The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Infant pneumonia
My one year old had pneumonia about a month ago and was put on amoxicillin which he had a reaction to. He was then put on a different antibiotic and seemed to be better. For the last week he has developed the same symptoms he had initially with pneumonia. I don't want him to be on antibiotics again, please help.His symptoms:
- vomiting at night
- red cheeks
- hot feet
-occasional wheezing and coughing
- whinning and very clingy
Pinkie77 on 2015-02-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In this case you can be playing with fire, you should take
him to the dr. and if he needs antibiotics then do that.
You can still get a homeopathic remedy for him, but
on some things you have to take action asap. I had
a homeopath MD who had no problem telling me to go
to the pediatric MD in certain situations.
him to the dr. and if he needs antibiotics then do that.
You can still get a homeopathic remedy for him, but
on some things you have to take action asap. I had
a homeopath MD who had no problem telling me to go
to the pediatric MD in certain situations.
♡ simone717 last decade
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