The ABC Homeopathy Forum
reflux in 2.5 week old - nat phos 6x?
Hello,my 2.5 week old has quite bad GERD. I went through it with my elder son as well who is now 20 months old. Little guy is vomiting every other meal probably and has to be held upright for almost an hour after every meal, and still sometimes vomits and/or spits up. He is breastfed exclusively, I have cut all dairy and cow protein from my diet. Do not want to start medicine - a homeopathic doctor here told me to give him Dioscorea 30ch for 7 days. I was researching forum and see many people trying nat phos 6x. Can you please advise if this is better?
kats35 on 2015-05-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Correct remedy prescription is based on symptoms,
what makes things better and worse etc.There are many, many
remedies for Gerd.
Nat phos 6x cell salt- is a different system.
Cell salts are taken for a short time and they
work on re-balancing the cells. Nat phos 6x is
known to reduce acidity.
Your child needs a prescription based on taking
his case in the proper manner. If a real homeopath gave
you that prescription, I hope he also advised that if
the child has a reaction, good or bad, then you stop
at that dose. Give more when symptoms are going backwards again.
Everyone reacts differently and reactions need to be
monitored to see if the direction of curing is right.
If you do not get results with that, then you could post
the case on here if you like.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 20 May 2015 18:39:19 UTC]
what makes things better and worse etc.There are many, many
remedies for Gerd.
Nat phos 6x cell salt- is a different system.
Cell salts are taken for a short time and they
work on re-balancing the cells. Nat phos 6x is
known to reduce acidity.
Your child needs a prescription based on taking
his case in the proper manner. If a real homeopath gave
you that prescription, I hope he also advised that if
the child has a reaction, good or bad, then you stop
at that dose. Give more when symptoms are going backwards again.
Everyone reacts differently and reactions need to be
monitored to see if the direction of curing is right.
If you do not get results with that, then you could post
the case on here if you like.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 20 May 2015 18:39:19 UTC]
♡ simone717 9 years ago
Nat-phos is unlikely to work used in that way (purely on the name of the condition) and in fact often makes the child worse, adding in new symptoms. It is not homoeopathy.
Would you like me to post a questionnaire designed for infants. There will be a number of questions there about you, as homoeopaths perceive a direct connection between the mother's state and the child's?
Would you like me to post a questionnaire designed for infants. There will be a number of questions there about you, as homoeopaths perceive a direct connection between the mother's state and the child's?
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
Dear Evocationer,
Yes that would be really helpful to post questionnaire so i can answer. Thanks a lot!
Yes that would be really helpful to post questionnaire so i can answer. Thanks a lot!
kats35 9 years ago
This patient has been trying
to get your attention for
quite some time now.
to get your attention for
quite some time now.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
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