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Brain fog and fear to talk

I am Bappy Ahmed, 24 years old, 5'7" long, 58kg weight. I like to stay alone most of my time. I do not talk too much, only when it is necessary. Currently I have noticed that I am facing severe mental and brain problem. I've searched over online and that was closely marched with the symptoms of brain fog. My major symptoms are,
1. Poor short term memory- I can't remember after talking, hearing something.
2. Difficulty learning new things
3. Poor mental stamina and concentration- can't concentrate reading book or speeches or doing something.
4. Difficulty finding the right word- when talking with someone about something, I can't continue my thought because I feel my brain is empty and nothing there. So I stop midle of my talking.
5. Thinking one word, but saying another- This is really embarrassed me, I know what is right but say opposite.
6. Feeling empty brain - Always feel there is nothing in my brain.
7. Can't make right decision - From childhood, I followed elders decision. Can't make decision in short time.
8. Fear to talk with others - I fear to talk others either elder or younger. I am stammering when talk to them.
9. Unable to use instant knowledge.

And more problem, I can't remember.

Last week, I went to attend a job interview and that was the worsted day. I could not even introduced myself properly. My hand was shaking, sound of voice down slow, I was stammering.
I feel, I need proper treatment. Plz help me.

One more thing, in my childhood I had stammering problem but now it is almost normal.

I was benefited some of problems about one year before. So I think this forum may help me again.

Thank You for reading my problems
Bappy Ahmed
  Bappy on 2015-02-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take a dose(4-6pills of BARYTA CARBONICA 200c once in a three days in empty stomach.Do not eat and drink any thing 15 min before and after taking medicine.

report back after one week of taking medicine.
take care.
[message edited by gaintrox on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:56:29 GMT]
gaintrox last decade
It will be easy to manage this medicine in liquid form. So, please give me instruction.
Bappy last decade
for one dose . in 100ml(one cup) of water add two drop of medicine and drink it.
gaintrox last decade
Hi, You have just described EXACTLY what I'm going through. I feel like I'm losing my mind at times. When I talk to people they try to hurry up and get away from me because I stop in the middle of a sentence trying to find the word to say but it won't come to mind.I lose things all day everyday around the house.I think it's from the chemtrails because I spend a lot of time outdoors.
cheries_world last decade
there are many causes of brain fog;

in case of outdoor activity it can can cause by long term physical and mental stress,fatigue.

In case of bappy it is because of lack of nutrients or a minor brain development problem or both.

but whatever the cause drinking proper amount of water daily ,daily exercises and walking or sitting in fresh oxygen rich air for a while daily , reduces these problem by a considerable level.

Whenever u talk to someone try to take slow and long breath during conversation and before starting conversation.
gaintrox last decade

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