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bartholin abscess - extreme pain


I am a 24 year old Female and I am experiencing my first Bartholin abscess. I'm ruling it as an abscess because I am in such severe pain I cannot walk, sit, stand or even lay down without screaming in agony and I also have the chills. Now that I think about it, I have had cysts in this area that were completely painless, and always went away, it was slightly soar but I attributed it to nothing and disregarded it. Finally these past couple days Ive seen the cyst or abscess grow large in size, and grow in horrible pain. I took 5 x 200 mg Advil ibuprofen and it is the first time I am able to stop crying in the past 2 hours. It started out swollen, was the size of a large grape, and is now the size of a ping pong ball. I notice people say they see it "come to a head" "white head", and then it finally ruptures. It has been about five days and it is still under skin, and no "head". I refuse to get it lanced, operated on, or go to a hospital. I have tried Phoebe's method 1 oz calamine, 1 tsp tea tree, 1 tsp witch hazel. I slept with it but it did not work, I woke up more swollen and it more pain, it burned me horrifically and caused great stinging pain. I have taken sitz baths with table salt and tea tree 2 x a day for the past 3 days. It relieves LITTLE swelling and pain, but does nothing. I tried a hot compress with a black tea bag underneath and it gave me again very little relief. Only the ibuprofen has helped. I usually am able to use tea tree oil on my genitals but it burned horribly this time. I also tried the potato method (one slice of potato inch thing over cyst.) I have seen silicea as a remedy which is what brings me here. I have also seen on this forum that silicea is not correct for some and that a mercuria one is right. I have seen this figured out by doing the questionnaire. Here is mine below. PLEASE HELP I CAN NO LONGER TAKE THIS PAIN, I AM TRAVELLING IN AUSTRALIA AND CANNOT AFFORD TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL.

1. Your appearance (gender, age, weight, height)

Female, 24, 145, 5'4

2. What are the symptoms of the problem
Chills, back ache, severe pain on right vulva majora
3. In your view, what caused this problem

A clogged duct

4. What non-medicinal action makes the problem better (e.g. warmth, cold, pressure, massage, lying down, standing etc. etc)

Warmth, lying down, PAINKILLERS

5. What non-medicinal action makes the problem worse (e.g. warmth, cold, pressure, massage, lying down, standing etc. etc)
cold, pressure , massage
6. How are you feeling emotionally during the problem (e.g. restless, calm, stubborn, weepy, want to be alone, fear of death etc)

Angry, mad, emotional, desperate, hopeless, weepy.

7. Are you feeling cold or warm


8. How is your level of energy


9. How is your thirst

Somewhat thirsty

10. Are your lips or mouth dry

11. Any strong like or dislike regarding food taste that has developed during this illness e.g. salty, sweet, sour, bitter etc

I have a lower appetite

12. Any strong like or dislike regarding food temperature that has developed during this illness e.g. cold, hot etc


13. Any other health issues that you have

14. What allopathic medicines are you taking


15. What homeopathic medicines have you taken in last 3 months (dates, dose, potency)


If you have fever during this illness, please answer these questions also:
1. Are you feeling cold or hot


2. Any shivering

3. Are you sweating or not


4. What makes you feel better e.g. covering up, in front of a heater, removing clothes

covering up

5. What makes you feel worse

being uncovered

6. Are your hands/feet cold

7. How is your thirst


If you have cough during this illness, please answer these questions also:

1. Is the cough dry or loose


2. What causes cough e.g. tickle in throat, nasal drip in throat etc.

nasal drip, tickle

3. What type of cough e.g. short, barking etc


4. If loose cough please tell:
• Phlegm color
• Phlegm type (e.g. sticky, lumpy, bloody etc.)

Yellow, and a bit chunky, not very small

5. Is chest congested e.g. rattling noise, wheezing breath


6. What makes the cough better e.g. drinking, eating, lying down, at night, sleeping, talking, running etc

lying down

7. What makes the cough worse e.g. drinking, eating, lying down, at night, sleeping, talking, running etc

  purplecat44 on 2015-02-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take SILICEA 30C once in 6 hours for 6 doses maximum.

Wait for a day and come back with the changes you observe.

Take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth. No food or water one hour before or after the dose.

One dose would be 3 drops of remedy in 10 ml of water.
rishimba last decade
The only silicea I could find is in the form of a capsule, it did say silicea on the package, and it is all I have for now because I am not sure where there is a homeopathic medicine shop around me
purplecat44 last decade
Does it say SILICEA 30C or 30?

If it doesn't say anything about the potency, its not a homeopathic remedy. You shouldn't take it then.

Look for a homeopathic shop in your town and order for SILICEA 30C and 200C remedies either in liquid or in pellet form.
rishimba last decade
It does not say 30c, and the abscess has grown larger and more painful this morning. I have looked online and the quickest that the boiron silicea 30c can arrive to me in in 2 weeks. I cannot wait that long, what should I do. I can no longer move from open leg position on bed, every position is painful.
purplecat44 last decade
Where are you in Australia?

There are places to get this.
simone717 last decade
I am in Reservoir, 20 minutes from Melbourne city center.
purplecat44 last decade
All of the health shops I have called only carry silicea 6c not the 30c
purplecat44 last decade
You can get the Silicea 6c.

You just take it more often.

Instead of 6 hours, do 3 hours- if only pills dissolve
the pills in the 10 ml of water.

Just start it up now, Rishimba
is in a different time zone.
[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 19 Feb 2015 02:51:45 GMT]
simone717 last decade
how many do I need to take every 3 hours?

can I still take it with painkillers?
purplecat44 last decade
Yes you can take the painkillers.

A dose is 3 pills, or if liquid 2 drops.
Dissolve in 2 tablespoons of water and hold
in your mouth for 20 seconds.

Every 3 hours take a dose.

Maximum is 12 doses or until you hear from
Rishimba otherwise-

I am posting bc he is not on and you need
to begin this now.
simone717 last decade
Does it matter if its 6x or 6c?

How long do you think it will be for me to feel relief, I am very scared. Never felt this level of pain. 1000 mg of ibuprofen is no longer helping much.
purplecat44 last decade
6x is too low. Can you get the 6c in the stores
near you or not?

And Yes it should drain the cyst.
simone717 last decade
I found the 6c, how many hours will I feel relief. My boyfriend is very scared and wants to take me to hospital but I am refusing.
purplecat44 last decade
The store near me has 6c, but I'm wondering if you know how long until I feel a relief? It is becoming quite severe and my boyfriend wants to take me to hospital. I am not allowing him to. Will it drain internally or will it be an explosion of puss outside the skin.

Thank you so much for your help!!!
purplecat44 last decade
the man at the store just told me that 6x and 6c are the same, I don't believe it is. I do not know what to do.
purplecat44 last decade
They are not the same.

I would call this centre and
ask where to get the 30c.

simone717 last decade
I have just found the 30c Tablets! How many should I take? And every how many hours?
[message edited by purplecat44 on Thu, 19 Feb 2015 06:34:50 GMT]
purplecat44 last decade

Take 3 pills. put them into a water bottle
or whatever you have that has around 2 table
spoons of water in it. Let them dissolve.

Then drink that as a dose. Every 6 hours
do this again. Hold in mouth for 20 seconds
before swallowing. Do not eat or drink
15 minutes before or after.

Do not take more than 6 doses. I would sit
in a warm tub if you can-and if that
helps. You can take the painkillers but
don't take any other herbs or medicines.

Silica pushes things out- so I hope it drains
very soon.
simone717 last decade
I want to sit in tub but even with painkillers it is extremely painful to walk and sit up right. Also any bit of touching or any temperature changes in that area bring about pain.
purplecat44 last decade

I was thinking very lukewarm or tepid water-
but if it is too painful don't attempt it.
simone717 last decade

if things get worse, two other options,
I would go to the homeopathic centre I gave
you the link on- or talk on the phone. Or have
your partner buy a phone card ( $10 for 2 hours or
more) and call Lia Bello a nurse homeopath in
New Mexico-she has 25 years experience and does acute
things on the phone for $50 with follow ups.Since
she is a nurse she may be able to give you some
other advice on this.

After this is over I would suggest you work with
Rishimba on your overall state-a constitutional
simone717 last decade
I cannot move. The pain is so bad even when I breath the movement of my stomach causes it a stinging pain, I have just taken the silica 30 c with water about 30 minutes ago. I am praying it goes away. I cannot move at all only my hands, all other parts cause it so much pain. I am so scared, I cannot take the stinging anymore. :(
purplecat44 last decade
Ok- There is an After hours
Doctor care in Melbourne where
the Doctor comes to visit you-


I think the stinging is from all the "treatments"
you did that caused stinging etc, At the very
least you can get a lidocaine prescription that
will numb the area-

This is better than going to hospital emergency-

so call them if it is too much- and talk to them at

This forum is not set up to be a clinic in the first
place- it was set up to discuss healing with homeopathy or anything else. So it won't work well
at all for emergency.

I think you should call the Dr. line- and see
what they can do for you.

I am off line now.
simone717 last decade
I am still in severe pain, no sleep, just lots of yelling and crying. Extreme stinging pain, any slight movement triggers it. I took the dose at 6 pm, and again at 12, no changes yet. Was unable to make the walk to bathroom to get into tub. Cannot urinate, or release any bodily fluids without extreme stinging.
purplecat44 last decade
I would call the homeopathycentre as soon
as they open- and try to work with someone
on the phone.
Or call Lia Bello in New Mexico and work with
her on the phone. You can buy a calling card
to usa like I said for $10 bucks to do this.

You need more help and guidance here from
simone717 last decade

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