The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Permanent solution for children allergic cough problem
My son is 6 years old and he always has cough severe through congestion and almost every month he has to take antibiotics.As per allopathy doctor he is having allergy and also for info we live in gulf country where the environment is dusty.
Please suggest some medicine to increase immunity to such problems.
ashu73 on 2015-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
children have low immunity that's why they get cold and cough frequently and easily than elder.
So, permanent solution is not possible (how much we increase the immunity they still are children ). he have to take medicine whenever he got these problem.Without any disease taking medicine daily only to increase immunity is not recommended . U can get help from here or u can contact a homeopath in ur town its ur choice whichever u prefer. but u have to report whenever he got sick before giving him medicine because selection of homeopathy medicine is depend on symptoms and symptoms may not be the same every time he got sick .So, it may be require to change medicine than previous one which was prescribe for previous time sickness .
Avoiding cold drink,ice creams, dust,etc are also recommended.
So, permanent solution is not possible (how much we increase the immunity they still are children ). he have to take medicine whenever he got these problem.Without any disease taking medicine daily only to increase immunity is not recommended . U can get help from here or u can contact a homeopath in ur town its ur choice whichever u prefer. but u have to report whenever he got sick before giving him medicine because selection of homeopathy medicine is depend on symptoms and symptoms may not be the same every time he got sick .So, it may be require to change medicine than previous one which was prescribe for previous time sickness .
Avoiding cold drink,ice creams, dust,etc are also recommended.
gaintrox last decade
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