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decreased penis lenght and girth despite of handsome sexual urge

1.im a male 30 yr old suffering from regular decrease in my penis size both length and thickness... my desir to have sex is not affected having a strong desire of having sex
2. this all hapen within two yrs
3. i am government employee and married
4. reduction in size is accompanied with poor erection and premature ejaculation
5. rest everything is fine i-e no wetdreams, or involuntary discharge etc
plz docters help me as now my penis is 40 percent decreased in size (both lengh and thickness)
6. started affecting my private life very badly..plz Docters see into this and advise some homeo remedy thanku all
  mukaram on 2015-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please don't insult the intelligence of the people who prescribe here for various illnesses.

There is no known disease which can cause penis size to decrease. So instead of lying, you should state clearly that you want to increase the size of your penis, which by the way is impossible.
fitness last decade
Brother ur reply has further depressed me u took it wrongly i mean to say that since i m unable to achieve full hard erection therfor my penis size has gone small both in length and girth i m not lying plz try to understand my problem... Urg to have sex is handsome but i have very weak erction and it vanishs away even during intercourse plz help me
mukaram 9 years ago

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