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Liver - possibly gallbladder stones

Hi There,
I am hoping that someone might be able to help me. I have been suffering from pain on my right hand side under ribs. It is a dull pain, but it can get intense. It worsens with different things. Like if I eat heavy fatty foods. But the pain in intermittent (not always there.) I have tried milk thistle, but it actually makes it hurt worse. I have been told that I did have some stones, but at the time, I was not complaining of pain. Also, my ALT liver enzymes were a bit elevated when I did a blood test. I tend to get very angry/irritable easily.

Foods that aggregate it are - Avocados, milk, chips, french fries.

Also _----
I have these bumps at the base of my eyelids (near eyelashes.) The best way that I can describe them is clogged oil ducts. It is almost like a a little vein that is clogged in shape.
It is mostly on my upper lids both eyes, but I do have on my lower lid left eye.

They start off as kind of a stye but then they just harden - maybe a chalazion. I have multiple of them and I don't know what to do. I don't want to go to the doctors as there isn't much trust there and the thought of having them surgically removed is very difficult. They don't bother me much, but they are visible, which I don't like.

I have a history of PCOS and I believe that I have a thyroid problem though the doctors can't seem to pinpoint it with their tests. I have some swelling in my lower neck and behind my collar bones. My thyroid tends to run hyper...
[message edited by camendt on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 22:45:48 GMT]
[message edited by camendt on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 22:48:27 GMT]
  camendt on 2015-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please answer the following with as much detail as possible.

1 Name
2 Age
3 sex
4 Height and Weight
5 Main problem
6 Any other problem
7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure)
8.Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
10 quantity and quality of sleep with preffered position.
11 dreams if any.
12 Perspiration (how much and where)
13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.
14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any.
15 Describe yourself as a person.
16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
17 Family medical history (parents/ grand parents/brothers/sisters)
18 Treatment taken in the past.
19 present medication if any
20. any other information you would like to provide.
telescope last decade
1 Name: Claudia
2 Age : 40
3 sex : Female
4 Height and Weight : 5 feet 2 inches; 145
5 Main problem : PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Which seems to affect a lot. Because of it, I have elevated blood sugars, elevated testosterone, 45-60 menstrual cycles, and tend to gain my weight in my stomach area.

6 Any other problem : As I mentioned before lately, I have been having the problem with the pain in my right side (liver area) and the eyelid nodules. I also have a difficulty sleeping through the night (usually awake around 3 am.)
In addition, my thyroid seems to bounce back and forth from sluggish to hyper. I have had episodes of higher than normal thyroid (Free T4) circulating and low TSH.

7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure)
Movement seems to help things all around, but I tend to dislike exercising.

8.Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
I have a normal appetite for the most part. But from time to time, I will notice that it can get more sensitive. Like I can't go without a meal or eat late. I become very irritable and shaky
In those instances, I tend to eat super fast.

I tend to like sweets and crave them. The only other thing that I crave is usually coffee. I like the bitterness of it.

I am pretty flexible on what I eat. I tend to like most things.

9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
I like moderate climate. I don't do well in the heat (I feel sufficated in it and swell.)
But I don't do well in the cold either. I have to stay warm.

I prefer dry.

10 quantity and quality of sleep with preffered position.
I tend to awake at least 2 times at night usually around 3 and 4 am.
I prefer to sleep on my side (right side). I go to bed around 11 and awake by 6 am every weekday. On the weekend, I love to sleep in till about 9 am.

11 dreams if any.
Yes, I have very vivid dreams. They do not repeat, but sometimes, I can recall all of the details.

12 Perspiration (how much and where)
Hardly any. But I do tend to perspire when I talk. I perspire on my underarms and groin area.

13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.

Every other day and lately it has been dry and pellets.

14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any.
Dependent on the liquid intake. Slightly yellow and good amounts. I'd say at least 7 times per day.

15 Describe yourself as a person.
I am a wife and mother of two kids. I work in business environment.
I am a nice giving person, who likes to help others. I tend to worry about my health and money. I am possessive and jealous of what is mine. I love talking to others and to try to understand what makes them unique. I can be emotional and quick to anger. I am very loving and physically affectionate. I am hard on myself and can be critical of myself and others. I tend to be empathic and take on other people's stuff. I am spiritual. I am complicated. ;0)
I am looking for ways to better myself. I love learning new things. I get bored easily and need to keep myself learning new things. I love to read. I love to write. I like to draw and do artsy stuff. I can be impatient.

16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
I can be controlling, I am ambitious. I am sensitive. I have a strong personality. My mom would say that I am selfish. My dad would have said that I have a loving heart. I am protective of my things. I am smart.

17 Family medical history (parents/ grand parents/brothers/sisters)
Paternal GM - Died at 87 - had some heart issues.
Paternal GF - Died at around 50 from pneumonia
Maternal GM - Died around 75 - Cause unknown.
Maternal GF- Died around 70 - Cause unknown.

Father died at 60 from kidney failure and heart failure. Insulin resistance. Thyroid issues

Mother still alive age 70 - has type 2 diabetes other than very healthy.

Brother - Had a heart attack at age 38. But survived has stents.

Half/sister on dads side: PCOS, hypothyroidism.

18 Treatment taken in the past.
Just try to eat well. Doctors have tried to put me on birth control, but I don't tolerate it well. It makes me very emotional.
I've tried some herbs, but nothing really seems to work.
Ashwaganda - made me really sick.

19 present medication if any
Just vitamins - Calcium Magnesium and K2 - supplement.

20. any other information you would like to provide.
I have an awful memory. I don't remember much about my childhood. There is also a history of sexual abuse in my past, when I was young.
[message edited by camendt on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 17:06:47 GMT]
[message edited by camendt on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 17:18:06 GMT]
[message edited by camendt on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 18:26:01 GMT]
camendt last decade
Dear C,

You may wish to use the edit button, bottom
right on the post with your info and delete
or change the name to your poster name.

The poster names are specifically to protect
your identity and personal info that is
shared on the forum and if anyone googles
your name these posts will show up.
simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone. I did. Come to think of it, is there a way to change the username? I should have used something more anonymous.
camendt last decade

send an email to the moderator/forum owner-

Simon Broadley-

email is Simon At abchomeopathy dot com

ask him if he can fix it to what you want.


simone717 last decade
please take one dose sepia 200 and report after 3 days.
telescope last decade
Dear Telescope:

I don't have access to Sepia 200C. Local stores only have the 6C and 30C.
camendt last decade
OK. take 30 one dose.
telescope last decade
Dear C,

If you are in usa and do need 200c or other
remedies that may not be in stores you can
order off this site- top of the forum see
the Remedies Shop button. Usa stores usually
only carry common remedies and nothing over
a 30c.
simone717 last decade
Dear Telescope,
I took the sepia on Saturday. All seemed well

I slept we'll on sat night.
But had difficulty sleeping Sunday night (very light sleep) and lots of waking. I also had a feeling of fullness in my throat.
Monday night I slept well.
I did notice that my breasts felt a bit sore on Saturday.
My period is late again. Last menstruation was 12/30/14.

Facial hair is also a problem. I don't feel feminine. My face is really round though i am not too overweight. My facial features aren't soft and feminine I look very masculine. I guess because of the high testosterone. i also have these fat pads behind my shoulder and the clavicle area is really full. there is a fat pad present on my low back over sacrum. I feel like I always search for help around this time of my cycle. My back and neck get really tight too.
[message edited by camendt on Tue, 10 Feb 2015 16:17:45 GMT]
camendt last decade
did you take sepia30 or sepia200 ? please collect sulphur 30 also.
telescope last decade
i took sepia 30c .
camendt last decade
take another dose.
telescope last decade
So just a single dose of Sepia 30C, which is 5 pellets - correct?

What do I do with Sulphur 30?
camendt last decade
take sepia30 one dose 4 or 5 pellets. keep the sulphur ready for future use.
telescope last decade
Ok. I took it today. Please let me know when I should write back. Thank you!
camendt last decade
report after 2 days.
telescope last decade
Telescope, I don't know why but I have gnawing dull ache on my right side under my rib cage. I feel really sleepy and tired. The feeling extends to the midline under my breast bone. Is there anything that I can do for this?

camendt last decade
Hi Claudia,

Have you ever had this particular ache before? Let
Telescope know about this.
simone717 last decade
Hi Telescope I have had this pain before. I get it every once in a while. It is something that comes and goes. That was the original reason that I decided to write into the forum. But the pcos is the original reason for it. As my liver gets taxed because of the metabolic issues that comes from pcos.
[message edited by camendt on Wed, 11 Feb 2015 22:52:12 GMT]
camendt last decade
the aching is probably on account of gall bladder stones. the reason why these stones form is that the chemical composition of bile gets altered. medicine will set it right so that no more stones will form. the ones that are already there will go out via stool. you will feel discomfort when the stones pass through the bile duct. this may happen a few times before everything is back to normal.
telescope last decade
Is there anything that can be taken to aide in the process. The pain started at 1:30 am and hasn't gone away all day. It is now close to 4 pm.
camendt last decade
you can try nux vomica 30 or sulphur 30. take only one dose. sulphur will antidote sepia . it is however not good to interfere in this type of cases because it will delay or make a cure impossible do not use medicine if you can tolerate the pain
telescope last decade
Telescope, two days have gone by since I took sepia 30c. I have just been dealing with the right side pain. I didn't take anything else.

Can you tell me what the next steps are?

I didn't have pain yesterday, but today it has come back slightly.

camendt last decade
do you have the sepia 200? take one dose if you have it. if you dont have then repeat one dose sepia 30.
telescope last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.