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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema - Please Help!

Hello all,

I have had this terrible condition since I was 13 years old – I am now 24.
Recently, I stumbled upon homeopathy and have read that it has helped a lot of patients that suffered from eczema.
I want to stop using cortical steroids as I have read about the harmful effects of these suppressants on the body. It has been more than 3 weeks since I stopped using cortisone.

All the areas of my skin with folds are affected by eczema – elbows, front of elbows, wrists, knees, front of knees, feet, ears, forehead and neck. The itching I get is unbearable and end up scratching really intensely, tearing my skin. On the worst affected areas, it oozes a clear sticky fluid. It also seems to get worse during the winter months.

It has gotten really bad on my neck for the past couple of months. This is around the same time I had a flu jab. I didn’t realize the harmful effects of these jabs on the human body, until recently since I was introduced to homeopathy. Could the flu jab have exacerbated it more? Anyway to antidote the jab?

I started the treatment that has been suggested by the kind and helpful Mr Joe De Livera on this site - Arnica 30c to be taken twice daily as the water dose. I have been taking it for exactly 2 weeks now. In the first week, my skin showed some improvements – the itching had reduced, and the eczema reduced by about 30%. After the first week, there haven’t been any further significant improvements though. The Arnica helped me sleep for the first few nights (the first week) but not anymore. Mr. Joe, any suggestions please? I have made a new solution of the Arnica as I thought it might be contaminated/bad.

My hands and feet have recently been cold. This was never the case before, and my girlfriend has noticed this as well. Also this may not be related, but my right index finger has swollen up in the last 2 days.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
  stickyfingaz99 on 2006-01-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please take 2 doses of rhus tox 30, with an interval of 1 hour between each dose, then wait for the progress, sometimes it aggravates, if it do'nt worry.

dr.sajid mahmood
drsajid last decade
Thank you Dr. Sajid.

Should I take the Rhus Tox 30 and continue with the Arnica aswell?
stickyfingaz99 last decade
I have just read your post and am happy to note that the Arnica 30c you used which I believe you read according to the instructions that I gave on this forum has given you relief during the last 2 weeks.

Please note that it is not every patient who responds as some have done in under a week. You are advised to stop all other remedies and drugs and stay with the Arnica 30 in the water dose and you will hopefully be cured as so many have been cured by this remedy.

You do not have to make a new remedy bottle every day or week as the first one can be stored in a refrigerator and used for about 2 months at the rate of 2 teaspoonfuls daily.

Please note that in your case you may have to take the Arnica for a few more weeks to enable it to cure your condition. The flu jab would have also helped to make your condition worse that otherwise.

It is in your own interest to use the Arnica alone as other remedies may antidote the effect of the Arnica which you have used and discovered has worked, I presume even better than your other drugs and steroids you have used for presumably some years.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

Ok, I shall continue with the Arnica remedy alone. But do you know why I have not noticed any improvement for the past week?

A big thank you for your help!
stickyfingaz99 last decade
you can use only 1 remedy at a time.
dr.sajid mahmood
drsajid last decade
Hi Dr. Sajid,

Thank you for your help, but I shall continue with the Arnica treatment for a few more weeks as suggested by Joe.
stickyfingaz99 last decade
I hope that you remember to succuss the bottle containing the Arnica by banging it hard or twirling it in your hands as this action increases the potency of the remedy ever so slightly and helps you better.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

Yes, have been succussing the remedy everytime before having a teaspoon of it.

My eczema seems to have gotten worse in the past couple of days. Maybe it is because of the weather here as it has become colder. But I shall continue with the treatment as I understand my condition will get better after a longer period.

Thanks for the help, shall keep you updated with the progress!
stickyfingaz99 last decade
Try Sulphur 200, 2 pills a day for 3 days . wait a week and report.
new2town last decade
I cannot understand why the Arnica 30c therapy helped your eczema at first and does not help any more. I cannot believe that it is a sign of aggravation but this is not impossible. If so this is the first time that I have noticed this phenomenon.

I would like you to change the potency to 6c and take it in the same manner after you stop the present 30c for 3 days. This may perhaps help you better.

Please post response in a week after you start on the 6c.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

So should my condition have gotten better with the Arnica 30c remedy by now?

stickyfingaz99 last decade
Hi new2town,

Thank you for your suggestion...very much appreciated.

I shall try the method prescribed by Joe first before trying your suggestion.

In an above post, Dr. Sajid recommended Rhus Tox.
I have definately heard of Sulphur being used for skin ailments but hardly ever heard of Rhus Tox.

Just for my interest, do you have any comments about Rhus Tox use for eczema treatment? And may I ask why you suggested Sulphur?

Thank you very much! Awaiting your response.
stickyfingaz99 last decade
Dr. Sajid,

Welcome to your comments as well about the Rhus Tox suggestion.

Thank you.
stickyfingaz99 last decade

Does anybody have any comments about the above posts by me?

Any comments will be very much appreciated.

stickyfingaz99 last decade

Can someone please tell me what the characteristics of a Rhus Tox person are?

stickyfingaz99 last decade
As you may or may not know Rhus Toxicodendron is dervied from Poison Ivy. The effects of an outbreak from contact with poison ivy is very similar to eczema (red itchy skin) and it is not unreasonable to think a body's natural reaction to Poison Ivy may be good for helping ezcema. I would highly recommend taking rhus tox 30c up to 4 times a day for 2 days and then slowly reducing usage and observing. For people that Rhus Tox helps the effects are just short of amazing, but as with any homeopathic medicine everyone's body reacts differently. However definitely go into the treatment thinking it WILL work, the mind is very effective in the uptake. From my experience in prescribing and in dealing with eczema myself Rhus Tox has been a little known but very effective cure. It is definietley worth a try!
dubrobb last decade
BTW by *prescribing I mean recommending. I have no formal medical schooling.
dubrobb last decade

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