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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have been experiencing tinnitus for the past couple of years. Looking back, I think I've always had this issue, but I've been noticing it lately and it is keeping me from sleep.

I went through a very emotional relationship break-up, which caused me many health issues such as weight loss, sleep depravation, depression, and an immune deficiency that allowed more common colds in to my system.

I'm slowly getting over all that now, but the tinnitus persists. I have seen an MD who found nothing wrong, as well as an ENT, who suggested a physical therapist because he thought my bite might be off.

I have chronic head/neck/shoulder and jaw pain that I used to see a chiropractor for regularaly, but I stopped going when I was in my depression. I have started going back to my chiropractor for regular adjustments, and that seems to help a little, but the ringing doesn't cease!

I bought CALCERA CARBONICA and CIMICFUGA RACEMOSA (both 30C) per a recommendation on this site, and I've been using them for a week. So far, those haven't helped, but I realize I should give them more time.

Do you have any other ideas?
  guestuser on 2005-12-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please wait if above medicine will fail then continue the following prescription for at least 3 month. This is generally due to sound pollution.

Arnica 200c daily two dose morning and evening
and Regularly send me followup of your disease because I know it is very difficult to cure permanently.
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thank you, Dr. Sharma. I appreciate your time.

I also would like to add that I suffer from dysmennoreah (severe cramping every-other-month, with less severe cramping, but still horrible pain the other months). In addition, I crave sweets and have been told that I may have a systemic yeast problem.

I'm not sure if these symptoms might change the diagnosis, but thought it might be related.

guestuser last decade

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