeopathic principles, and the results would be unpredictable (although generally negative).
Rather than using our medicines the wrong way, it would be better not to use them at all. Our medicines are far more powerful than herbs and when misused can result in side-effects that can last a very long time.
Find someone to guide you through the proper way to take homoeopathy.
♡ Evocationer last decade
Dear Simone and Evocationer,
I appreciate your replies. I joined this forum couiple of months ago and did not know who to trust just like the homeopaths here in Islamabad. However, I have looked around in the forum and have really come to respect and appreciate some doctors especially Evocationer, Dr kadwa and Simone. However since I have already started a course of unani meds, I would rather finish that first and then come back for a constitutional and symptomatic remedy for the gastrointestinal, nerves and psychological issues. I would hope that you guys would be around on the forum in a month or two!
God bless you all
I appreciate your replies. I joined this forum couiple of months ago and did not know who to trust just like the homeopaths here in Islamabad. However, I have looked around in the forum and have really come to respect and appreciate some doctors especially Evocationer, Dr kadwa and Simone. However since I have already started a course of unani meds, I would rather finish that first and then come back for a constitutional and symptomatic remedy for the gastrointestinal, nerves and psychological issues. I would hope that you guys would be around on the forum in a month or two!
God bless you all
transcend last decade
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