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Recurring Bartholin Cysts

I started getting these in 2008 and had it lanced twice in once year. The next time I did not want to go through that pain and found the silicea method that worked great. Now it has been 2 years since the last time and here we go again. I tried silicea but nothing. Someone else said try sepia, but till it persists. It has been over two weeks now and it is bulging and painful. Any help would be appreciated.
  neshamarks on 2015-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What do you mean Silica method?
fitness last decade
I have taken silica in the past. 5 pellets 4 times a day and within 2 to 3 days it would burst and drain. The last time was October 2012. But this time it did not work.
neshamarks last decade
Which potency
fitness 9 years ago
neshamarks 9 years ago
Continue it till the cyst starts draining. You can use warm compresses for relief.

You will need constitutional treatment to get rid of it permanently.
fitness 9 years ago
I'm sorry if I'm a little dense, but what is a constitutional treatment?
neshamarks 9 years ago
Detailed & holistic treatment based on your personality & physical make up. Long term solution.
fitness 9 years ago
Hi Nesha,

If you are in usa,

I would call this nurse homeopath and get advice.
She helped another person on here who was out of
the country and doing the silica and in great distress.

38 years of experience as a nurse and homeopath, she
has seen a lot of these cases.

Hope it drains soon.

simone717 9 years ago

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