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dog's abscess (kadwa, simone717)


please refer to above link for previous prescriptions.

after that i did my own research and gave him 3 doses of tarentula cubensis 200c. after 2 days he didn't showed any improvement. his anal glands got swollen further. he is passing urine in small quantities 2-3 times with weak stream. at night he was trembling and was little warm. so i gave him 3 doses in 2 days of arsenicum album 200c and myristica 200c for drainage. after that he vomited transparent yellowish liquid. i had stopped ars. alb 200c.
his abscess is not draining and urine problem is still there. he is low on energy.

his gums of front teeth have turned black.
[message edited by ceaser on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 18:37:38 GMT]
  ceaser on 2015-01-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him Staphysagria 200 twice a day for 3 days. Please give Thuja 200 twice a day for 4 days thereafter and see how that affects.
kadwa last decade
thank you very much for replying to my post.

i did not updated my last post, so here it is.

after 23 jan he was vomiting once a day. his vomit was brownish, yellow and white. he lost his appetite too.
so on 26 jan i gave him nux vom 200c to antidote ars alb 200c 2 doses which gave some relief but did not stop his vomit so i gave him 1 more dose next day and also gave him ferrum phos 200c 1 dose on 27 jan and 1 dose on 28 jan
he did not vomit for past 44 hrs and his appetite is getting back to normal.
he is constipated for 9-10 days so i gave him alumina 200c 1 dose on 27 and 28 jan but did not relieve him till now.
this morning there was a drop of light greenish snot on his nose.

the swelling of his anal gland has increased in past 10 days. the area of his anal glands are red colored with black color.

i did not read this post till now, so i haven't started the prescription yet.
after the above update should i start your above prescription
[message edited by ceaser on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 17:17:06 GMT]
[message edited by ceaser on Thu, 29 Jan 2015 05:09:01 GMT]
ceaser last decade
Please start with the prescription.
kadwa last decade
dear kadwa,
because of the swelling of his anal glands he is not able to pass stool for 13 days now.

can you suggest any remedy that will soften his stool and make it thin so he could pass stool easily.

and i have started your prescrition
ceaser last decade

Kadwa is not on here every day-
you might want to try to ask this online
of a vet.http://indianvets4u.com/
simone717 last decade
Please give him Sulphur 30 in the morning and Nux Vomica 30 in the evening for 7 days. If nothing works you may give him few drops of castor oil.
kadwa last decade
dear kadwa,
i have started him on sulphur 30 and nux vom 30.

the last dose of thuja 200 was given on 2nd feb. on that day few drops of blood come out from his abscess. on 3rd and 4th there was few drops of blood came out every couple of hours. the swelling of the visible part of the abscess has not reduced. the area of the anal glands was red 2 days ago but now the redness has reduced and slight blackness has appeared.
He licks his blood would it cause infection in him.????
[message edited by ceaser on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 04:37:24 GMT]
ceaser last decade
Please continue with Sulph and Nux.
kadwa last decade
dear kadwa,
my dog passed very small quantity of thin watery stool yesterday and the blood discharge has reduced. the swelling has reduced may be 10% compared to 5 days ago but is still pretty large. the color of the anal gland is light red and little black. the black color on gums has not reduced.
[message edited by ceaser on Sun, 08 Feb 2015 07:58:10 GMT]
ceaser last decade
Please continue with Sulph 30, Nux 30 for another 7 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
dear kadwa,
today is the 7th day of sulph and nux vom.
the blood discharge has reduced further.
the discharge has blood and white transparent liquid.

the swelling has not reduced in 5 days. swelling is pretty big.

he has been passing small quantities of stool once or twice a day for 6-7 days.
the anal gland area color has turned blackish and redness is gone
ceaser last decade
Please give him Belladonna 30 twice a day for 5 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
dear kadwa,
its been 2 days since the last dose of belladonna was given.

the swelling of the anal gland area has not reduced. the discharge has reduced. the discharge is mostly blood and there were couple of drops of transparent yellow liquid.
the color of the area is blackish.

when thuja and staph was given it helped with the abscess to drain and after few days the swelling was reduced little bit.

can those remedies be administered again???
if not please suggest some other remedies
[message edited by ceaser on Sun, 22 Feb 2015 19:22:25 GMT]
ceaser last decade
Yes, staph and thuja may be given again.
kadwa last decade
dear kadwa,
staph 200 and thuja 200 were given as per the previous schedule. its been 3 days since the last dose and the discharge started again. there is 10-15 drops of discharge in a day. the discharge was bloody. but the stool became harder so as per your previous suggestion, i started him on sulph 30 and nux vom 30 2 days ago.
the area of the anal gland is black in color. the blackness has reduced after giving him staph and thuja.

can you suggest any remedy that would accelerate the discharge process????
[message edited by ceaser on Sun, 01 Mar 2015 16:19:31 GMT]
ceaser last decade
it's been 6 days since the last dose of thuja.
i only gave him sulph and nux vom for 3 days. he is passing stool now.
the blackness of the anal glands area has increased.
the swelling has reduced by 5%(total of 15% in 1 month) but the anal sacs has not reduced.

can you suggest any remedy that would accelerate the discharge process????
or should i repeat thuja 200 and staph 200???
ceaser last decade
You know the remedies and their respective actions on your pet. You should take decision making your own assessments.
kadwa last decade
dear kadwa,
i was just asking.
your remedies are doing positive actions on my pet.
please he would get worse without your guidance.
please guide me furthur
[message edited by ceaser on Thu, 05 Mar 2015 07:58:20 GMT]
ceaser last decade
dear kadwa,
it's been 10 days since the last dose of thuja was given. the discharge has stopped. the area of the anal gland is blackish. he is passing soft stool.
please suggest some remedies.

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ceaser last decade
this was his condition before starting your treatment.
Clearly there is an improvement.
[message edited by ceaser on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 08:12:17 GMT]

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ceaser last decade

i am here to respond to your queries. You know well which remedies caused which relief. You should repeat the remedy for the same condition on need. You may write down here the details of dosing for my review. There is no need to give anything if he is doing well. Thuja, Staph, Nux and Sulph should be remembered always whenever there is any need to intervene.
kadwa last decade
Thank you dr kadwa for your straight forward reply.
i wanted to ask after how long or when should i repeat remedies without causing aggravation?
can you please suggest any remedy that follows thuja and staph well that would accelerate the drainage process of his abscess???

there are no new symptoms.
does silicea resembles his condition??
can silica be given to accelerate the discharge process?? if yes then which potency??
[message edited by ceaser on Fri, 20 Mar 2015 09:21:20 GMT]
ceaser last decade
dear dr. kadwa,
i gave my dog thuja and staph course after every 7-10 days in the past 50 days. His swelling has reduced but is still pretty big.
he was unable to pass stool so i gave him sulph and nux for 4 days. He is still unable to pass stool. In the past few days his appetite has lowered quite a bit.
It seems like he feels weakness to push stool out. he tries to push stool out for a long time
[message edited by ceaser on Mon, 13 Apr 2015 20:39:40 BST]
ceaser 9 years ago
dear dr kadwa,

for the last 3 weeks thuja and staph did not produce any result. He is constipated for 20 days now. He passed very little pieces stool in the past 20 days. His stool are not dry, it is greenish in color. It seems like he feels weakness to push stool out. His urine stream is weak too. His energy is low. I gave him sulph and nux for 14 days, it did not have any effect

PLEASE suggest some remedy.
[message edited by ceaser on Sun, 17 May 2015 19:21:12 UTC]
ceaser 9 years ago

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