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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Bartholyn Cyst

I have had a golf ball size cyst for a little over a year now. I worked with a homeopath and tried multiple remedies but the cyst hasn't drained or reduced in size. The homeopath has suggested I go back to my doctor to get it drained as we have tried multiple options without any results.
  Luna21 on 2015-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What remedies were you given
for this?
simone717 last decade
thuja, silica 6x, silica 200c, lyc 30c,puls 30c.
Luna21 last decade

are you in usa?

If so I would call Lia Bello, nurse homeopath/teacher for 38 years. Google her, but her actual site is under construction.

She will work by phone and does acute issues for $50 with
follow ups-very easy to talk to. I recently advised two
people one from forum and another person to call her for
this problem ( they were in extreme pain)

I know one person had 6 doses of silica 30c and then it
drained and then they took Hepar Sulph to take care of
the discharge- plus echinacea and goldenseal drops.

She is very experienced with these Cysts- I would try
her and see what her advice is.

Lia Bello- NM- 505 474 4917
simone717 last decade
Thank you for the recommendation. I am trying Goldenseal roots now and silicea 30C. I will give it a few more days.
Luna21 last decade

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