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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Possible aggravation or proving from belladona 30 and 200

Dear Uday,
My sister had dry cough for which she took belladona 30. After she took that, her body heated up like a furnace, we didnt understand that it is because of belladona and she continued taking the 30 c for 3 days and was so hot and burning that couldnt sleep at night. After that we realized and stopped the remedy and she started Belladona 200 and took that for a week or more. Since then she has been having low grade fever and body heat. Usually she gets fever but it stays around 98.6 but now its touching 99. Wondering if this is proving/aggravation from Belladona 30 and 200. She has stopped the remedy now but symptoms are continuing. How can she antidote Belladona?

  maggarwa on 2015-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Are you writing to Udaya?

He is on another forum and
this forum will not allow that
simone717 9 years ago

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