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Quick erection & no more hardness of penis 8


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Penis erection problem and Quick erection & no more hardness of penis

Hi Doc,
I am 29 yrs unmarried male. i didnt smoke or drink. i had the habit of excessive masturbation but now its became low. I have made physical relationship with my partner than i realized that while doing sex, after the first ejaculation penis can not being hard. Though penis being hard after after anal , but when I am ready to intercourse then it back to normal position and i couldn't able to put the penis inside...
I am feeling very unhappy on me and suffering to tension.So please help me to cure my problem.
[message edited by bkcklm on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 18:53:43 GMT]
  bkcklm on 2015-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is no problem with you. At your age, its unlikely that you can have an erection soon after ejaculation.

Search the internet for "refractory period for men" for details.
fitness last decade

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